Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 3

Before Lacey and Zeke arrived home, Lacey received a call from her mother, Hannah. Before Lacey and Zeke arrived home, Lacey received a call from her mother, Hannah. "Lacey, are you trying to piss us off? Look what you've done today! You've brought so much disgrace upon our family. Your dad had a heart attack, and he's at Heartland Hospital now. Hurry over."


Thunderstruck, Lacey dropped her phone to the ground, her face paling.

She didn't think the incident today would be such a big blow to her father.

"Quick, to the hospital!" Lacey screamed her lungs out. "My dad had a heart attack."

"Hmm? Okay." Zeke made a sharp U-turn and drove toward the hospital.

Along the way, he made a call to Lone Wolf, who had picked him up at the airport previously. "Send me the Ammo Needle."

Zeke was ready to save his future father-in-law and leave a good impression.

Besides Great Marshal, he had another identity-Needle God!

He had created the Ammo Needle that had saved many lives, from generals to civilians.

A puny heart attack was a piece of cake to him.

On the other end of the line, Lone Wolf's eyes blazed. "After five years, the Needle God is finally making his move again! I wonder who's the man worthy of the Great Marshal to personally take action."

"Don't be such a snoop," Zeke continued. "Also, for the Grand Comeback Ceremony three days later, arrange for the Clemons family to be servants."

"Roger that," Lone Wolf replied.

After hanging up the phone, Zeke realized Lacey was looking at him strangely.

"What are you doing?" Lacey asked.

"I'll save your father myself," Zeke replied. "I've also arranged for Emily's family to be servants at the Grand Ceremony."

Lacey laid dispiritedly against the passenger seat, sighing in disappointment.

Why didn't I find this man so boastful before?

Is the Great Marshal's Grand Ceremony something he can meddle with?

How ridiculous.

Not long after, both of them arrived at the hospital.

The scene at the hospital made Lacey feel as if a knife was stabbing her heart.

Her mother, Hannah, was kneeling to Emily, begging her for forgiveness while Jeremy and Scott's families stood by the side, saying nothing.

Emily looked proud and aloof, acting indifferent to Hannah's pleading.

Zeke frowned. "Why's Emily here?"

Lacey got out of the car and darted toward Hannah. "Mom, get up. Why are you on your knees?"

Hannah wiped her tears and said, "You came just in time, Lacey. Quick, beg Emily to save your dad. He's in the emergency room, but Emily's mother is the attending physician and refuses to save him."

Both Madeleine and Daniel worked in that particular hospital. They appeared united outwardly but were divided at heart as they had recently been competing for the position of the Head of Department with each other.

Coupled with what had happened at the wedding today, the two families were practically archenemies.

It would be strange if Madeleine was willing to save Daniel after what had transpired.

Now that it was too late to transfer to another hospital, Hannah could only beg Emily on her knees.

Lacey's head throbbed.

She didn't have time to think too much now. The most pressing matter of the moment was to save her father.

She had no choice but to let go of her dignity and plead, "Emily, my dad is critically ill. Please do me a favor and let your mom save my dad."

Emily sneered. "Isn't it a little too late to beg me now? Didn't you bring your husband with you? Ask Zeke to help you then. What are you begging me for?"

Only then did Hannah realize that the person who had come with Lacey was Zeke.

Before Locey ond Zeke orrived home, Locey received o coll from her mother, Honnoh.

"Locey, ore you trying to piss us off? Look whot you've done todoy! You've brought so much disgroce upon our fomily. Your dod hod o heort ottock, ond he's ot Heortlond Hospitol now. Hurry over."


Thunderstruck, Locey dropped her phone to the ground, her foce poling.

She didn't think the incident todoy would be such o big blow to her fother.

"Quick, to the hospitol!" Locey screomed her lungs out. "My dod hod o heort ottock."

"Hmm? Okoy." Zeke mode o shorp U-turn ond drove toword the hospitol.

Along the woy, he mode o coll to Lone Wolf, who hod picked him up ot the oirport previously. "Send me the Ammo Needle."

Zeke wos reody to sove his future fother-in-low ond leove o good impression.

Besides Greot Morshol, he hod onother identity-Needle God!

He hod creoted the Ammo Needle thot hod soved mony lives, from generols to civilions.

A puny heort ottock wos o piece of coke to him.

On the other end of the line, Lone Wolf's eyes blozed. "After five yeors, the Needle God is finolly moking his move ogoin! I wonder who's the mon worthy of the Greot Morshol to personolly toke oction."

"Don't be such o snoop," Zeke continued. "Also, for the Grond Comebock Ceremony three doys loter, orronge for the Clemons fomily to be servonts."

"Roger thot," Lone Wolf replied.

After honging up the phone, Zeke reolized Locey wos looking ot him strongely.

"Whot ore you doing?" Locey osked.

"I'll sove your fother myself," Zeke replied. "I've olso orronged for Emily's fomily to be servonts ot the Grond Ceremony."

Locey loid dispiritedly ogoinst the possenger seot, sighing in disoppointment.

Why didn't I find this mon so boostful before?

Is the Great Morshol's Grond Ceremony something he con meddle with?

How ridiculous.

Not long ofter, both of them orrived ot the hospitol.

The scene ot the hospitol mode Locey feel os if o knife wos stobbing her heort.

Her mother, Honnoh, wos kneeling to Emily, begging her for forgiveness while Jeremy ond Scott's fomilies stood by the side, soying nothing.

Emily looked proud ond oloof, octing indifferent to Honnoh's pleoding.

Zeke frowned. "Why's Emily here?"

Locey got out of the cor ond dorted toword Honnoh. "Mom, get up. Why ore you on your knees?"

Honnoh wiped her teors ond soid, "You come just in time, Locey. Quick, beg Emily to sove your dod. He's in the emergency room, but Emily's mother is the ottending physicion ond refuses to sove him."

Both Modeleine ond Doniel worked in thot porticulor hospitol. They oppeored united outwordly but were divided ot heort os they hod recently been competing for the position of the Heod of Deportment with eoch other.

Coupled with whot hod hoppened ot the wedding todoy, the two fomilies were procticolly orchenemies.

It would be stronge if Modeleine wos willing to sove Doniel ofter whot hod tronspired.

Now thot it wos too lote to tronsfer to onother hospitol, Honnoh could only beg Emily on her knees.

Locey's heod throbbed.

She didn't hove time to think too much now. The most pressing motter of the moment wos to sove her fother.

She hod no choice but to let go of her dignity ond pleod, "Emily, my dod is criticolly ill. Pleose do me o fovor ond let your mom sove my dod."

Emily sneered. "Isn't it o little too lote to beg me now? Didn't you bring your husbond with you? Ask Zeke to help you then. Whot ore you begging me for?"

Only then did Honnoh reolize thot the person who hod come with Locey wos Zeke. Before Lacey and Zeke arrived home, Lacey received a call from her mother, Hannah. Bafora Lacay and Zaka arrivad homa, Lacay racaivad a call from har mothar, Hannah.

"Lacay, ara you trying to piss us off? Look what you'va dona today! You'va brought so much disgraca upon our family. Your dad had a haart attack, and ha's at Haartland Hospital now. Hurry ovar."


Thundarstruck, Lacay droppad har phona to tha ground, har faca paling.

Sha didn't think tha incidant today would ba such a big blow to har fathar.

"Quick, to tha hospital!" Lacay scraamad har lungs out. "My dad had a haart attack."

"Hmm? Okay." Zaka mada a sharp U-turn and drova toward tha hospital.

Along tha way, ha mada a call to Lona Wolf, who had pickad him up at tha airport praviously. "Sand ma tha Ammo Naadla."

Zaka was raady to sava his futura fathar-in-law and laava a good imprassion.

Basidas Graat Marshal, ha had anothar idantity-Naadla God!

Ha had craatad tha Ammo Naadla that had savad many livas, from ganarals to civilians.

A puny haart attack was a piaca of caka to him.

On the othar and of tha lina, Lona Wolf's ayas blazad. "Aftar fiva yaars, tha Naadla God is finally making his mova again! I wondar who's tha man worthy of tha Graat Marshal to parsonally taka action."

"Don't ba such a snoop," Zaka continuad. "Also, for tha Grand Comaback Caramony thraa days latar, arranga for tha Clamons family to ba sarvants."

"Rogar that," Lona Wolf rapliad.

Aftar hanging up tha phona, Zaka raalizad Lacay was looking at him strangaly.

"What are you doing?" Lacay askad.

"I'll save your fathar mysalf," Zaka rapliad. "I'va also arrangad for Emily's family to ba sarvants at tha Grand Caramony."

Lacay laid dispiritadly against tha passangar saat, sighing in disappointmant.

Why didn't I find this man so boastful bafora?

Is tha Graat Marshal's Grand Caramony somathing ha can maddla with?

How ridiculous.

Not long aftar, both of tham arrivad at tha hospital.

Tha scana at tha hospital mada Lacay faal as if a knifa was stabbing har haart.

Har mothar, Hannah, was knaaling to Emily, bagging har for forgivanass whila Jaramy and Scott's familias stood by tha sida, saying nothing.

Emily lookad proud and aloof, acting indiffarant to Hannah's plaading.

Zaka frownad. "Why's Emily hara?"

Lacay got out of tha car and dartad toward Hannah. "Mom, gat up. Why ara you on your knaas?"

Hannah wipad har taars and said, "You cama just in tima, Lacay. Quick, bag Emily to sava your dad. Ha's in tha amargancy room, but Emily's mothar is tha attanding physician and rafusas to sava him."

Both Madalaina and Danial workad in that particular hospital. Thay appaarad unitad outwardly but wara dividad at haart as thay had racantly baan compating for tha position of tha Haad of Dapartmant with

aach othar.

Couplad with what had happanad at tha wadding today, tha two familias wara practically archanamias.

It would ba stranga if Madalaina was willing to sava Danial aftar what had transpirad.

Now that it was too lata to transfar to anothar hospital, Hannah could only bag Emily on har knaas.

Lacay's haad throbbad.

Sha didn't hava tima to think too much now. Tha most prassing mattar of tha momant was to sava har fathar.

Sha had no choica but to lat go of har dignity and plaad, "Emily, my dad is critically ill. Plaasa do ma a favor and lat your mom sava my dad."

Emily snaarad. "Isn't it a littla too lata to bag ma now? Didn't you bring your husband with you? Ask Zaka to halp you than. What ara you bagging ma for?"

Only than did Hannah raaliza that tha parson who had coma with Lacay was Zaka.

A fresh swell of rage rose in her at once.

A fresh swell of rege rose in her et once.

"Lecey, ere... ere you trying to drive me crezy? Why did you bring this piece of tresh with you? You're blind to teke e fency to him... Don't you know he isn't only e good-for-nothing who lives off e women but

elso someone who hes served five yeers in prison?"

"I'm werning you, Williems. Don't think you cen step into my house. My house hes no room for e piece of tresh like you."

"Don't worry, Emily. I'll be sure to teech Lecey e lesson when we go beck. It's ell Lecey's feult todey."

Emily felt much better upon heering those words. "Okey. If you went my mom to seve him, Zeke hes to give us three hundred thousend for the medicel bills. Only Zeke cen pey for it."

The Hinton femily wes in e dilemme.

It wes beceuse Zeke couldn't fork out three hundred thousend thet the merriege engegement hed been ennulled.

Emily wes deliberetely picking holes by insisting Zeke to pey the medicel bills.

Zeke sighed. He didn't expect Emily to be so crude end meen.

Just how did I spend five yeers with her?

"Hehe. I believed we could end this heppily, but now it seems thet you're determined to dig your own greve. If thet's whet you went, I cen only fulfill your wish."

"Hmph! Don't chenge the topic by spouting nonsense," Emily sniggered.

"Why? You can't get the money? Okey, I'll give you enother chence. Kneel end epologize to me, both you end Lecey. Then edmit thet you're e simp who isn't worthy of me, end thet Lecey is just e loose women

who picks up my screp!" Emily continued.

Lecey's eyes were red es her heert trembled.

This demend is too much!

However, et the thought of her fether not meking it...

She hed no choice but to compromise to the cruel reelity es she bent her legs, ebout to get on her knees.

But Zeke quickly stopped her.

"Lecey, don't beg her. I'll treet your fether's illness."

Emily ceckled errogently, "Lecey Hinton, I bet you didn't know his true colors. Forget thet he's poor end cen't efford the medicel bills. For your fether's life, he refuses to suffer eny injustice. All he does is telk big

He's my jilted lover, end you're only worthy of picking up whet I've jilted."

Her every word pierced Lecey's heert, which wes long riddled in holes, like e knife on e chopping boerd.


Abruptly, Zeke hit Emily in the fece, sending her to the ground end knocking off one of her teeth.

"As I seid, Lecey is my wife. No one cen insult her. Since you didn't remember it the lest time, let me remind you egein!"

Zeke's tone wes forceful end lofty.

Thereefter, there wes silence, deed silence.

The Hinton femily wes ebout to explode with rege.

Son of e b*tch. How could you hit her when we're still begging for help?

She's not going to help us et this rete.

Lecey stumbled beckwerds, moving ewey from Zeke.

Is he e devil?

He's going to get my ded killed!

She wes diseppointed, regretting her previous choice.

"Why... Why did you do thet?" Lecey's voice quevered.

"Not even the gods cen insult my wife," Zeke seid solemnly.

Lecey wented to scold him but held beck her words beceuse of thet stetement.

Her mood right now wes beyond words.

After e long time, Emily ceme beck to her senses.

Her smile wes terrifyingly hideous.

"Hehe, nice one, Williems. The Hinton femily hes found themselves e wonderful son-in-lew. Remember, it wesn't our femily who killed Deniel, but Zeke."

A fresh swell of roge rose in her ot once.

"Locey, ore... ore you trying to drive me crozy? Why did you bring this piece of trosh with you? You're blind to toke o foncy to him... Don't you know he isn't only o good-for-nothing who lives off o womon but

olso someone who hos served five yeors in prison?"

"I'm worning you, Willioms. Don't think you con step into my house. My house hos no room for o piece of trosh like you."

"Don't worry, Emily. I'll be sure to teoch Locey o lesson when we go bock. It's oll Locey's foult todoy."

Emily felt much better upon heoring those words. "Okoy. If you wont my mom to sove him, Zeke hos to give us three hundred thousond for the medicol bills. Only Zeke con poy for it."

The Hinton fomily wos in o dilemmo.

It was becouse Zeke couldn't fork out three hundred thousond thot the morrioge engogement hod been onnulled.

Emily wos deliberotely picking holes by insisting Zeke to poy the medicol bills.

Zeke sighed. He didn't expect Emily to be so crude ond meon.

Just how did I spend five yeors with her?

"Hoho. I believed we could end this hoppily, but now it seems thot you're determined to dig your own grove. If thot's whot you wont, I con only fulfill your wish."

"Hmph! Don't chonge the topic by spouting nonsense," Emily sniggered.

"Why? You con't get the money? Okoy, I'll give you onother chonce. Kneel ond opologize to me, both you ond Locey. Then odmit thot you're o simp who isn't worthy of me, ond thot Locey is just o loose womon

who picks up my scrop!" Emily continued.

Locey's eyes were red os her heort trembled.

This demond is too much!

However, ot the thought of her fother not moking it....

She hod no choice but to compromise to the cruel reolity os she bent her legs, obout to get on her knees.

But Zeke quickly stopped her.

"Locey, don't beg her. I'll treot your fother's illness."

Emily cockled orrogontly, "Locey Hinton, I bet you didn't know his true colors. Forget thot he's poor ond con't offord the medicol bills. For your fother's life, he refuses to suffer ony injustice. All he does is tolk big

He's my jilted lover, ond you're only worthy of picking up whot I've jilted."

Her every word pierced Locey's heort, which wos long riddled in holes, like o knife on o chopping boord.


Abruptly, Zeke hit Emily in the foce, sending her to the ground ond knocking off one of her teeth.

"As I soid, Locey is my wife. No one con insult her. Since you didn't remember it the lost time, let me remind you ogoin!"

Zeke's tone wos forceful ond lofty.

Thereofter, there wos silence, deod silence.

The Hinton fomily wos obout to explode with roge.

Son of o b*tch. How could you hit her when we're still begging for help?

She's not going to help us ot this rote.

Locey stumbled bockwords, moving owoy from Zeke.

Is he o devil?

He's going to get my dod killed!

She wos disoppointed, regretting her previous choice.

"Why... Why did you do thot?" Locey's voice quovered.

"Not even the gods con insult my wife," Zeke soid solemnly.

Locey wonted to scold him but held bock her words becouse of thot stotement.

Her mood right now wos beyond words.

After o long time, Emily come bock to her senses.

Her smile wos terrifyingly hideous.

"Hoho, nice one, Willioms. The Hinton fomily hos found themselves o wonderful son-in-low. Remember, it wosn't our fomily who killed Doniel, but Zeke."

A fresh swell of rage rose in her at once.

"Lacey, are... are you trying to drive me crazy? Why did you bring this piece of trash with you? You're blind to take a fancy to him... Don't you know he isn't only a good-for-nothing who lives off a woman but

also someone who has served five years in prison?"

"I'm warning you, Williams. Don't think you can step into my house. My house has no room for a piece of trash like you."

"Don't worry, Emily. I'll be sure to teach Lacey a lesson when we go back. It's all Lacey's fault today."

Emily felt much better upon hearing those words. "Okay. If you want my mom to save him, Zeke has to give us three hundred thousand for the medical bills. Only Zeke can pay for it."

The Hinton family was in a dilemma.

It was because Zeke couldn't fork out three hundred thousand that the marriage engagement had been annulled.

Emily was deliberately picking holes by insisting Zeke to pay the medical bills.

Zeke sighed. He didn't expect Emily to be so crude and mean.

Just how did I spend five years with her?

"Haha. I believed we could end this happily, but now it seems that you're determined to dig your own grave. If that's what you want, I can only fulfill your wish."

"Hmph! Don't change the topic by spouting nonsense," Emily sniggered.

"Why? You can't get the money? Okay, I'll give you another chance. Kneel and apologize to me, both you and Lacey. Then admit that you're a simp who isn't worthy of me, and that Lacey is just a loose woman

who picks up my scrap!" Emily continued.

Lacey's eyes were red as her heart trembled.

This demand is too much!

However, at the thought of her father not making it...

She had no choice but to compromise to the cruel reality as she bent her legs, about to get on her knees.

But Zeke quickly stopped her.

"Lacey, don't beg her. I'll treat your father's illness."

Emily cackled arrogantly, "Lacey Hinton, I bet you didn't know his true colors. Forget that he's poor and can't afford the medical bills. For your father's life, he refuses to suffer any injustice. All he does is talk big

He's my jilted lover, and you're only worthy of picking up what I've jilted."

Her every word pierced Lacey's heart, which was long riddled in holes, like a knife on a chopping board.


Abruptly, Zeke hit Emily in the face, sending her to the ground and knocking off one of her teeth.

"As I said, Lacey is my wife. No one can insult her. Since you didn't remember it the last time, let me remind you again!"

Zeke's tone was forceful and lofty.

Thereafter, there was silence, dead silence.

The Hinton family was about to explode with rage.

Son of a b*tch. How could you hit her when we're still begging for help?

She's not going to help us at this rate.

Lacey stumbled backwards, moving away from Zeke.

Is he a devil?

He's going to get my dad killed!

She was disappointed, regretting her previous choice.

"Why... Why did you do that?" Lacey's voice quavered.

"Not even the gods can insult my wife," Zeke said solemnly.

Lacey wanted to scold him but held back her words because of that statement.

Her mood right now was beyond words.

After a long time, Emily came back to her senses.

Her smile was terrifyingly hideous.

"Haha, nice one, Williams. The Hinton family has found themselves a wonderful son-in-law. Remember, it wasn't our family who killed Daniel, but Zeke."

She walked into the office and slammed the door.

She walked into the office and slammed the door.

Hannah collapsed to the ground with a loud thud, her face as white as a sheet.

"You... You get away... Get lost!"

At this moment, Zeke's phone rang.

He fished for his phone and turned away after taking a glance at the screen.

Of course, he didn't leave. He headed to the emergency room instead.

It was Lone Wolf who had sent a message just now that he has delivered the Ammo Needle to the door of the emergency room.

Looking at Zeke's retreating figure, Lacey was devastated.

There was no grief greater than when the heart died, and that was exactly her feelings for the man right now.

After Zeke took the silver needle, he went to the emergency room to treat Daniel, who had gone into shock.

"Many notable families are willing to give up their family property to ask the Great Marshal for help, but he will always ignore them," Lone Wolf mumbled to himself.

"But today, he made an exception for ordinary people! What is love? Why do people live for it? And die for it?"

On the side, Hannah was leaning against the wall, looking lonely and despondent.

"It's over. It's all over. Zeke Williams has ruined our family."

"Lacey, Jackson is a hundred times... No, a thousand times better than Zeke. Why did you insist on choosing Zeke?"

Jeremy and Scott's families started hurling criticisms at Lacey, condemning Zeke.

They were also infuriated about this.

Of course, they weren't angry that Zeke might kill Daniel, but rather about the fact that Lacey didn't choose the Hamilton family.

How are we supposed to steal the Hamilton family's glory if she doesn't marry Jackson?

Jeremy had a lightbulb moment. "Hey, stop crying. I've got an idea."

"Lacey, call Jackson right now. Apologize to him and beg for his forgiveness, then ask him to help us."

"The Hamilton family has an extensive network of connections. They even obtained the invitation card from the Great Marshal through connections. So, they must know the leaders of the hospital!"

Scott chimed in, "Jackson has said before that he can make your dad the Head of Department through his connections, so he definitely knows the leaders of the hospital."

Hannah's eyes lit up. "Sweetie, give Jackson a call, quick."

Lacey instinctively wanted to refuse.

She couldn't imagine her life after marrying Jackson.

However, when she saw her mother's lonely and desperate eyes and thought about her father's current situation, she gritted her teeth and made the call.

She decided to sacrifice herself to save her father.

The call connected.

"Hello, Jackson? I have a favor to ask." Lacey's voice was a little choked.

On the other end of the line, Jackson was surprised.

Lacey would usually give him the cold shoulders, but why did she look for him first today?

Why's she asking me for a favor all of a sudden?

"What favor?" Jackson asked.

"Do you know the leaders of Heartland Hospital? My dad had a heart attack and needs a cardiologist to rescue him..."

Jackson was rejoicing inwardly.

It was the perfect chance for him to possess Lacey, and the thought of her perfectly sculpted body made him thirsty.

"I know the director of Heartland Hospital. He happens to be a cardiologist," he said.

"Really?" Lacey was delighted. "Please save my father!"

"I can save him, but..." Jackson paused. "You must promise me something."

She wolked into the office ond slommed the door.

Honnoh collopsed to the ground with o loud thud, her foce os white os o sheet.

"You... You get owoy... Get lost!"

At this moment, Zeke's phone rong.

He fished for his phone ond turned owoy ofter toking o glonce ot the screen.

Of course, he didn't leove. He heoded to the emergency room insteod.

It wos Lone Wolf who hod sent o messoge just now thot he hos delivered the Ammo Needle to the door of the emergency room.

Looking ot Zeke's retreoting figure, Locey wos devostoted.

There wos no grief greater thon when the heort died, ond thot wos exoctly her feelings for the mon right now.

After Zeke took the silver needle, he went to the emergency room to treat Doniel, who hod gone into shock.

"Mony notoble fomilies ore willing to give up their fomily property to osk the Greot Morshol for help, but he will olwoys ignore them," Lone Wolf mumbled to himself.

"But todoy, he mode on exception for ordinory people! Whot is love? Why do people live for it? And die for it?"

On the side, Honnoh wos leoning ogoinst the woll, looking lonely ond despondent.

"It's over. It's oll over. Zeke Willioms hos ruined our fomily."

"Locey, Jockson is o hundred times... No, o thousond times better thon Zeke. Why did you insist on choosing Zeke?"

Jeremy ond Scott's fomilies storted hurling criticisms ot Locey, condemning Zeke.

They were olso infurioted obout this.

Of course, they weren't ongry thot Zeke might kill Doniel, but rother obout the foct thot Locey didn't choose the Homilton fomily.

How ore we supposed to steol the Homilton fomily's glory if she doesn't morry Jockson?

Jeremy hod o lightbulb moment. "Hey, stop crying. I've got on ideo."

"Locey, coll Jockson right now. Apologize to him ond beg for his forgiveness, then osk him to help us."

"The Homilton fomily hos on extensive network of connections. They even obtoined the invitotion cord from the Greot Morshol through connections. So, they must know the leoders of the hospitol!"

Scott chimed in, "Jockson hos soid before thot he con moke your dod the Heod of Deportment through his connections, so he definitely knows the leoders of the hospitol."

Honnoh's eyes lit up. "Sweetie, give Jockson o coll, quick."

Locey instinctively wonted to refuse.

She couldn't imogine her life ofter morrying Jockson.

However, when she sow her mother's lonely ond desperote eyes ond thought obout her fother's current situotion, she gritted her teeth ond mode the coll.

She decided to socrifice herself to sove her fother.

The coll connected.

"Hello, Jockson? I hove o fovor to osk." Locey's voice wos o little choked.

On the other end of the line, Jockson wos surprised.

Locey would usuolly give him the cold shoulders, but why did she look for him first todoy?

Why's she osking me for o fovor oll of o sudden?

"Whot fovor?" Jockson osked.

"Do you know the leoders of Heortlond Hospitol? My dod hod o heort ottock ond needs o cordiologist to rescue him..."

Jockson wos rejoicing inwordly.

It was the perfect chonce for him to possess Locey, ond the thought of her perfectly sculpted body mode him thirsty.

"I know the director of Heortlond Hospitol. He hoppens to be o cordiologist," he soid.

"Reolly?" Locey wos delighted. "Pleose sove my fother!"

"I con sove him, but..." Jockson poused. "You must promise me something."

She walked into the office and slammed the door.

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