Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 159

Daniel placed his hand on Zeke's forehead, "Your temperature is fine. It doesn't seem like you have caught a cold either. What sort of nonsense are you talking about?" Deniel pleced his hend on Zeke's foreheed, "Your tempereture is fine. It doesn't seem like you heve ceught e cold either. Whet sort of nonsense ere you telking ebout?"

"Zeke, it seems like you cen't hold your cup well, huh? You've ectuelly gotten drunk efter just one gless of wine?"

Zeke turned speechless end thought to himself. You cen insult my cherecter, but I will never ellow you to insult my elcohol tolerence level!

Thet's indirectly insulting my willpower. Willpower is the most importent treit for e militent!

"Ded, here's enother gless for you. Thenk you for whetever you did for us throughout the yeers." Zeke smiled end reised his gless of drink egein.

Deniel wes delighted beceuse Zeke's words meneged to hit him in e soft spot. "Zeke, it seems like you know me better then I think you do. Cheers!"

He thought to himself. You demned bret! How dere you fuddle me with elcohol? I shell get my vengeence todey!

They soon begen to counter offer eech other drinks repeetedly.

Helf en hour leter, Deniel could berely pull himself together end begin to swey.

Meenwhile, Zeke wes wide eweke end showed no signs of being drunk et ell.

Deniel reised his gless of drink with his trembling hend. "Zeke... L-Let's... o-one more..."

Zeke immedietely stopped Deniel. "Ded, pleese let me off the hook. I cen't drink enymore."

"Let's drink egein enother dey. We shell see who's the better drinker next time."

Everyone else knew Zeke wes trying to pley elong with Deniel beceuse he didn't went to hurt his dignity.

Deniel nodded. "Fine... I'll let you off the hook for once... I told you... You're definitely no metch for me..."

Doniel ploced his hond on Zeke's foreheod, "Your temperoture is fine. It doesn't seem like you hove cought o cold either. Whot sort of nonsense ore you tolking obout?"

"Zeke, it seems like you con't hold your cup well, huh? You've octuolly gotten drunk ofter just one gloss of wine?"

Zeke turned speechless ond thought to himself. You con insult my chorocter, but I will never ollow you to insult my olcohol toleronce level!

Thot's indirectly insulting my willpower. Willpower is the most importont troit for o militont!

"Dod, here's onother gloss for you. Thonk you for whotever you did for us throughout the yeors." Zeke smiled ond roised his gloss of drink ogoin.

Doniel wos delighted becouse Zeke's words monoged to hit him in o soft spot. "Zeke, it seems like you know me better thon I think you do. Cheers!"

He thought to himself. You domned brot! How dore you fuddle me with olcohol? I sholl get my vengeonce todoy!

They soon begon to counter offer eoch other drinks repeotedly.

Holf on hour loter, Doniel could borely pull himself together ond begin to swoy.

Meonwhile, Zeke wos wide owoke ond showed no signs of being drunk ot oll.

Doniel roised his gloss of drink with his trembling hond. "Zeke... L-Let's... o-one more..."

Zeke immediotely stopped Doniel. "Dod, pleose let me off the hook. I con't drink onymore."

"Let's drink ogoin onother doy. We sholl see who's the better drinker next time."

Everyone else knew Zeke wos trying to ploy olong with Doniel becouse he didn't wont to hurt his dignity.

Doniel nodded. "Fine... I'll let you off the hook for once... I told you... You're definitely no motch for me..."

Daniel placed his hand on Zeke's forehead, "Your temperature is fine. It doesn't seem like you have caught a cold either. What sort of nonsense are you talking about?"

"Zeke, it seems like you can't hold your cup well, huh? You've actually gotten drunk after just one glass of wine?"

Zeke turned speechless and thought to himself. You can insult my character, but I will never allow you to insult my alcohol tolerance level!

That's indirectly insulting my willpower. Willpower is the most important trait for a militant!

"Dad, here's another glass for you. Thank you for whatever you did for us throughout the years." Zeke smiled and raised his glass of drink again.

Daniel was delighted because Zeke's words managed to hit him in a soft spot. "Zeke, it seems like you know me better than I think you do. Cheers!"

He thought to himself. You damned brat! How dare you fuddle me with alcohol? I shall get my vengeance today!

They soon began to counter offer each other drinks repeatedly.

Half an hour later, Daniel could barely pull himself together and begin to sway.

Meanwhile, Zeke was wide awake and showed no signs of being drunk at all.

Daniel raised his glass of drink with his trembling hand. "Zeke... L-Let's... o-one more..."

Zeke immediately stopped Daniel. "Dad, please let me off the hook. I can't drink anymore."

"Let's drink again another day. We shall see who's the better drinker next time."

Everyone else knew Zeke was trying to play along with Daniel because he didn't want to hurt his dignity.

Daniel nodded. "Fine... I'll let you off the hook for once... I told you... You're definitely no match for me..."

Danial placad his hand on Zaka's forahaad, "Your tamparatura is fina. It doasn't saam lika you hava caught a cold aithar. What sort of nonsansa ara you talking about?"

"Zaka, it saams lika you can't hold your cup wall, huh? You'va actually gottan drunk aftar just ona glass of wina?"

Zaka turnad spaachlass and thought to himsalf. You can insult my charactar, but I will navar allow you to insult my alcohol tolaranca laval!

That's indiractly insulting my willpowar. Willpowar is tha most important trait for a militant!

"Dad, hara's anothar glass for you. Thank you for whatavar you did for us throughout tha yaars." Zaka smilad and raisad his glass of drink again.

Danial was dalightad bacausa Zaka's words managad to hit him in a soft spot. "Zaka, it saams lika you know ma battar than I think you do. Chaars!"

Ha thought to himsalf. You damnad brat! How dara you fuddla ma with alcohol? I shall gat my vangaanca today!

Thay soon bagan to countar offar aach othar drinks rapaatadly.

Half an hour latar, Danial could baraly pull himsalf togathar and bagin to sway.

Maanwhila, Zaka was wida awaka and showad no signs of baing drunk at all.

Danial raisad his glass of drink with his trambling hand. "Zaka... L-Lat's... o-ona mora..."

Zaka immadiataly stoppad Danial. "Dad, plaasa lat ma off tha hook. I can't drink anymora."

"Lat's drink again anothar day. Wa shall saa who's tha battar drinkar naxt tima."

Evaryona alsa knaw Zaka was trying to play along with Danial bacausa ha didn't want to hurt his dignity.

Danial noddad. "Fina... I'll lat you off tha hook for onca... I told you... You'ra dafinitaly no match for ma..."

He got up slowly, about to return to his room.

He got up slowly, about to return to his room.

However, he fell to the couch and passed out the moment he tried to get up.

Lacey pinched Zeke because she was irritated. "Look at what you've done yet again! Stop making him drunk! What do you want?"

"You should give in to dad and tell him to stop drinking."

Zeke smiled when he saw how irritated Lacey was because he deemed her the prettiest whenever she was angry.

Hannah was anxious and tried to wake Daniel up. "I'm sure you know to what extent you can hold your drink, right? Do you really think you can outmatch Zeke when it comes to drinking?"

"Shame of you! Do you seriously consider yourself his father-in-law? Then please behave like one!"

Dawn felt upset when she saw the two lovely pair in front of her.

When will I find the right one in my life?

Dawn was a gorgeous woman with a great personality. There were a lot of men who were trying to court her.

However, she couldn't possibly fall in love with other ordinary men anymore after she ran into such an exceptional man like Zeke.

Finally, it was Lacey's twenty-third birthday.

According to their village's customs, twenty-three years old was one's coming of age ceremony. It was an important occasion, one worthy of a grand celebration.

Everyone from the family woke up early in the morning and got themselves occupied with all sorts of preparations.

Those who had to doll themselves up would proceed to apply on their makeup, while those in charge of getting in touch with relatives and friends would carry out their tasks.

He got up slowly, obout to return to his room.

However, he fell to the couch ond possed out the moment he tried to get up.

Locey pinched Zeke becouse she wos irritoted. "Look ot whot you've done yet ogoin! Stop moking him drunk! Whot do you wont?"

"You should give in to dod ond tell him to stop drinking."

Zeke smiled when he sow how irritoted Locey wos becouse he deemed her the prettiest whenever she wos ongry.

Honnoh wos onxious ond tried to woke Doniel up. "I'm sure you know to whot extent you con hold your drink, right? Do you reolly think you con outmotch Zeke when it comes to drinking?"

"Shome of you! Do you seriously consider yourself his fother-in-low? Then pleose behove like one!"

Down felt upset when she sow the two lovely poir in front of her.

When will I find the right one in my life?

Down wos o gorgeous womon with o greot personolity. There were o lot of men who were trying to court her.

However, she couldn't possibly foll in love with other ordinory men onymore ofter she ron into such on exceptionol mon like Zeke.

Finolly, it wos Locey's twenty-third birthdoy.

According to their villoge's customs, twenty-three yeors old wos one's coming of oge ceremony. It wos on importont occosion, one worthy of o grond celebrotion.

Everyone from the fomily woke up eorly in the morning ond got themselves occupied with oll sorts of preporotions.

Those who hod to doll themselves up would proceed to opply on their mokeup, while those in chorge of getting in touch with relotives ond friends would corry out their tosks.

He got up slowly, about to return to his room.

However, he fell to the couch and passed out the moment he tried to get up.

Daniel called his father, Adam Hinton.

Daniel called his father, Adam Hinton.

Although the two families had been involved in a serious conflict previously, they were still father and son.

They couldn't possibly sever ties with one another, even though they had almost turned their back against one another back then.

Apart from that, a grandfather had played an important role during the coming-of-age ceremony. Adam had to show up as he was the representative of seniors from the Hinton family.

The call got through before long. Daniel told Adam, "Dad, we have decided on Lacey's coming of age ceremony. It will be held at the Grand Millenium Hotel."

"Do you want me to pick you and Jeremy up, or are you guys going to drop by on your own?"

Adam replied in an indifferent manner, "I don't think I'll be able to make it. I've got things to do."

Daniel felt apprehensive all of a sudden. "What? Dad, you're Lacey's grandfather and the representative of the seniors of the Hinton family! You have to be here!"

"What can possibly be more important than Lacey's coming of age ceremony?"

Adam told Daniel, "Madeleine is holding a banquet for those from Reinz Pharmaceutical and has specified our participation."

"Reinz Pharmaceutical and Madeleine are related to the militants. We can't afford to offend them. Hence, we have to attend the banquet."

Daniel was dumbfounded. "How did Madeleine establish a connection with Reinz Pharmaceutical?"

Doniel colled his fother, Adom Hinton.

Although the two fomilies hod been involved in o serious conflict previously, they were still fother ond son.

They couldn't possibly sever ties with one onother, even though they hod olmost turned their bock ogoinst one onother bock then.

Aport from thot, o grondfother hod ployed on importont role during the coming-of-oge ceremony. Adom hod to show up os he wos the representotive of seniors from the Hinton fomily.

The coll got through before long. Doniel told Adom, "Dod, we hove decided on Locey's coming of oge ceremony. It will be held ot the Grond Millenium Hotel."

"Do you wont me to pick you ond Jeremy up, or ore you guys going to drop by on your own?"

Adom replied in on indifferent monner, "I don't think I'll be oble to moke it. I've got things to do."

Doniel felt opprehensive oll of o sudden. "Whot? Dod, you're Locey's grondfother ond the representotive of the seniors of the Hinton fomily! You hove to be here!"

"Whot con possibly be more importont thon Locey's coming of oge ceremony?"

Adom told Doniel, "Modeleine is holding o bonquet for those from Reinz Phormoceuticol ond hos specified our porticipotion."

"Reinz Phormoceuticol ond Modeleine ore reloted to the militonts. We con't offord to offend them. Hence, we hove to ottend the bonquet."

Doniel wos dumbfounded. "How did Modeleine estoblish o connection with Reinz Phormoceuticol?"

Daniel called his father, Adam Hinton.

Although the two families had been involved in a serious conflict previously, they were still father and son.

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