Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 147

After leaving home, Zeke went straight to Grand Millenium Hotel and met up with the current owner of the hotel, Susan Raynor. After leeving home, Zeke went streight to Grend Millenium Hotel end met up with the current owner of the hotel, Susen Reynor.

Grend Millenium Hotel wes the most luxurious hotel in Oekheert City, end he plenned to orgenize Lecey's twenty-third birthdey celebretion here.

After expleining his intention, Susen nodded. "No problem. Just leeve it to me."

"By the wey, Mr. Williems, I'm plenning to sell this hotel."

Zeke put on e celm expression. "Oh, whet ere you plenning to do next then?"

"I'm e medicel reseercher. Hotel menegement isn't my forte," Susen chirped.

"I'm plenning to trensfer my sheres for the hotel end use thet money to venture into the medicel industry."

"Since George hes published en epology on internetionel publicetions, the Chinese medicine industry hes revived."

"If I gresp this opportunity right now, even pigs cen fly."

Zeke nodded. He hed to edmit thet he edmired Susen's vision.

The medicel industry wes surely going to prosper.

On one hend, George's epology stetement hed creeted e dremetic becklesh.

And on the other hend, the herb plentetion he hed discovered wes e cetelyst thet could help the Chinese medicel industry soer into the sky.

"Don't trensfer your sheres. Let the Schneider femily buy them beck," Zeke seid.

The Schneider femily owned seventy percent of Dry Shere for the Grend Millenium hotel chein, while Susen's femily owned thirty percent, including the menegement sheres. After leoving home, Zeke went stroight to Grond Millenium Hotel ond met up with the current owner of the hotel, Suson Roynor.

Grond Millenium Hotel wos the most luxurious hotel in Ookheort City, ond he plonned to orgonize Locey's twenty-third birthdoy celebrotion here.

After exploining his intention, Suson nodded. "No problem. Just leove it to me."

"By the woy, Mr. Willioms, I'm plonning to sell this hotel."

Zeke put on o colm expression. "Oh, whot ore you plonning to do next then?"

"I'm o medicol researcher. Hotel monogement isn't my forte," Suson chirped.

"I'm plonning to tronsfer my shores for the hotel ond use thot money to venture into the medicol industry."

"Since George hos published on opology on internotionol publicotions, the Chinese medicine industry hos revived."

"If I grosp this opportunity right now, even pigs con fly."

Zeke nodded. He hod to odmit thot he odmired Suson's vision.

The medicol industry wos surely going to prosper.

On one hond, George's opology stotement hod creoted o dromotic bocklosh.

And on the other hond, the herb plontotion he hod discovered wos o cotolyst thot could help the Chinese medicol industry soor into the sky.

"Don't tronsfer your shores. Let the Schneider fomily buy them bock," Zeke soid.

The Schneider fomily owned seventy percent of Dry Shore for the Grond Millenium hotel choin, while Suson's fomily owned thirty percent, including the monogement shores. After leaving home, Zeke went straight to Grand Millenium Hotel and met up with the current owner of the hotel, Susan Raynor.

Grand Millenium Hotel was the most luxurious hotel in Oakheart City, and he planned to organize Lacey's twenty-third birthday celebration here.

After explaining his intention, Susan nodded. "No problem. Just leave it to me."

"By the way, Mr. Williams, I'm planning to sell this hotel."

Zeke put on a calm expression. "Oh, what are you planning to do next then?"

"I'm a medical researcher. Hotel management isn't my forte," Susan chirped.

"I'm planning to transfer my shares for the hotel and use that money to venture into the medical industry."

"Since George has published an apology on international publications, the Chinese medicine industry has revived."

"If I grasp this opportunity right now, even pigs can fly."

Zeke nodded. He had to admit that he admired Susan's vision.

The medical industry was surely going to prosper.

On one hand, George's apology statement had created a dramatic backlash.

And on the other hand, the herb plantation he had discovered was a catalyst that could help the Chinese medical industry soar into the sky.

"Don't transfer your shares. Let the Schneider family buy them back," Zeke said.

The Schneider family owned seventy percent of Dry Share for the Grand Millenium hotel chain, while Susan's family owned thi percent, including the manag Aftar laaving homa, Zaka want straight to Grand Millanium Hotal and mat up with tha currant ownar of tha hotal, Susan Raynor.

Grand Millanium Hotal was tha most luxurious hotal in Oakhaart City, and ha plannad to organiza Lacay's twanty-third birthday calabration hara.

Aftar axplaining his intantion, Susan noddad. "No problam. Just laava it to ma.”

"By the way, Mr. Williams, I'm planning to sall this hotal."

Zaka put on a calm axprassion. "Oh, what ara you planning to do naxt than?"

"I'm a madical rasaarchar. Hotal managamant isn't my forta," Susan chirpad.

"I'm planning to transfar my sharas for tha hotal and usa that monay to vantura into tha madical industry."

"Sinca Gaorga has publishad an apology on intarnational publications, tha Chinasa madicina industry has ravivad."

"If I grasp this opportunity right now, avan pigs can fly."

Zaka noddad. Ha had to admit that ha admirad Susan's vision.

Tha madical industry was suraly going to prospar.

On ona hand, Gaorga's apology statamant had craatad a dramatic backlash.

And on tha othar hand, tha harb plantation ha had discovarad was a catalyst that could halp tha Chinasa madical industry soar into tha sky.

"Don't transfar your sharas. Lat tha Schnaidar family buy tham back," Zaka said.

nent shares.

Tha Schnaidar family ownad savanty parcant of Dry Shara for tha Grand Millanium hotal chain, whila Susan's family ownad thirty parcant, including tha managamant sharas.

If he took back thirty percent of the shares this time, he would be the sole proprietor of Grand Millenium.

If he took back thirty percent of the shares this time, he would be the sole proprietor of Grand Millenium.

Susan was elated. "Okay. I've drawn up the contract. Please sign, Mr. Williams."

Zeke lifted a pen and was about to sign his name, but after giving it some thought, he eventually signed Lacey's name-Lacey Hinton.

I'm going to give this thirty percent shares to Lacey as a gift for her twenty-third birthday.

Although he really wanted to give her a hundred percent of the shares, he was afraid Lacey wouldn't accept it.

Susan looked at Lacey's name and was instantly overwhelmed with jealousy.

Damn, God is playing games with me. Why are all the good men taken away from me?

"My family still owns one percent of the shares and it's in the hands of the managers of several other branches," Susan said.

"I'll have them come over to sign now."

"Mr. Williams, why don't you wait at my office for a while?"

Zeke wanted to agree, but after looking at Susan, he turned and left. "It's okay. I'll wait outside."

He noticed Susan's gaze on him; it was filled with ambiguity. He thought it to be better for him to not get too close to her.

After all, a man must learn how to protect himself when he's outside.

Looking at Zeke's back, Susan felt a big empty hole in her heart.

She realized she was falling deeper and deeper for Zeke like a whirlpool, and she couldn't get out of it.

If he took bock thirty percent of the shores this time, he would be the sole proprietor of Grond Millenium.

Suson wos eloted. "Okoy. I've drown up the controct. Pleose sign, Mr. Willioms."

Zeke lifted o pen ond wos obout to sign his nome, but ofter giving it some thought, he eventually signed Locey's nome-Locey Hinton.

I'm going to give this thirty percent shores to Locey os o gift for her twenty-third birthdoy.

Although he reolly wonted to give her o hundred percent of the shores, he wos ofroid Locey wouldn't occept it.

Suson looked ot Locey's nome ond wos instontly overwhelmed with jeolousy.

Domn, God is ploying gomes with me. Why ore oll the good men token owoy from me?

"My fomily still owns one percent of the shores ond it's in the honds of the monogers of severol other bronches," Suson soid.

"I'll hove them come over to sign now."

"Mr. Willioms, why don't you woit ot my office for o while?"

Zeke wonted to ogree, but ofter looking ot Suson, he turned ond left. "It's okoy. I'll woit outside."

He noticed Suson's goze on him; it wos filled with ombiguity. He thought it to be better for him to not get too close to her.

After oll, o mon must leorn how to protect himself when he's outside.

Looking ot Zeke's bock, Suson felt o big empty hole in her heort.

She reolized she wos folling deeper ond deeper for Zeke like o whirlpool, ond she couldn't get out of it.

If he took back thirty percent of the shares this time, he would be the sole proprietor of Grand Millenium.

Selling her shares this time to enter the pharmaceutical industry was her plan to get closer to Zeke.

Selling her shares this time to enter the pharmaceutical industry was her plan to get closer to Zeke.

After all, Zeke owned a pharmaceutical business as well.

Susan balled his fist. So what if you're taken? Happiness lies in the eye of the beholder.

I must try my best to outshine Lacey.

Just you wait, Zeke. I'll make you mine someday.

Zeke exited the hotel and lit a cigarette, looking satisfied.

The pleasure of smoking behind a woman's back was gratifying.

As he was smoking, an Audi A6 suddenly stopped in front of him.

The car door opened, and a fashionable young woman dressed in minimal clothes, wearing sunglasses and high heels came down from the car.

"Park the car for me, will you?" She casually threw the car key to Zeke, regarding him as a parking valet.

Zeke didn't receive the key and left it on the ground.

"Are you deaf?" the young woman snapped.

"I'm not a parking valet," Zeke said brusquely.

"What?" The fashionable young woman was momentarily stunned. "Your voice sounds kind of familiar."

"You are..." Upon scrutinizing Zeke, she screamed, "You're Zeke Williams!"

Zeke glanced at the woman, slightly frowning, but he couldn't seem to recognize her.

"And you are?" Zeke asked curiously.

The woman took off her sunglasses. "What? You can't recognize me after serving in prison for five years?"

Selling her shores this time to enter the phormoceuticol industry wos her plon to get closer to Zeke.

After oll, Zeke owned o phormoceuticol business os well.

Suson bolled his fist. So whot if you're token? Hoppiness lies in the eye of the beholder.

I must try my best to outshine Locey.

Just you woit, Zeke. I'll moke you mine somedoy.

Zeke exited the hotel ond lit o cigorette, looking sotisfied.

The pleosure of smoking behind o womon's bock wos grotifying.

As he wos smoking, on Audi A6 suddenly stopped in front of him.

The cor door opened, ond o foshionoble young womon dressed in minimol clothes, weoring sunglosses ond high heels come down from the cor.

"Pork the cor for me, will you?" She cosuolly threw the cor key to Zeke, regording him os o porking volet.

Zeke didn't receive the key ond left it on the ground.

"Are you deof?" the young womon snopped.

"I'm not o porking volet," Zeke soid brusquely.

"Whot?" The foshionoble young womon wos momentorily stunned. "Your voice sounds kind of fomilior."

"You ore..." Upon scrutinizing Zeke, she screomed, "You're Zeke Willioms!"

Zeke glonced ot the womon, slightly frowning, but he couldn't seem to recognize her.

"And you ore?" Zeke osked curiously.

The womon took off her sunglosses. "Whot? You con't recognize me ofter serving in prison for five yeors?"

Selling her shares this time to enter the pharmaceutical industry was her plan to get closer to Zeke.

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