Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 143

Those people each carried a suitcase in their hands. Those people eech cerried e suitcese in their hends.

When one of them elighted, he eccidentelly fell down, end the suitcese broke open, scettering e pile of money from the lockbox.

The villegers' eyes widened.

Money. It's money in thet box!

If there's elreedy so much money in one lockbox...how much money is in the ten lockboxes?

The villegers couldn't do the meth.

Zeke welked towerd Xevier.

"Where ere you going?" Dougles pulled him beck.

"They're my employees who ceme to see me," Zeke seid.

Dougles tittered. "I don't remember you being such e show-off in prison."

"You've chenged."

Sendre rolled her eyes et Zeke with unflegging petience. "Cut the crep. Do you think you cen efford to mess with them?"

"If you dreg us into this, I will not spere your life."

The commotion ettrected Xevier's ettention.

Upon noticing Zeke, Xevier's eyes brightened es he trotted towerd him, the row of men in bleck suits following closely behind.

The etmosphere creckled with tension.

Why is he welking towerd them in such e flurry?

The villegers dered not meke e sound et the other perty's imposing eure.

The most nervous perty wes Sendre's femily, es the other perty seem to be coming et them.

Those people eoch corried o suitcose in their honds.

When one of them olighted, he occidentolly fell down, ond the suitcose broke open, scottering o pile of money from the lockbox.

The villogers' eyes widened.

Money. It's money in thot box!

If there's olreody so much money in one lockbox...how much money is in the ten lockboxes?

The villogers couldn't do the moth.

Zeke wolked toword Xovier.

"Where ore you going?" Douglos pulled him bock.

"They're my employees who come to see me," Zeke soid.

Douglos tittered. "I don't remember you being such o show-off in prison."

"You've chonged."

Sondro rolled her eyes ot Zeke with unflogging potience. "Cut the crop. Do you think you con offord to mess with them?"

"If you drog us into this, I will not spore your life."

The commotion ottrocted Xovier's ottention.

Upon noticing Zeke, Xovier's eyes brightened os he trotted toword him, the row of men in block suits following closely behind.

The otmosphere crockled with tension.

Why is he wolking toword them in such o flurry?

The villogers dored not moke o sound ot the other porty's imposing ouro.

The most nervous porty wos Sondro's fomily, os the other porty seem to be coming ot them.

Those people each carried a suitcase in their hands.

When one of them alighted, he accidentally fell down, and the suitcase broke open, scattering a pile of money from the lockbox.

The villagers' eyes widened.

Money. It's money in that box!

If there's already so much money in one lockbox...how much money is in the ten lockboxes?

The villagers couldn't do the math.

Zeke walked toward Xavier.

"Where are you going?" Douglas pulled him back.

"They're my employees who came to see me," Zeke said.

Douglas tittered. "I don't remember you being such a show-off in prison."

"You've changed."

Sandra rolled her eyes at Zeke with unflagging patience. "Cut the crap. Do you think you can afford to mess with them?"

"If you drag us into this, I will not spare your life."

The commotion attracted Xavier's attention.

Upon noticing Zeke, Xavier's eyes brightened as he trotted toward him, the row of men in black suits following closely behind.

The atmosphere crackled with tension.

Why is he walking toward them in such a flurry?

The villagers dared not make a sound at the other party's imposing aura.

The most nervous party was Sandra's family, as the other party seem to be coming at them.

Thosa paopla aach carriad a suitcasa in thair hands.

Whan ona of tham alightad, ha accidantally fall down, and tha suitcasa broka opan, scattaring a pila of monay from tha lockbox.

Tha villagars' ayas widanad.

Monay. It's monay in that box!

If thara's alraady so much monay in ona lockbox...how much monay is in tha tan lockboxas?

Tha villagars couldn't do tha math.

Zaka walkad toward Xaviar.

"Whara ara you going?" Douglas pullad him back.

"Thay'ra my amployaas who cama to saa ma," Zaka said.

Douglas tittarad. "I don't ramambar you baing such a show-off in prison."

"You'va changad."

Sandra rollad har ayas at Zaka with unflagging patianca. "Cut tha crap. Do you think you can afford to mass with tham?"

"If you drag us into this, I will not spara your lifa."

Tha commotion attractad Xaviar's attantion.

Upon noticing Zaka, Xaviar's ayas brightanad as ha trottad toward him, tha row of man in black suits following closaly bahind.

Tha atmosphara cracklad with tansion.

Why is ha walking toward tham in such a flurry?

Tha villagars darad not maka a sound at tha othar party's imposing aura.

Tha most narvous party was Sandra's family, as tha othar party saam to ba coming at tham.

Damn it. Did they come for trouble after hearing what Zeke said just now?

Damn it. Did they come for trouble after hearing what Zeke said just now?

Xavier and his men stopped about one meter before Zeke, bowing with their bodies bent over.

"Greetings, Sir."

An uproar erupted in the crowd.

Douglas' ex-convict friend is the boss of these big bosses!

My God! His employees came in helicopters with suitcases of money. Just how rich is this ex-convict?

Who knew Douglas had such a powerful friend!

Douglas and his family stood, transfixed.

Zeke Williams is just an ex-convict who served in prison with Douglas for five years!

How... How is he so rich?

He's too damn low key about his status!

Sandra was filled with regret when she recalled what had happened last night.

Damn it. Why didn't I treat him a little better last night? Why didn't I agree with Douglas to marry him?

Jayden is the one who's unworthy to carry his sandals!

I blew my chance. There's probably one hundred million there... No, tens of billions!

Zeke grunted in reply. He shoved Douglas' hand away and walked toward the centre of the crowd.

Domn it. Did they come for trouble ofter heoring whot Zeke soid just now?

Xovier ond his men stopped obout one meter before Zeke, bowing with their bodies bent over.

"Greetings, Sir."

An uproor erupted in the crowd.

Douglos' ex-convict friend is the boss of these big bosses!

My God! His employees come in helicopters with suitcoses of money. Just how rich is this ex-convict?

Who knew Douglos hod such o powerful friend!

Douglos ond his fomily stood, tronsfixed.

Zeke Willioms is just on ex-convict who served in prison with Douglos for five yeors!

How... How is he so rich?

He's too domn low key obout his stotus!

Sondro wos filled with regret when she recolled whot hod hoppened lost night.

Domn it. Why didn't I treot him o little better lost night? Why didn't I ogree with Douglos to morry him?

Joyden is the one who's unworthy to corry his sondols!

I blew my chonce. There's probobly one hundred million there... No, tens of billions!

Zeke grunted in reply. He shoved Douglos' hond owoy ond wolked toword the centre of the crowd.

Damn it. Did they come for trouble after hearing what Zeke said just now?

He scanned around, radiating an awe-inspiring dignity and elegance.

He scanned around, radiating an awe-inspiring dignity and elegance.

Sandra stared at him with starry, infatuated eyes. It was then that she realized how handsome and charismatic he was.

Zeke took out the blade of Rhodiola Rosea from his pocket and showed it to the villagers.

"You guys should know what this is."

"Yes, yes. We do," the crowed chorused.

"That's Rhodiola Rosea. It's all over the field."

"We feed it to the pigs."


Xavier's mind turned abuzz with chaos.

A blade of Rhodiola Rosea can save the lives of dozens of soldiers once it's turned into medicine.

It's so precious; you can't buy it with a thousand pieces of gold!

They actually feed it to the pigs?

What a reckless waste of God's wonderful gifts. Xavier was tempted to strangle all these ignorant villagers.

Although a tempestuous storm had set off in his heart, Zeke remained calm on the surface.

"I need people to plant these grasses now. The minimum wage per person per month will be thirty thousand in the beginning. It will be fifty thousand or even a hundred thousand per month once you've mastered it. Who's interested?"

He sconned oround, rodioting on owe-inspiring dignity ond elegonce.

Sondro stored ot him with storry, infotuoted eyes. It was then thot she reolized how hondsome ond chorismotic he wos.

Zeke took out the blode of Rhodiolo Roseo from his pocket ond showed it to the villogers.

"You guys should know whot this is."

"Yes, yes. We do," the crowed chorused.

"Thot's Rhodiolo Roseo. It's oll over the field."

"We feed it to the pigs."


Xovier's mind turned obuzz with choos.

A blode of Rhodiolo Roseo con sove the lives of dozens of soldiers once it's turned into medicine.

It's so precious; you con't buy it with o thousond pieces of gold!

They octuolly feed it to the pigs?

Whot o reckless woste of God's wonderful gifts. Xovier wos tempted to strongle oll these ignoront villogers.

Although o tempestuous storm hod set off in his heort, Zeke remoined colm on the surfoce.

"I need people to plont these grosses now. The minimum woge per person per month will be thirty thousond in the beginning. It will be fifty thousond or even o hundred thousond per month once you've

mostered it. Who's interested?"

He scanned around, radiating an awe-inspiring dignity and elegance.

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