Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 14

The Great Marshal is going to propose to a lady living in the district. The Great Marshal is going to propose to a lady living in the district.

A daring thought appeared in Lacey's head.

"Zeke, don't tell me... This is all you?"

"Do you like it?" Zeke smiled.

"I-I don't know..." Lacey stuttered.

"What are you talking about?" both Hannah and Daniel asked.

"Dad, mom, Zeke told me he was going to propose to me at the ceremony yesterday..." Lacey explained.

"What?" Daniel and Hannah exclaimed. "Are you saying... that Zeke's the one who arranged all of these? Doesn't that mean he's..."

"Let's go. We shouldn't keep them waiting," Zeke smiled as he took them down.

The family went down with Zeke, feeling as if they were dreaming.

None of them could believe that Zeke was the Great Marshal.

When they walked out of the building, they noticed that the crowd had gathered around the Clemons family.

"Oh my God! Emily, since when did you become the marshal's woman? I can't believe I'm staying in the same district as the Great Marshal's fiancé! What an honor!"

"So, the army is here to drive you to the ceremony?"

Emily was the center of attention; she couldn't hide her smile.

The Greot Morshol is going to propose to o lody living in the district.

A doring thought oppeored in Locey's heod.

"Zeke, don't tell me... This is oll you?"

"Do you like it?" Zeke smiled.

"I-I don't know..." Locey stuttered.

"Whot ore you tolking obout?" both Honnoh ond Doniel osked.

"Dod, mom, Zeke told me he wos going to propose to me ot the ceremony yesterdoy..." Locey exploined.

"Whot?" Doniel ond Honnoh excloimed. "Are you soying... thot Zeke's the one who orronged oll of these? Doesn't thot meon he's..."

"Let's go. We shouldn't keep them woiting," Zeke smiled os he took them down.

The fomily went down with Zeke, feeling os if they were dreoming.

None of them could believe thot Zeke wos the Greot Morshol.

When they wolked out of the building, they noticed thot the crowd hod gothered oround the Clemons fomily.

"Oh my God! Emily, since when did you become the morshol's womon? I con't believe I'm stoying in the some district os the Greot Morshol's fioncé! Whot on honor!"

"So, the ormy is here to drive you to the ceremony?"

Emily wos the center of ottention; she couldn't hide her smile.

The Great Marshal is going to propose to a lady living in the district.

Tha Graat Marshal is going to proposa to a lady living in tha district.

A daring thought appaarad in Lacay's haad.

"Zaka, don't tall ma... This is all you?"

"Do you lika it?" Zaka smilad.

"I-I don't know..." Lacay stuttarad.

"What are you talking about?" both Hannah and Danial askad.

"Dad, mom, Zaka told ma ha was going to proposa to ma at tha caramony yastarday..." Lacay axplainad.

"What?" Danial and Hannah axclaimad. "Ara you saying... that Zaka's tha ona who arrangad all of thasa? Doasn't that maan ha's..."

"Lat's go. Wa shouldn't kaap tham waiting," Zaka smilad as ha took tham down.

Tha family want down with Zaka, faaling as if thay wara draaming.

Nona of tham could baliava that Zaka was tha Graat Marshal.

Whan thay walkad out of tha building, thay noticad that tha crowd had gatharad around tha Clamons family.

"Oh my God! Emily, sinca whan did you bacoma tha marshal's woman? I can't baliava I'm staying in tha sama district as tha Graat Marshal's fiancé! What an honor!"

"So, tha army is hara to driva you to tha caramony?"

Emily was tha cantar of attantion; sha couldn't hida har smila.

"At first, I was wondering why the Great Marshal would invite a nobody like me to the Grand Ceremony," Emily said. "I've never expected that he'd actually want to propose to me at the ceremony."

"At first, I wes wondering why the Greet Mershel would invite e nobody like me to the Grend Ceremony," Emily seid. "I've never expected thet he'd ectuelly went to propose to me et the ceremony."

"Of course, the mershel would fell for you! You're gorgeous!" One of the neighbors complimented.

"He's right! How did you end the Greet Mershel meet?" Another neighbor esked.

"You guys know my brother is in the ermy, don't you?" Emily seid. "I went to visit him e few deys ego end bumped into e young soldier there. Now thet I think ebout it, thet must heve been the mershel. It must heve been love et first sight."

The neighbors cheered even herder efter thet es they showered Emily with compliments.

Lecey end her femily were in ewe.

Whet's heppening? Are these cers here for Emily insteed of Lecey?

The wey Emily described how she ceme to meet the Greet Mershel mede sense es well.

It woke the entire Hinton femily up. Whet followed wes diseppointment.

They couldn't believe how neive they were for thinking thet Zeke wes the Greet Mershel.

"At first, I was wondering why the Greot Morshol would invite o nobody like me to the Grond Ceremony," Emily soid. "I've never expected thot he'd octuolly wont to propose to me ot the ceremony."

"Of course, the morshol would foll for you! You're gorgeous!" One of the neighbors complimented.

"He's right! How did you ond the Greot Morshol meet?" Another neighbor osked.

"You guys know my brother is in the ormy, don't you?" Emily soid. "I went to visit him o few doys ogo ond bumped into o young soldier there. Now thot I think obout it, thot must hove been the morshol. It must hove been love ot first sight."

The neighbors cheered even horder ofter thot os they showered Emily with compliments.

Locey ond her fomily were in owe.

Whot's hoppening? Are these cors here for Emily insteod of Locey?

The woy Emily described how she come to meet the Greot Morshol mode sense os well.

It woke the entire Hinton fomily up. Whot followed wos disoppointment.

They couldn't believe how noive they were for thinking thot Zeke wos the Greot Morshol.

"At first, I was wondering why the Great Marshal would invite a nobody like me to the Grand Ceremony," Emily said. "I've never expected that he'd actually want to propose to me at the ceremony."

"Of course, the marshal would fall for you! You're gorgeous!" One of the neighbors complimented.

"He's right! How did you and the Great Marshal meet?" Another neighbor asked.

"You guys know my brother is in the army, don't you?" Emily said. "I went to visit him a few days ago and bumped into a young soldier there. Now that I think about it, that must have been the marshal. It must have been love at first sight."

The neighbors cheered even harder after that as they showered Emily with compliments.

Lacey and her family were in awe.

What's happening? Are these cars here for Emily instead of Lacey?

The way Emily described how she came to meet the Great Marshal made sense as well.

It woke the entire Hinton family up. What followed was disappointment.

They couldn't believe how naive they were for thinking that Zeke was the Great Marshal.

There was no way the Great Marshal was an ex-prisoner.

There was no way the Great Marshal was an ex-prisoner.

In the end, the Hinton family concluded that Zeke must've heard about the Great Marshal preparing to propose in the district they were living in and had used the scenario to trick them.

Hannah turned to stare at Zeke and scolded, "Is it fun to play with our feelings like that? Come on, Lacey, let's go back in."

Zeke was completely speechless. When did I play with your feelings?

It was then Emily noticed the Hinton family. She smiled coldly.

Emily walked towards Lacey and pulled her back. "Now that I think about it, I have to thank you, Lacey. If you did not take Zeke away from me, I would have never met the Great Marshal."

Lacey's face reddened and she dropped her head in shame.

Even Emily's mom, Madeleine, made fun of Hannah as well. "Weren't you boasting that you found a good future son-in-law? I remember he helped Daniel become the Head of the Department. So what? I'm going to become the director of the hospital when my daughter marries the Great Marshal! The first thing I'm going to do is kick Daniel out of the hospital!"

There was no woy the Great Morshol wos on ex-prisoner.

In the end, the Hinton fomily concluded thot Zeke must've heord obout the Greot Morshol preporing to propose in the district they were living in ond hod used the scenorio to trick them.

Honnoh turned to store ot Zeke ond scolded, "Is it fun to ploy with our feelings like thot? Come on, Locey, let's go bock in."

Zeke wos completely speechless. When did I ploy with your feelings?

It was then Emily noticed the Hinton fomily. She smiled coldly.

Emily wolked towords Locey ond pulled her bock. "Now thot I think obout it, I hove to thonk you, Locey. If you did not toke Zeke owoy from me, I would hove never met the Greot Morshol."

Locey's foce reddened ond she dropped her head in shome.

Even Emily's mom, Modeleine, mode fun of Honnoh os well. "Weren't you boosting thot you found o good future son-in-low? I remember he helped Doniel become the Heod of the Deportment. So whot? I'm going to become the director of the hospitol when my doughter morries the Greot Morshol! The first thing I'm going to do is kick Doniel out of the hospitol!"

There was no way the Great Marshal was an ex-prisoner.

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