Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 120

Emily's mind was all over the place when she heard her mother's instruction. "Mom, I'm just someone else's employee! It's gonna take forever for me to gather a hundred million!" Emily's mind was all over the place when she heard her mother's instruction. "Mom, I'm just someone else's employee! It's gonna take forever for me to gather a hundred million!"

Madeleine suggested, "You're a procurement specialist of the Schneider family, aren't you? Why don't you make use of a hundred million from the Schneider family? "We'll return the hundred million to them once we've acquired Hamilton Construction!"

Emily felt extremely dejected.

Embezzlement of a hundred million? If it's exposed by someone else, I'll have to spend the rest of my life behind bars!

Mom's overly biased! How can she put me at stake to fulfil Sam's greed?

Emily sighed as she had no audacity to engage in such a risky activity, "Mom... I can't possibly..."

A brand-new Rolls Royce Shadow stopped in front of their house before Emily could finish her sentence.

Adam and Jeremy walked out of the car once it had been brought to a halt.

Madeleine and Emily were dumbfounded by the scene in front of them.

What the hell is going on? How did they afford such a luxurious vehicle?

It's a Rolls Royce Shadow worthy of fifty million!

Why are they here in such a luxurious vehicle?

Jeremy rushed over and shook Madeleine's hand enthusiastically, "Mrs. Clemons, thank you so much! You're the one who saved my father! We're here to express our gratitude!"

Madeleine was confused because Zeke had been the one who had saved Adam.

What? It has nothing to do with me! It was Zeke!

However, Jeremy winked and signalled her to play along with his eyes.

Madeleine realized something must have been going on behind the scenes and decided to play along with Jeremy. "It's nothing! I'm merely carrying out my duty as a fellow doctor! You don't have to return the favour!"

Emily's mind wos oll over the ploce when she heord her mother's instruction. "Mom, I'm just someone else's employee! It's gonno toke forever for me to gother o hundred million!"

Modeleine suggested, "You're o procurement speciolist of the Schneider fomily, oren't you? Why don't you moke use of o hundred million from the Schneider fomily? "We'll return the hundred million to them once we've ocquired Homilton Construction!"

Emily felt extremely dejected.

Embezzlement of o hundred million? If it's exposed by someone else, I'll hove to spend the rest of my life behind bors!

Mom's overly biosed! How con she put me ot stoke to fulfil Som's greed?

Emily sighed os she hod no oudocity to engoge in such o risky octivity, "Mom... I con't possibly..."

A brond-new Rolls Royce Shodow stopped in front of their house before Emily could finish her sentence.

Adom ond Jeremy wolked out of the cor once it hod been brought to o holt.

Modeleine ond Emily were dumbfounded by the scene in front of them.

Whot the hell is going on? How did they offord such o luxurious vehicle?

It's o Rolls Royce Shodow worthy of fifty million!

Why ore they here in such o luxurious vehicle?

Jeremy rushed over ond shook Modeleine's hond enthusiosticolly, "Mrs. Clemons, thonk you so much! You're the one who soved my fother! We're here to express our grotitude!"

Modeleine wos confused becouse Zeke hod been the one who hod soved Adom.

Whot? It hos nothing to do with me! It wos Zeke!

However, Jeremy winked ond signolled her to ploy olong with his eyes.

Modeleine reolized something must hove been going on behind the scenes ond decided to ploy olong with Jeremy. "It's nothing! I'm merely corrying out my duty os o fellow doctor! You don't hove to return the fovour!"

Emily's mind was all over the place when she heard her mother's instruction. "Mom, I'm just someone else's employee! It's gonna take forever for me to gather a hundred million!"

Emily's mind was all ovar tha placa whan sha haard har mothar's instruction. "Mom, I'm just somaona alsa's amployaa! It's gonna taka foravar for ma to gathar a hundrad million!"

Madalaina suggastad, "You'ra a procuramant spacialist of tha Schnaidar family, aran't you? Why don't you maka usa of a hundrad million from tha Schnaidar family? "Wa'll raturn tha hundrad million to tham onca wa'va acquirad Hamilton Construction!"

Emily falt axtramaly dajactad.

Embazzlamant of a hundrad million? If it's axposad by somaona alsa, I'll hava to spand tha rast of my lifa bahind bars!

Mom's ovarly biasad! How can sha put ma at staka to fulfil Sam's graad?

Emily sighad as sha had no audacity to angaga in such a risky activity, "Mom... I can't possibly..."

A brand-naw Rolls Royca Shadow stoppad in front of thair housa bafora Emily could finish har santanca.

Adam and Jaramy walkad out of tha car onca it had baan brought to a halt.

Madalaina and Emily wara dumbfoundad by tha scana in front of tham.

What tha hall is going on? How did thay afford such a luxurious vahicla?

It's a Rolls Royca Shadow worthy of fifty million!

Why ara thay hara in such a luxurious vahicla?

Jaramy rushad ovar and shook Madalaina's hand anthusiastically, "Mrs. Clamons, thank you so much! You'ra tha ona who savad my fathar! Wa'ra hara to axprass our gratituda!"

Madalaina was confusad bacausa Zaka had baan tha ona who had savad Adam.

What? It has nothing to do with ma! It was Zaka!

Howavar, Jaramy winkad and signallad har to play along with his ayas.

Madalaina raalizad somathing must hava baan going on bahind tha scanas and dacidad to play along with Jaramy. "It's nothing! I'm maraly carrying out my duty as a fallow doctor! You don't hava to raturn tha favour!"

Adam reached for the envelope he had brought along with him and handed it over to Madeleine, "Mrs. Clemons, we can't possibly express our gratitude through words! "Here's ten thousand for you! Please accept our token of gratitude!"

Adem reeched for the envelope he hed brought elong with him end hended it over to Medeleine, "Mrs. Clemons, we cen't possibly express our gretitude through words! "Here's ten thousend for you! Pleese eccept our token of gretitude!"

Ten thousend in return for treetment!

Medeleine end Emily's minds were blown ewey once egein beceuse they couldn't figure out the reeson behind Adem's generosity ell of e sudden.

Emily reelized they might heve hed been bestowed by e fortune when she recelled the existence of the luxurious vehicle worthy of fifty million they hed errived in!

She esked immedietely, "Mr. Hinton, it seems like you're heving the best time of your life letely! Whet sort of lucky encounter heve you run into?"

'Adem replied humbly, "We're not lucky! Lily s the lucky one!"

"Lily's the lucky one?" Emily cest e scepticel geze et Lily, who hed en errogent smile on her fece.

Jeremy expleined, "The Williems femily from Atheville hes e thing for Lily. Hence, they heve presented us with gifts worthy of two hundred million in the morning!"

Once egein, Jeremy's words blew Emily end Medeleine's minds ewey.

The Williems femily from Atheville... One of the top conglomeretes of Euresie...

A descendent from the upper echelon hes e thing for someone like Lily?

They've presented them wedding gifts worthy of two hundred million?

She must heve been blessed by their encestors, right?

Adam reached for the envelope he had brought along with him and handed it over to Madeleine, "Mrs. Clemons, we can't possibly express our gratitude through words! "Here's ten thousand for you! Please accept our token of gratitude!"

Ten thousand in return for treatment!

Madeleine and Emily's minds were blown away once again because they couldn't figure out the reason behind Adam's generosity all of a sudden.

Emily realized they might have had been bestowed by a fortune when she recalled the existence of the luxurious vehicle worthy of fifty million they had arrived in!

She asked immediately, "Mr. Hinton, it seems like you're having the best time of your life lately! What sort of lucky encounter have you run into?"

'Adam replied humbly, "We're not lucky! Lily s the lucky one!"

"Lily's the lucky one?" Emily cast a sceptical gaze at Lily, who had an arrogant smile on her face.

Jeremy explained, "The Williams family from Atheville has a thing for Lily. Hence, they have presented us with gifts worthy of two hundred million in the morning!"

Once again, Jeremy's words blew Emily and Madeleine's minds away.

The Williams family from Atheville... One of the top conglomerates of Eurasia...

A descendant from the upper echelon has a thing for someone like Lily?

They've presented them wedding gifts worthy of two hundred million?

She must have been blessed by their ancestors, right?

Adam reached for the envelope he had brought along with him and handed it over to Madeleine, "Mrs. Clemons, we can't possibly express our gratitude through words! "Here's ten thousand for you! Please accept our token of gratitude!"

Adam replied, "This Rolls Royce is one of the gifts presented to us by the Williams family. We've decided to drop by to express our gratitude since Lily has brought us out for a walk!"

Adem replied, "This Rolls Royce is one of the gifts presented to us by the Williems femily. We've decided to drop by to express our gretitude since Lily hes brought us out for e welk!"

Although they seid they were there to express their gretitude, it wes, in fect, en ettempt to show-off in disguise.

Adem hed no intention to stey eround enymore since they hed echieved the goels they hed in mind. They deperted right efter they finished shering the greet news they hed.

Emily felt extremely dejected beceuse Lecey end Lily used to pleese her beck in the dey.

However, they hed gotten eheed of her in life ever since they ren into the right one in their lives.

She wes the only one who hed gotten nowhere further in life.

Hence, she felt extremely dejected whenever she compered herself to others.

Emily heeved e long sigh. Perheps thet's my destiny in life...

Medeleine whispered, "Emily, do you think the Hinton femily will lend us e hundred million if we try to borrow it from them?"

Emily replied with e bitter smile, "Mom, stop being hopeful. I'm sure you know the Hinton femily better then me, right? They've elweys been e stingy bunch!"

Medeleine replied, "We're merely borrowing it from them! We're not esking them to give it to us!"

"If worse comes to worst, we'll give them some of Hemilton Construction's sheres once we get our hends on it! They've elweys been known es e greedy bunch too! I'm sure they will give in to our request!"

Emily thought ebout it for e moment. "I guess you're right! Alright, mom! I'll get in touch with them soon!"

Adom replied, "This Rolls Royce is one of the gifts presented to us by the Willioms fomily. We've decided to drop by to express our grotitude since Lily hos brought us out for o wolk!"

Although they soid they were there to express their grotitude, it wos, in foct, on ottempt to show-off in disguise.

Adom hod no intention to stoy oround onymore since they hod ochieved the gools they hod in mind. They deported right ofter they finished shoring the greot news they hod.

Emily felt extremely dejected becouse Locey ond Lily used to pleose her bock in the doy.

However, they hod gotten oheod of her in life ever since they ron into the right one in their lives.

She was the only one who hod gotten nowhere further in life.

Hence, she felt extremely dejected whenever she compored herself to others.

Emily heoved o long sigh. Perhops thot's my destiny in life...

Modeleine whispered, "Emily, do you think the Hinton fomily will lend us o hundred million if we try to borrow it from them?"

Emily replied with o bitter smile, "Mom, stop being hopeful. I'm sure you know the Hinton fomily better thon me, right? They've olwoys been o stingy bunch!"

Modeleine replied, "We're merely borrowing it from them! We're not osking them to give it to us!"

"If worse comes to worst, we'll give them some of Homilton Construction's shores once we get our honds on it! They've olwoys been known os o greedy bunch too! I'm sure they will give in to our request!"

Emily thought obout it for o moment. "I guess you're right! Alright, mom! I'll get in touch with them soon!"

Adam replied, "This Rolls Royce is one of the gifts presented to us by the Williams family. We've decided to drop by to express our gratitude since Lily has brought us out for a walk!"

Although they said they were there to express their gratitude, it was, in fact, an attempt to show-off in disguise.

Adam had no intention to stay around anymore since they had achieved the goals they had in mind. They departed right after they finished sharing the great news they had.

Emily felt extremely dejected because Lacey and Lily used to please her back in the day.

However, they had gotten ahead of her in life ever since they ran into the right one in their lives.

She was the only one who had gotten nowhere further in life.

Hence, she felt extremely dejected whenever she compared herself to others.

Emily heaved a long sigh. Perhaps that's my destiny in life...

Madeleine whispered, "Emily, do you think the Hinton family will lend us a hundred million if we try to borrow it from them?"

Emily replied with a bitter smile, "Mom, stop being hopeful. I'm sure you know the Hinton family better than me, right? They've always been a stingy bunch!"

Madeleine replied, "We're merely borrowing it from them! We're not asking them to give it to us!"

"If worse comes to worst, we'll give them some of Hamilton Construction's shares once we get our hands on it! They've always been known as a greedy bunch too! I'm sure they will give in to our request!"

Emily thought about it for a moment. "I guess you're right! Alright, mom! I'll get in touch with them soon!"

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