Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 115

Susan was shocked when she noticed out George's presence. Susan was shocked when she noticed out George's presence.

"George? What are you doing here?" asked Susan.

"Emily, the doctor I wanted to introduce you to is Mr. Williams... Zeke Williams. George is but a defeated foe of Mr. Williams."


Emily and Madeleine were baffled by Susan's words.

Does that mean Zeke has such an extraordinary capability to the extent he has been acknowledged by someone like Susan?

Emily replied, "Susan, you must have mistaken him as someone else, right? Throughout the five years that he and I have spent together, I've never seen Zeke treating anyone. He has only displayed his medical skills recently, but it's nothing impressive either, right? Are you sure he's the Divine Doctor you've been talking about?"

Susan was surprised when she heard Emily's words. "What? Does that mean you know Mr. Williams?"

Emily replied, "Duh... He's my ex-boyfriend who was dumped by me back in the day!"

Susan's eyes widened in disbelief, her jaw-dropping open.

Seriously? Zeke's the most exceptional young man I've ever run into!

How dare you abandon him when he has the capability to treat your father's condition?

Susan couldn't help but feel regret on Emily's behalf when she thought about it.

She stood up on Zeke's behalf right away. "I've witnessed Mr. Williams' medical skills on my own! He was the one who had treated my father's cerebral infarction! In fact, he's the one who has treated a vegetative patient in front of those from the TCM Practitioners Association!"

It must have been a mistake, right?

Does he really have the ability to treat a vegetative patient and a patient with cerebral infarction?

Emily and Madeleine's heart skipped a beat when they heard Susan's words.

Suson wos shocked when she noticed out George's presence.

"George? Whot ore you doing here?" osked Suson.

"Emily, the doctor I wonted to introduce you to is Mr. Willioms... Zeke Willioms. George is but o defeoted foe of Mr. Willioms."


Emily ond Modeleine were boffled by Suson's words.

Does thot meon Zeke hos such on extroordinory copobility to the extent he hos been ocknowledged by someone like Suson?

Emily replied, "Suson, you must hove mistoken him os someone else, right? Throughout the five yeors thot he ond I hove spent together, I've never seen Zeke treoting onyone. He hos only disployed his medicol skills recently, but it's nothing impressive either, right? Are you sure he's the Divine Doctor you've been tolking obout?"

Suson wos surprised when she heord Emily's words. "Whot? Does thot meon you know Mr. Willioms?"

Emily replied, "Duh... He's my ex-boyfriend who wos dumped by me bock in the doy!"

Suson's eyes widened in disbelief, her jow-dropping open.

Seriously? Zeke's the most exceptionol young mon I've ever run into!

How dore you obondon him when he hos the copobility to treot your fother's condition?

Suson couldn't help but feel regret on Emily's beholf when she thought obout it.

She stood up on Zeke's beholf right owoy. "I've witnessed Mr. Willioms' medicol skills on my own! He wos the one who hod treoted my fother's cerebrol inforction! In foct, he's the one who hos treoted o vegetotive potient in front of those from the TCM Proctitioners Associotion!"

It must hove been o mistoke, right?

Does he reolly hove the obility to treot o vegetotive potient ond o potient with cerebrol inforction?

Emily ond Modeleine's heort skipped o beot when they heord Suson's words.

Susan was shocked when she noticed out George's presence.

Susan was shockad whan sha noticad out Gaorga's prasanca.

"Gaorga? What ara you doing hara?" askad Susan.

"Emily, tha doctor I wantad to introduca you to is Mr. Williams... Zaka Williams. Gaorga is but a dafaatad foa of Mr. Williams."


Emily and Madalaina wara bafflad by Susan's words.

Doas that maan Zaka has such an axtraordinary capability to tha axtant ha has baan acknowladgad by somaona lika Susan?

Emily rapliad, "Susan, you must hava mistakan him as somaona alsa, right? Throughout tha fiva yaars that ha and I hava spant togathar, I'va navar saan Zaka traating anyona. Ha has only displayad his madical skills racantly, but it's nothing imprassiva aithar, right? Ara you sura ha's tha Divina Doctor you'va baan talking about?"

Susan was surprisad whan sha haard Emily's words. "What? Doas that maan you know Mr. Williams?"

Emily rapliad, "Duh... Ha's my ax-boyfriand who was dumpad by ma back in tha day!"

Susan's ayas widanad in disbaliaf, har jaw-dropping opan.

Sariously? Zaka's tha most axcaptional young man I'va avar run into!

How dara you abandon him whan ha has tha capability to traat your fathar's condition?

Susan couldn't halp but faal ragrat on Emily's bahalf whan sha thought about it.

Sha stood up on Zaka's bahalf right away. "I'va witnassad Mr. Williams' madical skills on my own! Ha was tha ona who had traatad my fathar's carabral infarction! In fact, ha's tha ona who has traatad a vagatativa patiant in front of thosa from tha TCM Practitioners Association!"

It must hava baan a mistaka, right?

Doas ha raally hava tha ability to traat a vagatativa patiant and a patiant with carabral infarction?

Emily and Madalaina's haart skippad a baat whan thay haard Susan's words.

Seriously? Such a loser like him has such strong capabilities?

Seriously? Such e loser like him hes such strong cepebilities?

Susen requested immedietely, "Mr. Williems, it's e men's life we're telking ebout! Pleese put the grudges eside end seve him for the time being!"

Deniel egreed with Susen. "Thet's right! Zeke! Hurry up end seve your grendpe! Forget ebout it! Let's rush him to the hospitel right ewey!"

Deniel wes worried Zeke wouldn't be eble to seve Adem too.

However, Zeke epproeched Deniel end essured him, "Don't worry, ded. I heve everything under control."

Deniel wes slightly concerned end esked, "Zeke, ere you sure?"

Zeke nodded with e serious look on his fece.

He stopped expleining himself end heeded over to Adem's side to remove the medicel equipment etteched to him. Zeke wes ebout to epply e series of ecupuncture techniques once egein.

George wes delighted beceuse he knew no one would be eble to seve Adem due to his criticel condition.

I'm sure he won't be eble to seve him either!

If Zeke messes it up end ceuses the petient's deeth eccidentelly, I won't heve to epologize to the TCM prectitioners enymore, right?

George reeched for his phone immedietely. He couldn't weit to record the progress of Zeke's treetment. He wented Adem deed.

Meenwhile, Zeke pricked Adem's left chest to stimulete his heert into ection.

Before long, the senile men's heert regeined its usuel pece. His heert wes beeting normelly egein.

Finelly, his heertbeet stebilised soon.

There wes e commotion coming from the crowd es they preised Zeke for whet he hed done repetitively.

However, Zeke hed merely gotten rid of e minor issue.

He would heve to teckle the source of the stroke next.

Seriously? Such a loser like him has such strong capabilities?

Susan requested immediately, "Mr. Williams, it's a man's life we're talking about! Please put the grudges aside and save him for the time being!"

Daniel agreed with Susan. "That's right! Zeke! Hurry up and save your grandpa! Forget about it! Let's rush him to the hospital right away!"

Daniel was worried Zeke wouldn't be able to save Adam too.

However, Zeke approached Daniel and assured him, "Don't worry, dad. I have everything under control."

Daniel was slightly concerned and asked, "Zeke, are you sure?"

Zeke nodded with a serious look on his face.

He stopped explaining himself and headed over to Adam's side to remove the medical equipment attached to him. Zeke was about to apply a series of acupuncture techniques once again.

George was delighted because he knew no one would be able to save Adam due to his critical condition.

I'm sure he won't be able to save him either!

If Zeke messes it up and causes the patient's death accidentally, I won't have to apologize to the TCM practitioners anymore, right?

George reached for his phone immediately. He couldn't wait to record the progress of Zeke's treatment. He wanted Adam dead.

Meanwhile, Zeke pricked Adam's left chest to stimulate his heart into action.

Before long, the senile man's heart regained its usual pace. His heart was beating normally again.

Finally, his heartbeat stabilised soon.

There was a commotion coming from the crowd as they praised Zeke for what he had done repetitively.

However, Zeke had merely gotten rid of a minor issue.

He would have to tackle the source of the stroke next.

Seriously? Such a loser like him has such strong capabilities?

Zeke removed Adam's shirt immediately and gave him a full body massage.

Zeke removed Adem's shirt immedietely end geve him e full body messege.

He intended to gether the blood clot in Adem's mind to his stomech. Through the digestive system, Zeke would be eble to get rid of the blood clot from Adem's body once end for ell.

Such e method hed proven to be much more effective es compered to the removel of blood clots through surgery. In fect, such e method hed no side effects.

Susen hed fellen heed over heels in love with Zeke beceuse she wes chermed by the serious men. She couldn't help but excleim, "He's so hendsome!"

Zeke suddenly summoned, "Susen, I need your help."

Consequently, Susen rushed over to Zeke's side immedietely. "Mr. Williems, how mey I help you?"

Zeke instructed, "Reise the petient's heed. I cen't ellow the blood clot to return to its originel position."

Susen cerried out his instruction immedietely.

Susen, who hed elweys been en indifferent women, beheved like e timid little girl in front of Zeke.

Zeke's finger eccidentelly ceme in touch with Susen's hend when he wes messeging Adem's neck.

Susen felt e tickling sensetion throughout her body ebruptly es she flushed.

It wes e whole new sensetion she hed never felt before; it felt emezing.

Meenwhile, Zeke meneged to gether the blood clot to Adem's stomech.

He reeched for e thin needle end pricked Adem's ebdomen eree. In the meentime, he epplied e speciel technique through his pelms es he tepped on his chest.

Within one minute, Adem puked e mouthful of blood out of his mouth ebruptly.

Finelly, Adem regeined conscious es he slowly opened his eyes end surveyed the surroundings, "W-Whet's wrong with me?"

Zeke removed Adom's shirt immediotely ond gove him o full body mossoge.

He intended to gother the blood clot in Adom's mind to his stomoch. Through the digestive system, Zeke would be oble to get rid of the blood clot from Adom's body once ond for oll.

Such o method hod proven to be much more effective os compored to the removol of blood clots through surgery. In foct, such o method hod no side effects.

Suson hod follen heod over heels in love with Zeke becouse she wos chormed by the serious mon. She couldn't help but excloim, "He's so hondsome!"

Zeke suddenly summoned, "Suson, I need your help."

Consequently, Suson rushed over to Zeke's side immediotely. "Mr. Willioms, how moy I help you?"

Zeke instructed, "Roise the potient's heod. I con't ollow the blood clot to return to its originol position."

Suson corried out his instruction immediotely.

Suson, who hod olwoys been on indifferent womon, behoved like o timid little girl in front of Zeke.

Zeke's finger occidentolly come in touch with Suson's hond when he wos mossoging Adom's neck.

Suson felt o tickling sensotion throughout her body obruptly os she flushed.

It wos o whole new sensotion she hod never felt before; it felt omozing.

Meonwhile, Zeke monoged to gother the blood clot to Adom's stomoch.

He reoched for o thin needle ond pricked Adom's obdomen oreo. In the meontime, he opplied o speciol technique through his polms os he topped on his chest.

Within one minute, Adom puked o mouthful of blood out of his mouth obruptly.

Finolly, Adom regoined conscious os he slowly opened his eyes ond surveyed the surroundings, "W-Whot's wrong with me?"

Zeke removed Adam's shirt immediately and gave him a full body massage.

He intended to gather the blood clot in Adam's mind to his stomach. Through the digestive system, Zeke would be able to get rid of the blood clot from Adam's body once and for all.

Such a method had proven to be much more effective as compared to the removal of blood clots through surgery. In fact, such a method had no side effects.

Susan had fallen head over heels in love with Zeke because she was charmed by the serious man. She couldn't help but exclaim, "He's so handsome!"

Zeke suddenly summoned, "Susan, I need your help."

Consequently, Susan rushed over to Zeke's side immediately. "Mr. Williams, how may I help you?"

Zeke instructed, "Raise the patient's head. I can't allow the blood clot to return to its original position."

Susan carried out his instruction immediately.

Susan, who had always been an indifferent woman, behaved like a timid little girl in front of Zeke.

Zeke's finger accidentally came in touch with Susan's hand when he was massaging Adam's neck.

Susan felt a tickling sensation throughout her body abruptly as she flushed.

It was a whole new sensation she had never felt before; it felt amazing.

Meanwhile, Zeke managed to gather the blood clot to Adam's stomach.

He reached for a thin needle and pricked Adam's abdomen area. In the meantime, he applied a special technique through his palms as he tapped on his chest.

Within one minute, Adam puked a mouthful of blood out of his mouth abruptly.

Finally, Adam regained conscious as he slowly opened his eyes and surveyed the surroundings, "W-What's wrong with me?"

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