Lord Of Succubi:Transmigrated As A Dual Cultivator In Isekai Of Magic

Chapter 141 141 Analysis II

Chapter 141 Chapter 141 Analysis II

"No we didn't."


"YOU did Ni Yang. You did it. It was all you. That's why I'm trying to apologize here. I took all the glory for that victory, yes I know it was a stupid thing, but I was just trying to–"

He completed it for her;

"Look out for your family's honor right?"

"Yes, exactly," but her face immediately twisted in a bunch; "Wait, what? How did you–"

"I just know these things Mon." he said nonchalantly; "Don't sweat it alright? We're good."

"We are?" she echoed in disbelief.

He shrugged his shoulders again- eyes straight ahead, back up right, and feet stiff in a manner that reminded her of what riding as a child was;

"After a person's soul, family is the most precious thing on earth. I respect the fact that you're trying to do right by yours. I also respect the fact that you did it to bolster your family's reputation. . ."

Monica's eyes went round as astonishment and surprise all rolled into one.

". . .so, in light of that, I suggest you leave out my presence on this mission as well. When people hear about Paul and what you did to his gang, they're gonna know better than to mess with the Russell clan in the future, trust me."

Monica's red colored eyebrows went up really high on her face. The corners of her mouth separated from her upper jaw. She stared at him intently, watching his swaying movements, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

"There's no catch Monica," he chuckled; "So can you please stop staring at me like you're expecting me to suddenly grow two horns- cause I won't."

She laughed.

He laughed as well.

Even the horses snorted.

Monica could not believe Ni Yang. At each turn, he always seemed to find a way to surprise her with his innate understanding. She already knew him to be powerful. But she was only just seeing this selfless side of him.

Deep on the inside, her heart warmed with a flowery, sweet calm. Appreciation dogged the corners of her eyes as she looked at him. The young handsome man seemed to know exactly what she wanted- and had generously handed it over to her.

"You're a strange one Ni Yang," she managed to say; "A strange one indeed,"

An innocent look clouded his face;

"I don't know about that Lady Russell. I mean, just because I don't live in a castle doesn't mean I'm a stran–"

"Oh come off it!" her eyes danced; "You know that's not what I'm talking about. . ."

"Do I though? You noble women are a strange bunch. Tell me. . ." he said with a straight face;

"Is it true you all wake up to live music played by exotic instrumentalists with rippling muscles and bulging manhoods?"

"Ni Yang!" she cried as she burst into laughter; "Where in the hell did you get that from?!"

He smiled, watching her eyes spark as she laughed freely. He allowed her land- before hitting her with a serious question;

"Monica, I don't mean to pry into your private business, but this has been bugging me since."

By his side, riding expertly on her red horse, Monica's eyes squinted a little;

"Go on," she said softly, surprising even her ownself.

"That Paul boy back there- that was no random prank. That was a calculated assault. And I can tell powerful hatred when I see one."

She said nothing, as if waiting for his question.

"So, what's the deal with you two? Were you estranged lovers or something?"

Monica sniggered, suppressing her amusement;

"No Ni Yang, I'm afraid it's a lot more boring than that. His family has been tormenting my family for a full decade now. So, it's safe to say he doesn't like my guts at all."

Nexus' brows furrowed in deep thought; "Still, back there, that kind of felt. . .personal."

"Indeed, I agree with you."

Her tone also took a soft curve as she began to reflect;

"Earlier on, dude said something about getting back at Lady Russell. So, I'm assuming my step mother has already made a move on his family. And judging from the way he came at me, I'm guessing it was probably something ugly and embarassing."

Nexus nodded in assent; "Makes sense. But what exactly did she do to him? Because it looked like he didn't just want you dead, he wanted you to suffer."

A storm cloud streaked across the bright sky- eclipsing the sun momentarily.

"Gee, I wish I knew. I would've love to throw it in his face before he died. But I need to get back home first to figure all this out. Whatever it was, I'm betting on the fact that it was juicy as hell."

"Damn," he muttered; "Remind me not to get on Lady Russell's bad side."

"No kidding. . ."

A light wind picked up, sweeping through both their hairs- sending both his coat and her cloak flapping in the open air.

"But seriously Mon, Paul's family just lost twice. You know they're going to be out for blood right? Literally."

Her face tightened, but her eyes flashed- as if excited at the thought of a fight;

"I don't doubt that at all. In fact, I'm counting on it, just as I'm sure my step mother is. She's probably looking for any excuse to go nuts on the family."

Nexus gently nudged his horse, pulling it up to her side;

"You need to deny everything that happened back there. In fact, if I were you, I would probably keep it a secret."

She scoffed fiercely; "I'm not afraid of them Ni Yang. They're just a bunch of puss–"

"Motivation is a powerful drive. And there's no drive more potent than grief. Just look what your step mother did because she felt oppressed. Now imagine how the family will feel and react if they suspect you were involved in the death of their precious boy. . ." contemporary romance

Face suddenly serious, Monica glanced to her side, gripping the ropes firmly, and keeping her gaze on Nexus.

". . .right now. No one knows for sure what happened. There are no witnesses, neither is there any shred of evidence. . ."

She continued to listen;

". . .so legally speaking, they've got nothing on you. However, that doesn't mean there won't be an inquisition or an interrogation. But, if you keep your mouth shut about your involvment, and maintain that you didn't see, smell, or touch Paul. . ."

She completed it; "The family will have nothing on me. . ."

For a bit, Nexus' eyes brightened. His shoulders heaved with relief, as if somehow glad that Monica was starting to see things his way.

"Sorry Ni Yang, but that's total horse crap. . ."

His blood ran cold. Shocked, his head twisted in her direction;

"I'm sorry?" he asked carefully.

"I mean, I totally get it. You're just trying to do the best thing from your perspective. But you're forgetting one thing- these are my people, I grew up with them, I know how they play, and trust me, your logic won't hold."

Nexus' eyes narrowed and his face paled a bit- despite the warm weather;

"I don't follow. . ."

"Of course you don't," her jaw stretched as she sighed; "Listen man, the Howard family isn't stupid..."


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