Lord Of Succubi:Transmigrated As A Dual Cultivator In Isekai Of Magic

Chapter 139 139 Notion

Chapter 139 Chapter 139 Notion

In skill, in strength and in power, he was way above her. Really, he could have just accepted her apology and taken the win for himself. . ..so why hadn't he? Were her feelings of such importance to him- that he would apologize?!

The questions ran so deep and so wild, she actually began to feel her brain tumble from the inside out. She parted her legs a bit to keep herself from swaying over the side.

"Ni Yang?" she called out softly, maybe too softly.


"Thank you," it was barely a whisper; "for everything. . .for saving me. . .and most importantly, for being a decent human being. . ."

She dipped her head forward, spread out her hands behind her, and bent her knees- in a VERY formal curtsy.

It was a super surprising moment for Nexus.

The tissue between and around his eyes suddenly contracted in suprise. From under the shadow of his hat, Nexus' eyes bored into her in shock- watching her astonishing humility. The fiery red head had never curtsied to anyone before!

Not to elders in the society. Not to the authority. Not even to her stepmother!

There was literally no force on the planet that could make her act like a proper girl. She would blow them up before they even tried to! And yet, here she was, curtsying like a ten year old.

Nexus bent his head to the side. His hat tilted rightwards as he took in the implication.

Monica was a haughty creature. But standing there, looking at her bowed subserviently before him, he knew he must have gained her deepest respect. Deeply moved, her strode towards her- gliding through the grasslands- moving like hovering vampire.

Monica's head was still bowed, and her knees were still bent at the joints. Traditionally, it stayed that way until the recipient of the curtsy gave permission to rise.

In a moment, much to her astonishment, Nexus was before her.

She felt the strong commanding presence, and yet, his gentle, compassionate aura. Trembling in awe, she twitched slightly, nearly doubling all over- as she felt his hands on hers pulling her up gently.

"Come on now Mon," he chirped; "We're friends aren't we? There's no need for all that."

His hands firmly latched onto her as he gently pulled her up, raising her from her position of humility- elevating her to be by his side.

For a moment, up close, Monica and Nexus were barely a feet away from each other. She looked up to him from that distance under the pale moonlight. Greedily, she drank? everything about his features; his eyes, his nose, and his scent that was vaguely similar to the fresh smell of the open grass and morning dew.

Looking down on the fiery red head, with her face barely twelve inches away, Nexus chimed his thoughts aloud; contemporary romance

"I've only known you for a relatively short time Mon, but I gotta tell you- you're absolutely phenomenal. . ."

Monica fought a losing battle to keep her face from reddening;

". . .I refuse to disrespect you by pumping your head with vain flattery, but just know that you've earned my deepest respect. And it's not because of anything you've said or done or accomplished. . ."

Her face tautened;

". . .it's simply because of who you are- as a person."

Monica's face relaxed as joy budded on her face like ink spreading across white cotton sheets.

"So," he announced looking all around; "What's next? cos' it's really starting to look like this morning cold is out to get to get me. . ."

Monica laughed heartily and freely- throwing back her shoulders, and bouncing her hair.

"Really Ni Yang?"

She asked with dancing eyes and a big ass smile;

"You got on that big hat on your head, and an even bigger woolen coat, and still, you're complaining about the cold?"

He shrugged;

"If you're trying to make me feel bad about my hyper masculinity- you're doing a suck ass job Mon. It's cold as a balls in here. Damn."

She busted out peals of chuckled from her throat;

"Come on, I gotta get Tayshaun's body out that cave. . ."

"Tay- who?"

"Tayshaun silly," she rebuffed him mildly; "He's the hunter who came with me along this mission. . ."

"Ouch, I was gone five minutes and you already replaced me with some dude? Very classy Monica,"

They both turned back in the direction of the cave;

"I could never hope to replace you Ni Yang, besides, Tayshaun is dead."


Leaving the horses at the mouth of the cave, Nexus held out his hand and conjured a burst of Heavenly Flame.

The orange flame flickered to life in his palm. It curled like a tongue made of fire, lightning up the walls of the cavern, chasing the shadows away, and illuminating their path. With Nexus in the lead, they navigated through the depths of the enclave, feeling every wisp of? breath that escaped from their nostrils.

About two dozen steps in, as Tayshaun's body came into the light, Nexus' face strained;


The muscled young man was laid on his back- eyes wide open, still as a rock, and dead as a corpse. His face was mangled, like he had been smashed face first into the unflattering rocks. The clothes on his upper body was shredded in slits. Through his ribs, and where his heart used to be- was evidence of some really deep puncturing holes.


Nexus muttered again; "What in the hell happened here?"

Monica pointed to the far right of the cave as she stooped down to his body. Nexus spun immediately in that direction. His eyes went round in shock. The body of a massive furry creature with eight legs lay limp. Thick black liquid oozed out from beneath its body.

"What the fuck Monica? Why are the nastiest creatures always attracted to you?"

"That's just the business we're in."

"I don't know about all that, you ever think maybe- just maybe, you're in the wrong line of work?" he spread his arm forward, inching the flame closer; "I mean, just look at this. . ."

Behind Nexus, Monica was bent low on the ground. With a solemn expression on her face, she reached across with her two fingers poked out. Silently, she closed his open eyes, and folded his two arms across his chest.

She then placed both hands on her knees

"From the earth we came,"

Her voice cracked;

"and unto the earth we shall return. Tayshaun, I only knew you for a day. I never thought someone so unbelievably annoying can also be honorable. . ."

She sniffled;

"You were a shining light and iit seems everyone but me saw that. Even though you didn't have to, you saved my life by sacrificing yours. You set out to rob the Black Widow, and even in death, you still managed to complete your mission. I hope you rest in the afterlife you tough bastard. I pray your soul is received in eternity. . . "

She lowered her head.

With her eyes closed, hands on her laps in a kneeling position, and her lips muttering in barely audible words, she continued to pray steadily for the next six hundred seconds- concluding with a single word;


For a few moments, she remained in that position, hovering over him, looking at him one last time. In her hand was a long stretch of white cloth.


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