Lord Of Succubi:Transmigrated As A Dual Cultivator In Isekai Of Magic

Chapter 130 130 Flying Sword- ACTIVATE!

Chapter 130 Chapter 130 Flying Sword- ACTIVATE!

He wasn't sure.

But Nexus knew there was trouble.

So, he quickened his steps, at the same time, pacing himself tentatively- watching for any signs of a trap. The cry continued to ring out- tugging at his heart for some odd reason. Eventually, he saw the first signs of a bright orange flame ahead.

Reducing his full height to a squat and angling his upper body forward, he silently crept towards it. The faint rustling sounds of struggle echoed along the floor of the cave. Nexus pulled up around the corner, and stole a peek.

Nexus briefly remembered his stomach churning in irritation when he saw the naked woman bent over her knees. Bound hands and feet, she was surrounded by six men whose arms all colluded together to keep her pinned down.

One of them even had his cock out- angled behind her, getting ready to thrust just before Nexus barked at him.

And then, the real surprise came when Monica's voice came screaming from the body of the naked subdued girl. Nexus' eyes flashed in surprise. Folds of flesh on his forehead appeared as his eye brows shot up. What in the–

"Boy you'd better back the fuck off," Paul spat; "Trust me, you absolutely DO NOT want to get involved with me. . .get moving and forget you saw anything. . ."

He turned his back on him- returning his full focus on the naked butt before him.

"Forget?" Nexus scowled; "You want me to forget?"

He took another step forward;

"A pigly face like yours is going to be difficult to erase from my memory. Step away from the young woman this instant- ALL OF YOU. . ."

His voice dropped to a cold flat tone;

"This is your last warning."

Any other day, Paul might have found this stranger's audacity amusing. But he was like a dog on heat. All he wanted was to mount the Russell bitch. And Nexus was interrupting!

Gritting his teeth like an animal, he picked up his pants, and rose slowly- turning to face Nexus with flaming dark eyes;

"Mate, mate,"

He said clicking his tongue;

"You sure picked the bloody wrong day to be a hero,"

He snaped his fingers, summoning his gang.

Behind him, at once, all five hunks of thick muscled men rose from the ground. They pulled their sweaty hands away from Monica, shuffling their feet on the ground, and brushing up against each other- till they were standing shoulder to shoulder.

"You think me to be a peasant like you? Chump, I'm the bloody heir to the Howard family!"

He relaxed his tone to a cold calculating snarl;

"But it's too late for you. . .today, you're going to learn a hard lesson in minding your own damn business. . ."

In the light of the confident orange flame, he nodded his head commandingly- saying;


Immediately, the tall bearded muscular thugs- all annoyed, all determined to beat the hell out of him- began to bounce towards the lone stranger. Their shoulder muscles bulged through their shirts, swelling like buns as they walked towards him- enraged at his disturbance.

But they weren't the only ones who were enraged.

The corners of Nexus's eyes twitched psychotically. Heart thumping, and lips quivering, his hands balled into fists at his sides.

'Seriously,' he thought angrily; 'Why do the men on this continent have an unhealthy appetite for innocent young girls?!'

Swiftly, his brain delved into assault mode. His vision blurred slightly- turning a blood red, as his anger took hold over him completely. Before him, barely twelve feet away, the advancing group began to diverge.

They spread out, touching both ends of the cave's walls. Tiny nostrils flaring, and dick swinging, they quickly encircled him- eager to rid of him as quickly as possible.

Thankfully, Nexus also wanted this over right away.

In the midst of the sounds of shuffling of feet, with Monica whimpering in the background, and with Howard boy barking at her to keep quiet, Nexus mentally went over his arsenal- searching, calculating, and thinking of the best and fastest way to end this.

On the right side of his face, his right eyebrow arched upwards- independent of the other, as one option flashed in his mind. Like a beacon beeping in his brain, the picture of the flying sword shone brightly- dimming all the other options in the background.

Nexus grinned internally.

A rush of perverse excitement kindled in his mind- sending dangerous sparks flashing through his eyes. Quickly, he cast a wide glance at the menacing men creeping towards him, and saw that they were ninety percent muscles- seven percent potential, and three percent brains. contemporary romance

In the middle of the formation was a balding bearded dude- he was a C-rank.

On both sides of the dude, the two sets of the two-man team who were cracking their knuckles loudly, and scowling aloud. The two to his left were B-rank hunters, as well as the other two to his right.

Nexus tensed as his eyes flipped calculatedly.

Through every vein in his body, his anger flowed like fuel- setting him aflame with fury. Nexus wished he could give them all some good old fashioned beating.

But he was not too dense to see that a one-on-one fight was a really bad idea. Especially every single one of them was built like a wild boar. He had to be smart- and quick.

Meanwhile, the Howard boy had remained behind- refusing to advance with his men. Apparently too horny to be bothered by the fight, he had turned to face Monica again. Eyes flickering with perverse want, he slumped on his knees, adjusting his zippers once again- trying to himself onto her.

His face was red, and his mouth was hanging half open.

His right hand clutched his penis as he stretched out his other hand horizontally across her chest- trying to pin her in place, hoping to slide his cock into her juicy flesh, even if it was just the tip.

Hot breaths poured out of his mouth like a rabid dog as he hung over her- only inches away from full penetration, squeezing closer and closer, drinking in her fear, and eagerly anticipating the tight squeeze of her pussy around his rock hard erection.

Monica's mouth let out a shrill scream that cut through the air- drawing Nexus' attention on the spot.

Looking beyond the team of advancing hunters, Nexus' eyes saw the atrocious sight, and? a blazing tide of hot anger tore through him. Both his eyes burned bright and hot with a righteous vengeance!

Instantly, through the light of the burning torch, the men watched as the air around his body frame began to shimmer- rising in steams, like the slow vaporizing of a body of water. Completely throwing caution to the wind, Nexus relaxed into the arms of his anger. His vision turned bloody red as an explosive fury took over his senses.

Like a grand puppeteer, he shot both his arms upwards- lifting them above his head, stretching out his long coat like wings of a bat. With his hat covering his head, and with his ominous shadow imprinted on the wall, two words screeched through his teeth;

"Flying sword- ACTIVATE!"


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