Lord Of Succubi:Transmigrated As A Dual Cultivator In Isekai Of Magic

Chapter 126 126 Don’t Touch Me

Chapter 126 Chapter 126 Don't Touch Me

"You son of a bit*h!"

She swore hoarsely;

"You bastard son of a thousand fathers! I'm going fuckin' kill you! I'm going to skin you alive! You're going to die beggin–"

"Oh please," he held up his hand; "Spare me the sentimental outburst. . .as much as I would love to take credit for your boyfriend's death, sadly, I cannot. . .I was here you know. . ."

He corrected himself;

"Well, not here-here. . .I mean I was at the mouth of the cave, and I heard lover boy screaming like a whooping child as the Black Widow tore him from limb to limb. . .it carved him up nicely. . .like strips of meat at a slaughter house. . ."

Monica gritted her teeth.

He jumped back playfully;

"Whoa, relax! Quit glaring at me like I was the one who did him, I'm just telling it as it is okay? Now, where was I. . ."

He pushed her dangling body again, sending her spiraling as he continued his narration;

"Ah yes, so I came in after a sometime when it got super quiet, and there he was, lying in a pool of his own blood with his intestines pouring out, and his bones sticking out of his flesh. . .ewww, it was some really gory stuff you know? I might have to see a therapist after this for that. . ."

Pacing, he continued his narration with one hand on his waist, and the other gesturing in the air;

"But anyway, he seemed to have done some damage to the Black Widow before he died. . .so you know, I guess it wasn't all bad. . ."

He turned sharply to look at her;

"But that wasn't the highlight, nope, not all at all. When I saw you lying still, unmoving and unconscious, I panicked, I thought you were dead already! Gee, I genuinely felt like I had been robbed! Then you stirred, muttering something about 'In Yang' or something. . ."

He clasped his hands together- loudly;

"And voila! Here we are! Your boyfriend died to save you from a horrible death. . .how ironic is it that he ended up preserving you for me?"



Skull splitting headache.

That was all Monica could think, hear, and feel. The pounding raged inside her skull like a rampaging beast, pressing up against her frontal lobe, and kicking the base of her head- threatening to burst through in a loud explosion.

As she listened to the rambling words of the crazy dude before her, she began to think he was not so crazy after all. No. He was worse- he was MAD.

Still strung up tight, and still swinging upside down, her head throbbed as the walls of the cave began to enclose all around her. Her eyes grew heavy. Her legs became numb. Even her heartbeat seemed to begin to slow down. Grief, regret, and panic rolled into one as she watched and heard Paul rant.

"Paul," she groaned; "What is this abou–"

"No," he stopped her; "Don't talk. If I were you, I'd save my strength for what is to come."

Monica saw his eyes glint with wickedness. She heard his last four words, and it didn't fail to rattle her. For the first time truly, her situation began to dawn on her. Here she was, far from home, tied upside down, cornered like a rat- with a mad fellow.

She had never been one to scream- but suddenly, she felt the compulsive urge to do so. contemporary romance

Paul cocked his head to the side;

"You can try to scream- but I promise you, no one will hear you."

Monica's eyes went round in shock. The heat of the cave, coupled with the flaming torch triggered great beads of sweat from her sweat pores. Her forehead glistened with her body fluids, and she felt her perspiration trickle in places she didn't even know could sweat.

She jerked her head to the side as her eyes flew about- frantically searching for a way out.

Paul's lips curved at the sides as he observed her with delightful eyes. She was squirming like live bait over an open flame. Greedily, he drank in the helplessness and fear in her eyes. Eager for more, his taunting voice echoed into the void of the enclosed cave;

"What? Where's that condescension? You scared already?" he chaffed; "Bit*h I haven't even touched you yet. . ."

Her eyes met his, and Paul's groin swelled when he saw pangs of fear boldly imprinted on them;

"You were quite mouthy earlier on, I had really hoped you'd keep up that feisty attitude till the end. . .I wanted to savor breaking your spirit like, you know, like a wild horse."

He chuckled as he turned his back on her;

"But I guess that was too much too ask for. . ."

His voice trailed off as he headed towards the exit;

". . .I'm not going to kill you Monica. . .but by the time we're done with you. . .you won't be able to live with yourself anymore. . .you'll dream of me every night and wake up screaming. . .you'll hear my voice at every turn, and jump like a thief. . .most likely, you'll commit suicide before the year runs out. . ."

He disappeared around the corner, leaving Monica dangling like a strung up piece of meat behind.

'WAIT,' Monica thought; 'WE? Did he say we?'


Monica wasn't sure how many minutes passed before she started to hear the heavy thudding of boots threading the surface of the cave.

Weak as balls, she stirred groggily- straining her cramped neck in the direction ahead.

Her ears twitched as each pronounced echo of the heavy footsteps vibrated in her ears. They kept getting closer, and closer- till she could almost capture the picture of the incoming group. Out of nowhere, an arrow came wheezing.


Cruising at an unnatural speed, it shot through the air like lightning, and struck the length of rope cleanly- sending Monica's body crashing to the ground. She landed with her shoulders twelve inches downwards on the rocky floor, and a surge of hot pain raged through her body.

"Arghhhhh!!!" she yelped loudly.

Monica saw stars.

In response, peals of laughter erupted in thunderous booms from the group.

From the corner of her eye, Monica was able to make out half a dozen men. With Paul in the lead, they bounced towards her, shoulders heaving, and grinning like a pack of hyenas.

They were all big.

All with rippling muscles and thick necks that screamed through their tunics. Eyes aflame with sordid desire, they closed in on her- eyeing her like she was a piece of meat, damn near salivating at the mouths.

"Oi Monica, you're still with us right?"

Some deep voice boomed from the back;

"It ain't like she got anywhere else to go boss. . ."

"Oh, that's right, isn't it Monica?" Paul's eyes gleamed with perversion; "You're going nowhere, you're stuck with us."

"Aren't you gonna introduce us boss?"

"Yeah, yeah" the others echoed.

"All in good time boys, all in good time, but first, I want to introduce her to little Paulie over here. . ." he smiled at Monica knowingly;

"TAKE OFF HER CLOTHES!" he rasped;

At once, Monica felt five pairs of hands on her.

"Don't touch me! Don't fuckin' touch me!" she screamed; "You bloody swines, I'll have your balls for this!"


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