Lord Of Succubi:Transmigrated As A Dual Cultivator In Isekai Of Magic

Chapter 124 124 Sneak In

Chapter 124 Chapter 124 Sneak In

Arms swinging in wide fluid arcs, and legs running in long strides, he shot out with a crazed look in his eyes. His face was almost purple- and his eyes were puffed out as he tore into the nothern grasslands. He was running so fast, his feet hardly seemed to touch the floor at all.

Monica's gaze drifted away from him and tensed when she saw it.

Behind him, the Black Widow emerged from the mouth of the cave- furry, black, and wobbling dangerously fast despite its eight legs. The muscles around her buccal cavity loosened, causing her jaw to drop. The creature was monstrous. Its three black eyes were stacked in a triangle above his mouth, and they glistened with an unnatural intelligence.

Face flushed, she watched its eight legs- long, curved, hairy and black. They moved in perfect cohesion, carrying its weighty hairy frame, almost gliding- chasing after Tayshaun who was fleeing like a Neanderthal, heading south, away from her location- away from the cave.

Her whole body snapped into action immediately.

Submerged at a low altitude in the grass, her head arched up, and pulled up her body. Like an alligator, she began to creep forward towards the cave, keeping the corner of her eye on her fleeing partner, and the predator on his heels.

Taking a deep breath, she plunged right in.


The darkness swallowed her immediately.

A thick mouldy smell attacked her nose as she staggered through the black void. Her ears tingled as the sound of her own feet scratched along the rocky grounds of the cave. She gently pulled back her hood, and took quick tentative steps forward.

Fighting against her instincts to kindle a flame, Monica counted a full fifteen paces in before she finally struck a match. The single flame instantly sent the oppressive darkness fleeing. Flickering unsteadily, the orange fire brightened Monica's face in the dark, spreading its? halo to a ten feet radius.

Quickly, she brought the three foot torch close, and lit it. The towering walls of rock on both sides of the cave came alive immediately. Hoisting it above her head, she gazed forward, searching for any signs at all.

A network of strings caught her eyes up ahead.

Intrigued, her neck craned forward. Her hand clutched the burning torch tightly as she inched closer. Her eyes widened. A single gasp escaped her throat. Before her, stretching from one end of the cave to another was the largest web she had ever seen. Long white stretches of cob web- nearly as thick a human's arm, extended from top to bottom, from left to right, spanning diagonally into intersections.

These intersections in turn bred networks and networks of the thick web. It was so dense, Monica could not see the other side.

A faint breeze snuck up from behind her, shaking her out of her daze. There was no time. She had to find the mana orb. She switched the flaming torch to her left hand, and trudged forward towards the heinous web.

Feeling increasingly uncomfortable, she edged closer and closer, feeling more and more trapped by the second. She nearly dropped the torch when she caught sight of a large bull wrapped up in six feet in the air!

But below it, right at the midsection of the sticky web- a yellow mucky ball, roughly the size of a fetus, shone under the glowering flame of the torch. That was it! That was the mana orb! Riding the sudden rush of adrenaline, Monica dropped the flaming stick in her hand, and rushed to get the prize quickly.

It was just there.

All she had to do was reach- and maybe jump a little.

Behind her, a sudden gust of wind blew in from the entrance- quenching the fire she had left burning into on the ground!

"Shiiiit!" She swore hoarsely; "What the hell kinda luck is this?!"

Her hand fumbled in the dark and she struck another match. The flame cackled to life- illuminating the cave once again.

Almost immediately, Monica felt the difference- she was no longer alone! Someone, or something had entered! Sure enough, at that very moment, unknown to her, a shadowy figure was lurking- looming behind her in shadow and in form!

It was the Black Widow- in the flesh!

Monica's heart began to pound in her rib cage. She felt its cold rage. She felt its hostility.? Slowly, still clutching the rapidly diminishing matchstick in her hand, she carefully began to turn around, carefully avoiding any sudden movements- swerving in tiny negligible movements.

Blood rushed to her ears in deafening swooshes. Her thoughts chased each other like rabid dogs in her head. Just as her side vision was about to catch the full image of the Black Widow, the burning match stick in her hand suddenly gave out.

Monica sprang like a cat in the darkness.

Her tendons tensed as she launched her whole weight. In the air, she shot her hands forward, angling for the side of the wall, hoping to get out the creature's sway. Her lurch sent her forward- in the dark- towards the wall on her right.

But that was the very worst thing she could have done.

The humongous, eight legged arachnid screeched with a horrifying sound, and wobbled in the dark. Before Monica could know it she was felt the surge of a powerful psychic attack coming at her- hard. contemporary romance

Mid flight, unable to decelerate or swerve from side to side, Monica could do nothing but brace for impact. A swoosh of rippling air hit her, followed quickly by a range of invisible force. It felt like an entire satellite had slammed into her from outset space!


The sickening sound of three ribs breaking shredded the air as her slim body went hurling through the void. The shock of the attack dulled the pain a little. But Monica's brain was ablaze with questions;

'How did the creature get back so soon?! How did it even manage to creep up on her without making A SOUND?!'

The more important question burned like an itch;

'How had it seen her in the dark to have launched an attack so spot on?!'

Even as her body slammed into the rocky wall behind her, even before her head cracked against the wall, a sickening sensation streaked through out her body. Her eyes suddenly grew four times heavier. A wave of nausea crept up from her belly towards her throat- and stayed there.

Her mind began to twirl like she was sinking. Frantic, she tried to move her arms or legs, to at least fight off the feeling.

But it was futile. Monica passed out even before her hurled body came in contact with the wall behind her. The looming blackness closed in on her, and the redhead sank into her unconsciousness- all the while screaming internally;

'I'm going to fuckin' kill you. . .Tayshaun!!"


Time passed.

Voices. Monica heard voices.

Her right arm twitched. Her other arm itched. She tried to stir. But she could not move- not even an inch. The base of her skull was thumping wildly with an aggressive headache.

'Fuck,' she groaned inwardly; 'Black Widow's got me in its web already? I need to get out of here. . ."


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