King Of Pride

Chapter 14- Going Home

TIME FLIES AND FENNY HAD TO GO HOME WITH DWAYNE,. They decided to stopped the plan of Taming and capturing one
of the Werelions for the meantime because they are afraid that they won’t be able to have a second chance if they still continue
their plans.. walking down from the tallest Rocky hills down to the flat and deserted land. Fenny and Dwayne almost vomit when
they saw a dead body lying on the ground. And from the looks of it only Werelions had the strength to did this kind of brutal killing
apart from werewolves who is less in their focused. List. Fenny covered her mouth and turned around. She fall a tear and uttered
a prayer, she’s getting dizzy.
“my God ,it’s their leader must did it. We should leave here as soon as possible” Fenny said.
“ But we are not done yet.”
“ and we will be already done if we will stay here, and that would end us for good.” Fenny said and walked down the hills and
Dwayne followed her while not too far away , Lycon is sneaking and stalking while listening to them. And when they already left
he decided to go back to the pride.
Going back home is the last choice Fenny had in mind if she want to stay alive. Maybe she could find a way to get one Werelion
when she came back their as soon as possible. And When Doctor Zathc found out that she already returned, no one can’t
express how the doctor’s face lit up . Doctor Zathc paid her a visit immediately in her house even though she wasn’t entered her
house yet. She is still holding her suitcase and her bag pack.
“Finally you’re here. I thought you would take a month of staying in the wilderness.” He chuckled .
“ We won’t leave there if only we didn’t see two dead bodies lying in the ground when we decided to go down.” Fenny said.
“ Two dead bodies you say? Can you tell me about it?”. Doctor Zathc begged and Fenny sighed.
“ Okay. They looks like a men who went there for a camping, they had a tent a little farther away from where we found them.
They look like city men.” Fenny said as she tried to explain. Doctor Zathc is now dead worried about Carlos and Brook and when
he connect the dots , it seems that the dead body belongs to them. He cleared his thoughts and throat and pretend nothing
“Well then. We’ll talk tomorrow again when you get back in the office.” Doctor said and bade goodbye to her. Fenny went inside
and greeted her aunt Griselda .
“ Hi Aunt I’m back.” She said.

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