Killing My Alpha Mate

Chapter 28


"Seems like my son is getting what he deserves anyway you never saw me sinara" she says walking away. "No ma I'm Hailey.."

"I didn't ask for an introduction" She snaps cutting me off.

I'm taken aback by her tone and hostility towards me.

"Ehmm okay ma'am we actually drove all the way here to see you"

She looks at me weirdly, her blue eyes squinting as she observes my features.

"I don't have the answers you seek and whatever you're doing between hot and spicy you ain't doing right"

I'm so confused and I'm sure it's evident but she's either ignoring it or oblivious to it as she walks I follow behind her.

"Ma please if you just give me least ten minutes of your time I'll be out of your hair"

She glares at me like I was a pest.

"I know you ain't dumb you can hear me perfectly can't you?" If I'm honest I can only hear her but can't understand anything she's blurting except the fact she doesn't want to speak to me. "Ma please my mother told me to come see you"

"Good for her"

"Ma I ain't want no problem..."

"Correction you are trouble and I ain't want none of it"

Right hand to my head I slump down letting her go looking back at Dimitri who just shrugs his shoulders.

I breathe in and say the one thing I think would work.

"Malia is dead" this stops her. She stands for a few seconds before she turns around.

"Ten minutes top" she says through gritted.

"Okay let me say goodbye"

"Ain't waiting for that shit you better keep up if this talk is really important" she turns away and starts heading down the pavement.

I hurry back to where Dimitri is leaning on his car.

"So this is it" he starts.

"I'm sorry we ended on a rough patch" I say sadly.

"I wouldn't say that you're sure you'll be fine" He stands up from his car taking both my hands in his.

"I can handle it I'm a tough girl"

"You can say that again but you know I can give you a life better than the one Jaden offered you, I promise you a home, a new life, a new beginning, these last few years will be nothing but a nightmare. If you say the words I swear you'll never shed a tear again or have to struggle for anything. Hailey Stewarts you're the type of woman I wanna keep by my side without a doubt I can help you ease your demons I'll add color into your life make every dream and wishes come through only if you let me" He promised sincerely squeezing my hand a bit.

Without an ounce of doubt I know he'll make each and every thing he said come true but my only dream is to clear my father's name and repay my mother's murders.

A dream only this path can lead me to.

"I know Dimitri but I've made my decision and I'm not going to go back now" I say not meeting his eyes.

"Okay Hailey Stewarts it was nice knowing you" kissing me on the cheek he gives me a hug before opening his car's doors.

"Goodbye Dimitri, thank you"

"Goodbye Hailey Stewarts" he says starting the ignition of the car and I turn around in time to see Melissa disappearing into the street.

I hurry right behind her literally running to catch up to her as I hear a door snap close. It was a small bungalow with scrubs and flower pots circling the porch.

I think I'm at the right house, walking up the small steps I walk to the wooden door and press the doorbell.

"Come in," her cranky voice yelled.

I open the door into the living room, it smells of dandelion and strawberry, a few questions roaming through my mind.

Lord Perry owns a big home why is his wife in this small apartment

Did they part ways?

Why is she the former luna and more importantly why did my mother say I should meet her?

"Well have a seat, you're blocking out the air " Obeying quickly I sit on a sofa watching her wear gloves in the kitchen.

"You have ten minutes, your time is ticking" I have a lot of questions to ask.

"What is the crown?"I blurted out. She drops the knife she was holding and looks at me and her expression darkens.

"I have no idea what you're talking about" she says fluttering her lashes, her lips turned in a frown returning to the vegetables she was cutting.

"My mother asked me to come here you'll give me the answers I seeked"

"The answers you find ain't nothing I got" She snaps hitting the knife hard on the chop board.

"She was locked up in Lord Perry's mansion I found her there"

"Same shit you putting yourself into she says pointing her knife at me”

"I feel there's something you're not telling me "

"I smell my son's scent all over you. It's suffocating. I can't believe he finally settled down. He always had good taste" I almost smiled at that.

"With no brains" and there you have it the downside of her presumed complement.

"The crown ain't nothing you should get yourself involved with if you have any brain you should take on Dimitri's offer and get on with your life" I'm stunned she heard that?

"You made the right choice by leaving Jaden he's a mouth full sometimes and you ain't got the teeth to bite through you must have used some spell on him to mark you but I can tell you didn't leave him for the right reasons they always did" I could read the sadnes in her face as she stares at the empty space lost in thoughts.

"I just want justice"

"Six" she says, cutting her vegetables again.

"That's the number of packs that was wiped out by the crown in one day all allegedly framed for a crime they did not commit" dropping the knife and pulling off the gloves she picks up a mug. "Your father included" my hands balls to fist at the mention of this.

"Now tell me Hailey Stewarts if these six packs were wiped out by the crown and no one stopped it tell me why do you feel you can?" She says, staring at me, taking a sip from the mug in her hands.

I'm aware of all these facts. I came here looking for answers, not more questions to the long list.

"My time's ticking stop telling me things I already know and tell me things I don't, I'll do it even if it's the last I will" I say determined, her discouragement not affecting me a bit.

"Well you're death wish is certain and you've already trailed down the wrong path" taking a sip from her mug she continues sitting in a chair directly opposite mine.

"The back and forth you pulling with Dimitri and Jaden is the same one your mother pulled between Lord Perry and Vladimir Stewarts"

"She was a beautiful sweetheart who grew up with Perry though he wasn't her mate. They knew this but still carried on with the little fling. Like all destined mates Vladimir and Malia meet and he swooped her off her feet easily but she still kept her fling with Lord Perry after Vladmir took his place as Alpha she had to end things with Perry looks like it cost her years later"

This new information frightens me, Lord Perry had an affair with my mother.

"The story doesn't make sense if Lord Perry loves her so much why would he tourture her and lock her up?" I voice.

"I take back what I said, you're a smart girl" she laughs and something dings from the kitchen.

"Excuse me I have to get that" dropping her mug, she leaves back to the kitchen while I go crazy.

So many things didn't seem right.

"A Muffin" she grabs a tray of it and my tummy rumbles realizing I hadn't eaten in a while I take her offer.

Biting into the delicious strawberry muffin.

"Hmmm this is good" I moan while taking another bite.

She doesn't reply but I see a ghost of a smile on her lips.

"Well I don't have an answer to that question"She drops a tray on the table taking her position back on the chair.

"You tell me why would they keep her alive all this time, Lord Perry ain't stupid there must be something she knows or have that he wants"

"Is Lord Perry in the crown?

Your time is up" she says the same time the door barges open and people come barging in I turn around wondering what was happening. They come bursting through the back and front and Melissa looks unconcerned.

"Well well well who do we have here" one of them walks up looking between me and Melissa.

Your men are spreading filth all over my floor" she says annoyed.

"Melissa charming as always" he looks at her with a smile, his blue eyes gleaming.

"Who's the chick?" he walks up to the tray and grabs a muffin.

"None of your business she was leaving anyway" great her charming nature is back.

"Ayy why the rush we just got here" he smiles at me in a way I don't find comfortable.

Taking a bite of the muffin he walks up to me taking my chin analyzing my face tilting me like a toy. "Tie her up" he orders.

The men behind me grabbed my hands.


No no let me go" I yell struggling out of their reach.

"Let the girl go, Aitch" Melissa warns.

"You stay out of my business, I stay out of yours," he tells her simply.

"You take her you risk being killed with everyone here"

"That's a risk I'm willing to take"

The men tied me up and blind fold me pushing me out of the house and to the back of a van.

"Jaden Perry's little angel" I hear before the van starts moving. My blood turns cold as fear ripples through me.

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