Killing My Alpha Mate

Chapter 11


I avoided both men for the rest of the week, no scratch that, I avoided Jaden since Dimitri hardly ever is at the pack house.

It was not a hard job honestly whenever I felt his scent close, I reverted back in the other direction. It worked well till we bumped into one another. He seemed to be in a hurry.

I bowed down nonchalantly, paying my respect and since he was with two other people he let me go.

Except that day he had saved me from Riley and Shyna, he was always ashamed to be seen talking to me in public. Things hadn't changed between us. I still despised him just as much as I did before, but lately it has been awkward.

It was stupid but I felt a pulll towards him it's tiny but I could still feel it deep within my gut and my thoughts kept drifting simultaneously to both men.

In my dreams I usually start off getting into bed with Dimitri but end up being with Jaden. The dream haunted me at night so I overworked myself to the point I didn't have the strength to dream but ended up waking up with his name on my lips; Jaden.

It was a rollercoaster mess! While bathing, I poured water on myself, having this irresistible feeling that it was Dimitri's hand all over me as I trail my hand seductively all over myself till I moan out in pleasure.

It frightened me how one day could have so much effect on me and honestly I didn't know how to feel about the whole fucking situation.

I also found a gift basket outside my door,it didn't identify who it was from but it had my name on it; a set of new clothes; gowns, trousers, shirts and underwear not fancy but simple exactly to my taste, the beauty of simplicity.

They were a size smaller than the old worn out ones I had but the slight change was comfortable and the clothes perceived of Jasmine.

Till date I still had no clue who sent them but I could swear I had seen Jaden smile seeing me wear one of the trousers he kept his distance from, and I appreciated it.

Riley also sticked around with her ever bugged eyed side chick Shyna they sent death glares at my new clothes if looks could kill I'll be six feet under but they didn't make any move to send me on any job but I see their satisfied grins each they saw me mopping, cleaning or washing.

I still haven't forgotten about them and I never will till I get my revenge. No matter how long it takes, one step at a time it will unveil but for now I was ordered to go clean the dungeons urgh! How much I hate doing that. I would rather clean twenty toilets than one dungeon.

Walking towards it I see two guards dragging away a corpse. A badly beaten wolf I almost puked out my insides at the sight and horrible smell but I clutched my belly hard forcing it back down repeating the mantra I'll be one to clean it up if I vomited all over the floor.

Walking through the metal doors the sight was horrific making me scrunch my nose, disgusted. The place was a bloodied mess and I couldn't tell for sure but I highly suspected that it was wolf bloody body parts that were spilled on the floor.

I crouch low, grabbing a bucket and dustpan feeling nauseous as I scoop a pan full of blood into the bucket...

After scrubbing for a very long time I had come to the conclusion the blood stain was not leaving from the spot on the floor. I tried my best but the stubborn stain still didn't budge. The guards approved of my work telling me to leave the equipment behind and they'll get rid of them.

My purple gown had been ruined. I sigh sadly, making up my mind to wear my old ones anytime I clean the dungeons or toilets.

I hear a piercing grunt supervened by the clash of metal on metal looking at the hallway, the guards were focused on the conversation they were having; they didn't notice me sneaking the other way to investigate what the sound was.

The arena was full, the crowd of people sitting in a semi-circle cheering the two men in the middle; Dimitri and Jaden.

Dimitri hits Jaden from behind hitting him with the butt of his sword, Jaden stumbles forward but recovers quickly, twisting sharply raising his sword to block Dimitri's from hitting him.

The crowd goes wild and I must confess the brawl was electrifying to watch.

"Good job both of you" A man by the side in an all black attire stood observing the fighters I'm guessing their trainer.

"Again" his voice echoes, the two men stand two feet apart staring daggers at one another in a rotational movement both out of breaths and sweating profusely.

Dimitri is the one to break the moment attacking with full force and elegant speed Jaden tries his very best to counter all his attacks almost losing his balance but strengthens his stance digging his feet in the dirt.

Dimitri chuckles, lightly pulling back his blade, walking away. He turns towards my direction like he knew I was standing there, giving me a warm smile, distracted, Jaden uses the opportunity to give a cheap shot to Dimitri's arm. "Stay focused Dimitri" the trainer warns sternly.

Dimitri nods, doing just that,watching Jaden like a prey he was about to pounce on the friendly duel turns into a violent brawl as the attacks come in more often the click and clack of steel so powerful it erupts through the sound of the excited crowd. Dimitri uses a smart move attacking Jaden from the side then above his head Jaden bends over to dodge Dimitri by a few inches before Jaden could recoup, he kicks him on the leg making Jaden fall to the ground.

"Jaden your stance was off.. the trainer's voice trails into the background when Dimitri looks towards my direction and winks at me with a triumphant smile I blush, my insides turned to jelly as I look at my feet almost missing when Jaden flipped back to his feet cutting Dimitri on the leg watching a stunned Dimitri as his face twisted in pain.

The room blares in shock

"Jesus Jaden you almost cut the dang leg off" the trainer stops him, he pulls off the sword that drips with Dimitri's blood.

Dimitri's face reveals the agonizing pain he must be feeling as he drops to his knee the sword pinned to the ground holding him up all the while he was in pain his gaze didn't leave mine.

My shaking hand goes up my trembling lips concealing my scream as I watched the horrific moment in terror.

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