Killer (The Satan Sniper's Motorcycle Club book 5)

Chapter 24 (Sienna)

Time always has a way of flying by so fast, one moment we are crying and next laughing.

My momma told me it was the way of the universe trying to exist and time was the universe's heart, which is why it beat.

"Kids grow up so fast, you need to catch the moment for as long as you can," After says sitting next to me. With all her badass biker vibes she had going on and the hard, thick cord of muscles on her body, she was great with kids. It was a beautiful hot day, so we got Kaleb outside, and with Bull and Storm's help we got our blanket set up and some beers for After. Eventually the rest of the bikers all came to join us and now it was a full on outdoor picnic. Storm, Spade and Snake were manning the grill and Venus and Hannah taking turns to top up drinks for everyone.

Killer and Frost were busy since stuff with the other MC wasn't sorted out. I didn't particularly know what was going on since the club didn't see the need to share, but I knew negotiations didn't go well, and Natasha was stuck here for a while longer.

She didn't take the news well and after her and I had words about what she told me verses what she told them; we weren't on talking terms. But I knew I wouldn't stay mad at her for long.

So After and I have been spending a lot of time together, since she wasn't keen on going out with the Pandemic getting worse. And also since her bedroom was next to mine, so when Kaleb cried she always joined me for his feeding. It was good to have the company. Today, we were playing the waiting game, to find out if Kanla was going to go on full lockdown.

"Well, yeah, but isn't that the best part of having kids, is when they get older we can talk to them?" I ask her.

"Well, depends on the person. My parents were silent people, and my brother and I were there to be seen and not heard."

"Where did you grow up?"

"Chicago moved to Connecticut when my dad lost his live on tour. Broke my mother's heart and for years I watched her try to dig a whole deep enough so she could join him, but never worked. Eventually she just decided to fuck the world and took my dad's shot and bang, dead. I was 21 at the time, but my brother was only 16. Got the message while I was in Korea, it was my first official tour as a lieutenant. Got back home, buried her, and left my brother at my Uncle's place. Worse mistake I ever made."

"What happened?"

Her brown eyes look at me, lost and sad. She turns her head and stares out into the river.

"He got shot. He survived, doctors said it was a miracle. So, he turned to God."

"What's so bad about turning to God?" I'm confused why this was a bad thing.

"I'm a killer, Sienna, it means he let me go."

"Oh, that must suck." I rack my brain trying to think of something to say that doesn't comprise me talking about Diamond. After and I had a lot in common.

"Well, you have a Club of brothers, so it isn't like you lacking," I tell her with a wink as Spade walks up to us with a plate of burgers.

She smiles and drops flat on the blanket, taking a swig of her beer.

"Thanks Spade," I say as he hands me the two plates of food. There are sweet potato chips and salad on the side of the burger. I notice since staying at the clubhouse that the bikers weren't a fan of unhealthy food.

They ate proper meals and healthy quality food. Which I found odd since the Sin Rider's MC, I recall, ate like hogs and loved their greasy burgers and brown sauces.

The Satan Sniper's Motorcycle Club ran a tight home. They were at times wild, but the men respected the women.

And the women returned the favor.

They functioned as a team and everyone cleaned and helped with the daily upkeep of their home, because that was what the Clubhouse was, their home.

I admired them for that, and their united front. I could see why Killer and Frost chose the biker lifestyle. But I could see Frost missed Liston Hills. She missed her momma and her Papa and brothers. They missed her too, but I knew Uncle Marcus missed Frost much more than the others, because last week when I got my phone back, Uncle Marcus sent me a ton of messages. Most of them were about Kaleb, but there was one where he asked me if she was safe and happy. And that, for him, was a sign of weakness, because he knew keeping Frost distant and cutting off contact with her was for her own good.

I told him she was, and I wasn't lying. Frost looked content with her situation, and it helped to have Killer with her. The two left this morning. Since his previous trip three weeks ago, he kept his distance from me. He took Kaleb and greeted me like he was talking to a passerby on the street. But either than a simple hello, he didn't get too close. And parts of me missed his attention.

"Have you read up about that dating stuff I told you to read?" I ask After as she sits up taking her plate.

We were talking last week and I let slip about my crush on Killer when I was 16. She laughed her ass off for a good 5 minutes before she admitted she slept with Bull one night and he called her by his dead wife's name.

After definitely still liked the guy, but she said she put him off after she sent him a slew of messages to tell him where to shove his dick.

I showed her all the YouTube videos I used to watch when I was younger about dating, and the two of us spent hours watching all the new dating advice we could soak up. After even went as far as listening to love Affirmations while I was feeding Kaleb.

When Frost got back in the evening, I got her involved too. She took it a step further and decided she'll try the 30 day no contact rule with Storm. Since she moved into the CLUBHOUSE, the two were only having sex and it was seldom. Frost admitted it was mostly when they had one too many to drink or they spared together.

Storm refused to take it further and make them official, and it drove Frost mad. She never spoke about it often, so when I pried too much Frost shut me down and put all her attention on Kaleb.

But After loved talking about other women's shit, (her words, not mine). So she filled me in that the two had too much bad blood. She dumped him for Vincent and then turned to him to get her out of the hole she put herself in. And Frost expected Storm to fall in line. I knew first hand asking a man like Storm to get on the same road as you were trying to move a truck by yourself. Stupid, and a waste of time.

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