Kids from One Alpha

Kids From One Alpha” By Selena Lynch Chapter 65

Chapter 65: Logan in Trouble
The scent Logan captured was bitter. It was a wolf scent, but he knew immediately that those wolves didn’t belong to his pack or
in his territory! Growling again, Logan lowered his head to the ground. He sniffed the grass, catching their trail. It was another
pack of rogues come to pilfer his territory. Instinct taking over, Logan followed the trail, his mouth salivating with the idea of
hunting and killing whoever dared intrude on his territory! The trail took him back into the woods. Logan paused now and then to
smell nearby trees and rocks. They smelled strongly of scent marking, and it was a rancid scent to him. The scent markings of
anyone that wasn’t part of his pack elicited a growl from him each time. Intruders were not something he could ignore as an
Alpha! Based on where he was in the territory, he knew there weren’t any patrols nearby. He would have to track the rogues and
discover their location before howling for backup. It was riskier, but if he called too early, he could alert them to his presence. The
rogues might have enough time to get away. As the scent grew stronger, he could tell he was getting closer to the rogues. From
where the trail was taking him, he knew they were headed to another store house of
crops and grains.
Snarling to himself, Logan picked up his pace. He could tell the rogues were in wolf form. It helped them move more quietly,
helped them move more as a unit. In human form, they would be clumsier in a group. Night time wasn’t the usual time for
Moonshine Rogues to attack, but Logan had been getting better at anticipating their moves and thwarting their attempts.
Now, they were adapting. They were changing their methods to become more aggressive, dangerous, and successful at stealing
from Night Sky. Growling at the thought, Logan began to run, keeping the trail fresh in his nose. He was closing in on them
quickly. They were moving with care, trying not to alert any nearby patrols of their presence. If Logan hadn’t been running off his
frustration and anger, he might not have encountered them at all! They might have gotten away with their coup. He never thought
he’d be grateful to have such a bad, tense day! But here he was, in a position to protect his pack, when he wouldn’t be
otherwise. When he saw the bobbing wolf tails ahead, Logan knew it was time to make his move. He howled and called out
through the mind link.
Rogues, attacking at the Grain House, he called out to every nearby patrol.
The forest around him filled with howls of the wolves responding to his call. The rogues ahead of him turned in circles. They
formed a ring, their tails touching, so they could defend from where ever the attack was coming from.
12:43 L

Chapter 65 Logan in Trouble They’re in position, proceed with caution, Logan warned. He closed in on the group, growling and
snarling. Showing them his teeth, Logan lunged at the closest wolf, grabbing it at the nape of the neck. His teeth sank through
thick fur and then punctured skin. The wolf in his mouth whimpered and struggled. Logan lifted himself on hind legs and flung his
adversary against the nearest tree. Bones cracked, and the wolf whimpered again. Snarls and growls erupted from the rest of
the rogues. Logan wouldn’t have to hold them off long, just long enough for the rest of the patrol wolves to arrive. He lowered
himself down, springing again at the closest wolf. His body collided with the side of another wolf, ribs breaking at the force of his
tackle. The wolf whimpered and yelped, his breathing becoming ragged and sharp from the broken ribs. Satisfied with himself,
Logan howled in triumph, his own pack responding in accordance. He turned to snap at one of the rogues that tried to nip at his
hind leg. He missed though, not getting a grip on his attacker. He turned again, trying to find another rogue to latch onto, but he
was struck from the side in the same kind of tackle he’d used before. Grunting, Logan lost his footing and fell to the ground. He
slid across the forest floor, growling and snarling. When he stopped sliding, he sprang up on all four legs again. He snarled,
glaring bright eyes at the wolf that stood directly in front of him, teeth bared. Logan could feel that he had at least one broken rib.
The pain was manageable though. The area of the forest flooded with his patrol wolves. Logan howled happily and lunged at the
one who was staring him down. This wolf was the biggest and strongest of the band of rogues he had encountered. Logan made
a grab for the wolf’s throat, but he dodged out of the way. With snapping jaws, the wolf caught Logan’s ear in his sharp teeth.
Yelping, Logan twisted free. The other wolf had the upper hand though, using his body to check Logan, causing the wind to get
knocked out of him. Another rib cracked. Whimpering, Logan panted, his breathing raspy. His legs trembled as he regained his
footing to face off with the wolf again. The other wolf growled, snarling and spitting. Logan tried to shrug the pain off. He ran
forward again, growling deep in his throat. His breathing was too short though, and dizziness overtook him. His legs giving out,
Logan fell hard on the ground. He growled, trying to stand, but the other wolf was over him. In an instant, his adversary had his
jaws closed around Logan’s neck. Yelping and howling in pain, Logan felt his skin break, blood spurting from the wounds. The
other wolf wouldn’t release his hold, teeth sinking deeper into his neck! Fearing he might lose consciousness, Logan tried to
wiggle free. He couldn’t! With his loss of blood and broken ribs, he wasn’t strong enough! He howled out again.
Chapter os fogan in Trouble
This time, his patrol wolves responded. Having already incapacitated the rest of the rogues, they moved in as a pack, attacking
Logan’s captor all together. They were able to tear him off the Alpha and take him away to subdue him. Breathing heavily, and
still losing too much blood, Logan shifted back into his human form. He tried to sit up, groaning as the pain became too much. He

grabbed at his chest and side. Blood was streaming down his neck and chest, Light headedness took him over again. “Alpha,”
one of the patrol wolves said, running to his side. They’d started shifting back to their human forms too. “I’m fine!” Logan argued,
shrugging the younger wolf away. “You’re not,” he said, “We need to get you to the hospital. You’ve got broken bones, and you’re
bleeding everywhere.” “I will be fine!” Logan snapped again. “Make sure the rogues are incapacitated, protect the territory.”
“It’s already done,” he was told. Sighing, Logan nodded. He was injured badly, he could tell by the light headedness that was
overpowering his consciousness,
Dark spots began to appear at the edges of his vision. He groaned, his whole body getting heavier as his muscles became
“Alpha!” the wolf near him called. His voice sounded muffled, like it was underwater. Logan shook his head, trying to stay
conscious. His vision cleared slightly and he found himself lying on the ground, How he had gone from sitting up to lying down,
he had no idea! His body was going numb, but there was something in his throat. Logan coughed, blood spurting from his mouth
onto his face and chest.
“Oh no!” someone nearby said. “The Alpha’s injured! Get the doctors! He needs medical assistance NOW!”
Logan tried to say he was fine. He wanted the other wolves that were injured tended to first.
His body was getting cold. Other than the warm liquid that oozed down his neck, everything else was getting cold. His vision
blurred and he stopped being able to clearly hear what those around him were saying. He saw blurred shadows of pack
members moving around him and over him. He blinked, trying to clear his vision, but it just got worse. When he sighed, his heart
and lungs screamed in angry pain in his chest. Closing his eyes, Logan was only partially aware that he was being moved. He
felt multiple pairs of hands on him and a vague floating sensation. He thought about
going to the hospital. It was the last place he wanted to be after his day! A part of him hoped that Serena wouldn’t be the one to
treat him because she was still mad at him!
There was nothing he could do. He was helpless and dying. Logan felt peace setting
Chapter 65. Logan in Trouble
over him. His body was completely numb to all pain and sensation. He had no concept of time or his physical presence. There
was nothing but calmness all around him. Was this what it was like to die?

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