Kids from One Alpha

Kids From One Alpha” By Selena Lynch Chapter 60

Chapter 60: Professionalism
“What the hell did you just say to me!?” Serena snapped. Her anger filled her, turning her face red and making her hands shake.
Never in her life had her professionalism been questioned, and it was all because of some macho pissing contest that Logan felt
like he needed to have! “How dare you question my ability to do this job! How dare you question my integrity!” Her voice was
rising in volume, and Logan took a half step back. Serena stepped around the desk, closing in on him, her anger causing him to
step back again. “Serena, it is a serious accusation to claim that Holly is lying about something medical,” Logan pointed out.
Serena scoffed, crossing her arms. “It is a serious accusation of accusing me of falsifying reports!” she shot right back. “And this
has nothing to do with what I think about Holly, this has everything to do with the fact that you think I’m dating your Beta, and
some controlling Alpha complex makes you mad about it!” Logan looked like she’d just slapped him in the face. “Is that an
admission?” he asked. Serena fumed, nostrils flaring. “NO!” She roared, throwing her arms up into the air. “What the hell is going
on with you?” she asked. Hands still shaking, Serena shook her head. How could she ever tell Logan he was the father of her
kids if he thought her capable of falsifying reports and test results? She had a third-party lab do the tests, but it was still a huge
accusation. If he really felt that way, he’d never believe her about the twins. “What is going on with me?” Logan asked. “Why
wouldn’t you tell me that you and Carson are together? I thought we were friends.”
“Friends?” Serena asked with another scoff. She leaned back, sitting on the edge of Adriana’s desk. “Friends? You have the
audacity to say we are friends after you question my professionalism and claim I’m capable of falsifying lab results?” Logan
sighed, looking down at the floor. Serena didn’t care anymore what was going on with him. He was frustrated and upset, that was
obvious, but now he was taking it out on her, and that she wouldn’t stand for!
“Logan, first of all, it would compromise my career if I ever did something like that,” she pointed out, working to appeal to his
rational mind. “As the sole supporter of my kids, I would NEVER do anything to take that support away. Not to mention, the
machines in the lab print out the reports automatically after the blood has been tested. Do you know what kind of computer
knowledge it would take to hack that system and create an identical report on a desktop machine?” Logan shrugged, sighing.
“A heck of a lot more than I have!” Serena snapped. “You know, I am allowed to have friends in the pack. More than that, even if
there was something going on with me and Carson, which there isn’t, why would it be your business?” “You’re a pack doctor and
Carson is by Beta. I should know about those interpersonal relationships,” Logan defended. Serena rolled her eyes. “My
personal life is my personal life,” she stated bluntly. “I can spend time with you want, and I can let my kids spend time with who I
want them to spend time with. I don’t owe you anything, Logan, and you have no claim on me or my kids!
Logan’s shoulders sagged slightly. Serena felt satisfied at standing up to him, but suddenly she regretted her words. If she’d told
Logan the truth about being the twins’ father, then he would have a claim to them, and who they spent time with would be his

business. Shaking her head, Serena went back to sit at the desk. She took deep breaths, calming herself down after her
outburst. It was a little out of character for her, but Logan had made her so mad! “I think you should leave,” she said after Logan
stood there silently for a while. “If you’d rather yell at me than focus on the health of your girlfriend and your unborn child, then
you’re of no use to me here.” Logan snarled, lifting his head and glaring at Serena. She raised an eyebrow at him. “Besides, I still
have a lot of work to do,” she added. Logan snorted in annoyance, but he turned on his heel and exited the office. The moment
he was gone, Serena sighed a huge sigh of relief. The Alpha’s anger had filled the office with a suffocating force. Now, she could
relax and think about what had happened. She and Logan had had fights before, but nothing so personal, nothing so raw. She’d
never seen the full force of his temper, fueled by jealousy, control, and possessiveness. That was not a side to him she wanted
to see again. It was not a side that she wanted her kids to see either. Olivia and Oliver loved him. She never wanted them to
cower before him. Shaking her head, Serena went back to her reports. She still had a full stack to go through. She’d have to find
a way to get Holly’s compliance, without Logan’s help. She couldn’t understand why he had been so focused on her and Carson.
It wasn’t like she didn’t have other friends in the pack. She had Dana and Adriana, and she spent time with them and the twins
all the time! So, clearly, Logan’s problem was that Carson was male, or that Carson was his friend. It was just testosterone and
Alpha male headbutting. Serena didn’t like it. “Everything okay in here?” Adriana said, popping her head through the office door?
“Fine.” Serena said with a nod. She didn’t even look up from her reports.
Nurses said they heard yelling when Logan stopped by,” she said. Serena looked up Professionalism from her report this time.
“Oh, that,” she said. “He had a few choice things to say about me telling him Holly might be hiding something.” “I told you that
was a conversation I didn’t want to have,” Adriana said with a wink. Serena chuckled. “Yes, I should have expected something
like that from him,” she said. She sighed and set the folder she was reviewing aside.
“If you want to call it a day, I can finish up those reports,” Adriana said. “It has been a slow day. She walked into the office and
stood beside the chair Serena was in. Serena yawned and stretched.
“Are you sure?” she asked. “I don’t have many more to go through.” Adriana patted her shoulder.
“Look, I know the Alpha can be a bit abrasive,” she said. “Maybe you should go home early, relax, spend some time with your
kids.” Serena smiled up at her friend. “That sounds wonderful,” she admitted. “Thank you.” Adriana nodded as Serena got up
and collected her things. She was looking forward to hugging her kids after such a hair raising fight with Logan. Again, the
thought that she was going to have to tell him the truth sent a shiver through her. Would he even believe her? She’d have to time
it right, with enough distance between this fight. Also, she’d have to make sure it didn’t seem like some attempt to usurp his
relationship with Holly Those were two new complications to the whole problem! It gave Serena a headache to think about. She
groaned, rubbing her temples as she went to her car. Logan obviously had a lot of his own problems he needed to sort out.

Whether they were about his feelings towards Holly, being a child, letting Serena have other men in her life...she had no idea
where his anger originated from. She knew that whatever he was feeling and going through was a little deeper than him thinking
she and Carson were dating secretly. The idea that Serena would feel the need to keep her personal relationships a secret was
another thing she couldn’t understand. Logan felt betrayed and paranoid that some of the people closest to him were keeping
secrets and carrying on behind his back. She knew that said more about him than it did about her, but it still bothered her.
When she got home, Serena she was happy to see that Dana already had the kids out in the yard playing. She smiled to herself,
leaving all the bad energy about her argument with Logan and her confusing day at the hospital in the car. Sjepping out to greet
her kids, she put on her ‘mom hat,’ forgetting about anything 14
that bothered her or that could drag her down. She was there to enjoy her kids. Opening her arms, she invited them to hug her.
Olivia and Oliver threw themselves at her, nearly knocking her over. Serena laughed, hugging them tightly. She loved her kids,
and she was committed to giving them the best life ever, with or without their father in the picture!

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