Kids from One Alpha

Kids From One Alpha” By Selena Lynch Chapter 52

Chapter 52: Moving Back In
As the boxes piled up, Logan realized he was going to miss Serena and the kids living with him. He knew Serena had never felt
comfortable there, but the twins had, and he had enjoyed having them all there! Serena was a unique female, and with the twins,
there was always something exciting going on. He felt like he had really gotten to know them, especially on their excursions into
the human city. They wouldn’t be far away, but it was still enough distance that he wouldn’t be seeing the twins every day. Box
after box he carried to the moving truck, surprised they managed to salvage so much stuff from the destroyed house. Most of it
was clothes and toys for the twins, things that Serena’s parents had sent after the storm. “Really, you don’t have to help,” Serena
argued. Logan dismissed her. “I do,” he said. “I want to.” She sighed. “Okay, I just feel bad,” she told him. “We‘ve been imposing
on you for so long, and now you’re still doing the heavy lifting.” Logan smiled. “This hasn’t been an imposition at all” he assured
her. “I’m a little embarrassed to admit that I’m going to miss having the kids around.” “I’m sure they’d like to visit you too, once we
are settled back in over there,” she told him, picking up another box and sliding it onto the truck. Logan smirked at her. “Is that an
open invitation?” he asked. Serena blushed a little. Logan was surprised by her reaction, but pleased nonetheless. She had been
acting strangely around him, being friendly and warm one minute, then shying away and closing herself off the
Logan knew she still had secrets. He had wanted to know what they were. Having her at his house had helped with that, a few
phone calls he’d overheard here and there. It wasn’t the reason he wanted her around, by any means. He knew now, he’d have
to work harder to get to know her.
“I don’t know about ‘open,” Serena said. Logan smirked at her and she went off to find more boxes.
“Logan, how long are you going to be?” Holly asked from the front porch. Logan looked up to her. She didn’t look pleased. “I’m
going to help unload at their house,” he told her. Holly crossed her arms. “I need your help with some things,” she said. Logan
raised an eyebrow at her. That was code for she didn’t want him to do what he was currently doing. “I’ll be done when I’m done,”
Logan said. “If you want things to go faster, you can help with the boxes.” Holly sneered, “No, she can’ı,“ Serena said, “She’s
pregnant, she shouldn’t be lifting more than Moving Back in twenty-five pounds.” Logan rolled his eyes. Of course, Serena
would take the stance of both a doctor and a mother. Holly gave Logan a triumphant smile. “See, doctor’s orders,” she said. She
turned and went back into the house. “Great, now she isn’t going to help out around the house at all” Logan muttered. Serena
smiled. “Does she usually?” she asked. Logan laughed. “Well, you got me there,” he said with a smirk. “Hop in, I’ll drive us over.”
“The kids,” Serena said. “My mom is watching them,” Logan assured her. “Once everything is unloaded, we’ll come back for

“Shouldn’t we put out a public service announcement to the pack or something?” Serena asked climbing into the passenger seat.
Logan started the truck, which roared to life.
“It isn’t like you have that much stuff to move,” he pointed out, pulling away from his house. “Mostly just clothes and toys.” “True,”
Serena said. “Thank you for getting the house repairs done so quickly.” “You don’t need to thank me for that,” Logan assured.
“Most of the damage around the territory was minimal in comparison. I did make sure to take down any other trees that were too
close to your house.” Logan chuckled and caught Serena’s eye roll. “Thank you, but I doubt my luck is that bad,” she said.
“Better safe than sorry,” Logan said. “Do you really want to crash with me every time there is a storm?” Serena shook her head
and Logan chuckled again. “No, but I think Oliver would appreciate having you around during storms,” she admitted. Logan
sighed, nodding. He didn’t know why it was so easy to be there for the twins, but the thought of Holly having his baby still
bothered him. Maybe it was because the twins weren’t his, so he didn’t have a solid commitment to them. He felt like he did
though. Not just as Alpha, but as something else. They were such great kids, so much fun, and brilliant! Logan wondered if he
was so bothered with Holly’s pregnancy because he didn’t think he wanted a kid that didn’t turn out just like the twins! Serena
had rolled the genetic lottery and won completely! Whoever their father was...he had to have come from a strong bloodline like
Serena chose to unpack the boxes inside while Logan ferried them into the house. The back-and-forth motion was automatic
enough that he could think more about the twins and his conflicts with having his own kid. It was a large commitment to take on a
child. Logan knew that! He hadn’t been expecting it, and he’d been hoping it would be a while longer before he had to. His
mother had reminded him that he needed a Luna and he did need to carry on his family’s bloodline and name.
Still, it was all so sudden! There was a part of him that wondered if he was putting so much focus on the twins because he could
have fun with them, and they were a distraction from the child he didn’t want. “That’s all the boxes,” Logan said when he dropped
the last one off. “Thanks, again,” Serena said. She was pulling some clothes out of a box, folding them on the coffee table.
“Everything looks exactly the same.” “It was recently renovated before you arrived,” Logan reminded her, looking around at how
well his construction teams had put the house back together.
There were now seams or breaks that could be seen by the naked eyes. All the wall colors matched, and there were no breaks
in the molding. “I think they still had a lot of those materials in storage,” he said. Serena nodded. “That makes sense,” she said.
“The couch and coffee table aren’t the same.” “I’m sure most of the furniture was replaced” Logan said. “You’ll probably need
new linens and things like curtains and dishes.” “Oh, right,” Serena muttered. Logan smiled. He went to stand across from her,
the coffee table between them. “Don’t worry,” he said, reaching out and touching her hand. She stopped folding the shirt in her
hands. “The pack will take care of it. Just get me a list of what you need.” “Thanks,” she said, smiling weakly. Logan wished she

would just accept the pack’s help without feeling guilty or thinking she was undeserving. “We are all equal here,” he reminded
her. “If one is in need, the whole pack rises up for support. That’s the way things are around here.” “I know,” Serena said. “I
appreciate it.”
“Then smile,” Logan told her, grinning. Serena’s lips broke into a smile. Logan knew
she hadn’t seen Carson again, not since their first dinner together, so he had felt that twinge of betrayal fade to the background.
Still, there was something Serena wasn’t telling him. He could see it in her eyes, in the way she hesitated to look at him and
speak to him. He didn’t think he was particularly self-centered, but the Alpha couldn’t shake the feeling that she was reacting to
him specifically, not something from her past or a memory. “If there’s anything on your mind, anything bothering you...” he trailed
off. He didn’t really know how to say what he wanted to say without sounding nosy or inappropriate “Yes, you‘re the pack Alpha,
you are here for me,” Serena said, “I know. There is nothing wrong.” She pulled her hand from his and started to fold clothes
again. “Serena, you‘ve changed;” he said, pushing the matter gently. “At least, you’ve changed towards me.” Serena raised an
eyebrow at him.
“As opposed to the time when you were recently giving me the brush off and then bounced back quickly?” she asked. “I don’t pry
into your personal thoughts and feelings.” Logan sighed, nodding.
“I’m sorry, that wasn’t my intention,” he said.
“We all have our moods,” she pointed out. “If there is anything you need to know, I will tell you.”
“Alright, if you say so,” he said with a shrug. “Ready to get the kids?”
“Yes, I think they will like having their rooms back,” Serena said. She dropped the clothes in her hand and followed Logan back
out to the truck. He watched her get into the passenger seat. More than ever, he was determined to learn what she was hiding!

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