Kids from One Alpha

Kids From One Alpha” By Selena Lynch Chapter 158

Chapter 158 : Birthday Party Part 2
“Oh, those rotten little...” Alexandra groaned as she tried the door again.
“What‘s wrong?” Santino asked. It was the first direct thing he‘d said to her since he‘d returned from his Damon hunt.
“The kids locked us in. They seem to have hidden all the keys, too,” Alexandra said. She looked out the window and saw all thre
e of them huddled together in the yard, laughing. Alexandra knocked on the window to get their attention. They all looked at her,
pointed, and then ran off into the woods, laughing. “Well, they are clever,” Santino chuckled.
*Not really
the time for that,” Alexandra grumbled. There had to be another way out of the house. She tested all the doors, but the kids had c
learly planned ahead. She tried the windows too. The only one she could get open didn‘t open enough for her to slip out, not with
her slightly engorged belly. Santino definitely wouldn‘t be able to get out. “Alex, you might want to calm down. The stress isn‘t go
od for you or that baby,” Santino said.
“Oh, now you care!?” she snapped. Santino immediately threw his hands up in surrender. Alexandra scoffed and shook her head
, heading up to the second floor. The balcony door wasn‘t locked, so she went
out where she could see the kids in the yard. “You three better unlock a door and let us
out!” she cried. “No, not until you and Daddy are happy again,” Sophia yelled back. “Open a door, or so help me! I will jump off thi
s balcony and spank the three of you,” Alexandra shouted. She climbed up to the balcony rail but Santino grabbed her arm and p
ulled her down. “You‘re not jumping! That is an insanely bad idea, Alex. You‘re pregnant!” Santino said harshly. She tried to pull a
way from him, but he tightened his grip on
her arm. “What are you doing?” she asked, desperately trying to pull away again. “The kids are right, we should talk,” he said. He
gently tugged her back inside.
Alexandra relented. The kids weren‘t going to let them out and Santino wasn‘t going to let her do anything extreme. They might a
s well use the time constructively.
“What do you want to talk about?” Alexandra asked. She took a seat in the kitchen and Santino put on a pot of
“Us,” Santino said. “That‘s what the kids want. It is really the only thing we need to talk about.” “What‘s left to say?” Alexandra as
ked moodily. “That I‘m sorry,” Santino said. He brought her tea and sat down across from her. “That doesn‘t change what happen
ed,” Alexandra pointed out, staring at her tea so she didn‘t have to look at him.

“Alex, you‘re pregnant again, with my baby, and I promised you wouldn‘t go through that alone. I don‘t want some past argument
to come between that promise,” he admitted.
“Maybe you should have thought of that before you accused me of dating someone else, and having pictures taken of me,” she
“I wasn‘t having anyone take pictures of you. Honestly, I didn‘t want to believe it. I knew Tatiana was trying to stir up trouble, and
she knew exactly how to do that. I‘m ashamed to say I bought into her meddling,” he explained. That was such a strong admissio
n from Santino. Alexandra looked up at him, creasing her brow. Was it possible that he was owning up to his mistakes? “I know I
have a lot to prove in regards to trusting you, but I want you to know that it isn‘t you I don‘t trust,” he said.
“Then what is it?” Alexandra asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I guess I always think the worst. It is obviously something I need to work on. I want you to know I am working on
it and it doesn‘t change how
I feel about you or are family. It doesn‘t change that I want to be married to you and raise our baby together,” he said.
Slowly, Santino
reached across the table and took Alexandra‘s arm. She swallowed hard, letting him touch her. Tears pricked the corners of her e
yes. It was so good to hear him admit his shortcomings and take responsibility for what he said and did.
The fact that he also said he still wanted to be married and raise their baby... Alexandra was ready to give in. “I‘ve been waiting f
or you to say that,” she admitted softly. Santino
smiled. “I‘m sorry I made you wait so long.” He stood up and pulled her with him, wrapping his arms around her. Alexandra sighe
d, leaning against Santino. She was so happy and moved she thought she‘d break down in tears, but all she could do was laugh
and hug Santino
back. “Okay, think the kids will let us out of here now?” she asked, laughing again. Santino opened the kitchen window. “Hey, you
three! We are ready to come out now.” “I want to see you kiss, just to make sure,” Charlie insisted. Santino glanced over his sho
ulder at her. Alexandra smiled shyly. Santino took her in
Chapter 158 Birthday Party Part 2 his arms and bent her over backwards, kissing her passionately on the lips. Alexandra closed
her eyes, holding the back of his head.
Sophia, Charlie, and Gabriel all cheered and jumped up and down, high fiving each other.

“I‘ll get the keys,” Gabriel said. He ran to the swing set and dug up the keys. As soon as the door was open, their parents ran out.
Sophia and Charlie winced, ready for their mom to be mad. Instead, she hugged them both tightly and kissed them. “I should be
mad at you, but this time, I think the three of
you did the right thing,” their mom said, touching Sophia‘s cheek. “Time to go camping,” Charlie insisted.
“Best birthday ever!” Sophia said holding one of her mother‘s hands and one of their father‘s. She stayed right between them all t
he way to the tents. Their dad lit a fire and they all sat around it, getting our marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers for s
‘mores. “We should do this every birthday,” Charlie said, licking sticky marshmallow off his
“Yeah, instead of a cake, we can just have lots of s‘more‘s,” Sophia said. She smiled at her parents.
They were sitting really close together. Their dad had his arm around their mom‘s waist and she rested her head on his shoulder.
“Will they hit
us?” Gabriel asked, looking concerned. Their parents laughed. That kind of laugh the kids knew meant something they said was o
“Small little rocks floating up in space
burn up in earth‘s atmosphere,” their mom explained. “The light streaks are the rocks burning up.”
“They‘re on fire!?” Charlie asked.
“Yes, but they are so far away, all we see is a little light. The rocks burn up before they get close enough to hurt anyone,” their dad
“Wow,” Sophia gasped. “Definitely the best birthday ever.”

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