Kids from One Alpha

Kids From One Alpha” By Selena Lynch Chapter 152

Chapter 152 : Heartbreak
Buzz... buzz...
Santino‘s phone was vibrating in his pocket. He growled and pulled the phone out. Since he‘d left the pack, there had been a con
stant influx of texts and calls about this thing and that. He thought Alexandra was handling it all, but people were still reaching out
to him. Riley and the warriors had joined Santino on his Damon hunt. They‘d tracked him to a small human town but were losing
the light. Riley had booked them rooms at a local motel.
“Is that another text?” Riley asked when Santino pulled his phone out again. “Yeah,” he grumbled. “Alexandra? She likes to chec
k in a lot, huh?” Riley teased. Santino rolled his eyes. “No, not Alexandra. I keep directing these complaints to her, but they some
how keep ending up back on my phone.” “Well, the rest of the men are settled for the night. Why don‘t you take care of that and t
hen meet us at the bar,” Riley suggested. “Yeah, I‘ll see you there,” Santino said waving as Riley walked away.
Santino checked his messages where he had several new messages from Tatiana. Groaning, he wondered what she could possi
bly have to say to him now.
The first couple messages were asking
where he was. Then there was a message that said she‘d always have his back and always care about him, followed by a pictur
e message. He couldn‘t see it very well, it was kind of blurry, she he made the picture larger on his screen. Santino‘s eyes nearly
popped out of his head. Even though it was blurry, he could unmistakably see Alexandra hugging William in a coffee shop. It loo
ked like there were on a date, next to a table for two. Was that why things at the pack weren‘t getting taken care of, because Alex
andra was dating and ignoring the pack!?
Santino growled and stuffed his phone back in his pocket. He stormed off to the bar and ordered a whiskey. It would take a lot m
ore than beer to quell his rage, and the impending heartbreak rising in his chest. He knew they were on a trial separation, and Al
exandra had talked about a future outside the pack. He had no idea she‘d move on so quickly. “Santino, what‘s got you down?”
Riley asked as Santino ordered his second whiskey. “Why do I have to be down?” he asked, “Because you’re drinking whiskey,”
Riley said, laughing. “That‘s a pretty big tell.” un
off,” Santino growled. Riley put his hands up and backed away. Santino didn‘t need his friends analyzing him right now. He just w
anted to drown himself in another whiskey and think about what happened.

As angry as he was, it was all an act. He was really feeling heartbroken. When Alexandra
had told him she was leaving, he should have stopped her, he should have fought Every night since then, he had tormented hims
elf with the things he should have said. Of course, he trusted her. He‘d never shown her that. He‘d never given her reason to thin
k he really did.
And instead of being there for her, of alleviating her fears, he‘d just let her walk away. It was a huge regret he‘d had. He‘d hoped
that after he returned from hunting Damon, enough time
and distance would have passed and they could reconcile. Now, it didn‘t look like Alexandra wanted to. She was already moving
on! Well, if she was going to move on, Santino didn‘t see any reason why he couldn‘t. He scanned the bar. There were lots of hu
man women there.
A lot of them were already sloppy and drunk. He wanted something a little classier. His eyes settled on a dark haired, athletic wo
man. From across the bar, their eyes met. Santino down the last of his whiskey and smiled at her. She winked and waved him ov
er. “I was waiting for you to notice me,” she said seductively when Santino joined her at her booth. “I needed to get a little more w
hiskey in me,” Santino admitted. “This isn‘t the kind of thing I do often.” “I can tell,” the woman laughed. She patted the seat besi
de her. Slowly, Santino sat down. She was a very attractive woman. Even though she was human, he could smell her pheromon
es and they weren‘t entirely unpleasant. “So, why are you drowning yourself
in whiskey?” she asked. “That isn‘t an interesting story.” Santino said.
The woman leaned on his shoulder, darting her tongue out to lick his cheek. Santino smirked and slipped his arm around her wai
st. Apparently, women were incredibly forward
“It caught my attention,” she whispered, running her finger down Santino‘s chest. Her skin was warm through his shirt, and it sent
his body. “Trust me, you
don‘t want to know,” Santino sighed. “Come on. It isn‘t like it is going to change my mind about you. This is just for fun, right. Noth
Santino sighed. She had a point. “The mother of my children, a woman I thought loved me and wanted to have a relationship with
telling a human stranger about his problems actually felt good. “What a tramp!” the
woman cried. “Let me guess, he‘s someone from her past, someone who has always been a close friend of hers.” “Actually, yeah
at a vulnerable time.” “That doesn‘t make me feel any better,” Santino muttered. “Besides, doesn‘t that make this a rebound?” “Wh
night stand,” she said, laughing and throwing her arm around Santino‘s shoulders. Santino chuckled too. It felt nice to let loose wit

“Honestly, no,” Santino said. As much as he wanted to get back at Alexandra, as much as he wanted to have an enjoyable night, h
and forced the woman off his lap. “Sorry, I‘m just not in the mood.” “Well, fine! You jerk!” she collected her things and stormed off.
Santino didn‘t want to hurt Alexandra. In a moment of anger, he could have done it easily, but it wouldn’t make him feel any better
was going to move
on, Santino still cared about her. He wasn‘t going to jump into bed with someone else just because she didn‘t care anymore. He w

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