Kids from One Alpha

Kids From One Alpha” By Selena Lynch Chapter 150

Chapter 150 : Enough is Enough
Alexandra packed some things for the kids and brought them over to Victoria‘s house. “Why are we staying with grandma again?
” Sophia asked as they drove. “Victoria misses us. We are just going to keep her company for a while,” Alexandra explained “But
could come stay with us,” Charlie argued. “She could, but grandma is older. It is harder for her to pack her things and move. This
is so she can get her fill of spoiling you three,” Alexandra laughed lightly. “Does that mean we get cookies every day?” Sophia as
ked, kicking her legs in her seat excitedly. “I’m
sure she will make you lots of cookies,” Alexandra assured. When she got to Victoria‘s house, the kids ran right in begging for co
okies. Alexandra had called ahead and gave a quick rundown on what was going on. Victoria was expecting them.
She pulled their bags out of the car. Hers were still back at the house and she was going to go back for it later. She‘d have to
talk to Santino when he got back, anyway. Inside, the kids already had glasses of milk and cookies. Alexandra chuckled and sho
ok her head. She brought the kids‘ bags upstairs and then joined them in the kitchen for her own cookie, which, with her pregnan
cy hormones, seemed like the most delicious thing in the world suddenly. “Don‘t worry, grandma, we‘ll keep you company,” Charli
e said through a mouthful
of cookie. “And I am very grateful,” Victoria said, patting his head. “Can we talk?” Alexandra asked, nodding to the living room. Vi
ctoria followed her out. “Can you tell me what is really going on?” “Damon escaped. Larissa helped him. Santino accused me of
helping,” she said, crossing her arms. “That‘s.” Victoria shook her head. “I‘m sorry, Alex.” She put her hands on her granddaught
er‘s shoulders. “I don‘t know what is going to happen, but I need time away from him. He doesn‘t trust me. How can we be togeth
er if he doesn’t trust me after everything we‘ve been through?” she asked, her voice catching in her throat. “I know, it isn‘t easy. I‘
m sure he‘ll come around,” Victoria offered. Alexandra shook her head. “It‘ll be too late.”
“You know you‘re welcome to stay here as long as you want.
he is coming from. As Alpha, he has to put the pack above personal feelings, even your sometimes,” Victoria said.
“This isn‘t about that.” Alexandra sighed and shook her head. “I‘m going to go back to the house and wait for him to come home.
We‘ve still got a lot to talk about.” “The kids will be fine here with me,” Victoria assured. “Thanks,” Alexandra smiled weakly. Back
at the house she packed her own bags. She didn‘t know how long she was going to be gone, but at least
she‘d be able to come back and get the things she needed. Victoria‘s house wasn‘t too far. While she was packing up her clothes
, Santino returned home. She heard the door close and silence, a pause, like
Santino was waiting for something. The kids, maybe? “Hello?” Santino called.

“Up here,” Alexandra said stacking some shirts in her suitcase. “Alex, what‘s going on?” Santino asked. Alexandra flipped the suit
case closed and pulled the zipper shut. “The kids and I are going to stay with Victoria for a while.” “Umm... because of our argum
ent?” Santino asked. He didn‘t sound surprised, and that hurt Alexandra even more.
She couldn‘t turn to look at him yet. He was so close, she could feel him behind her, but she didn‘t want to look at him.
“No, because you made
it clear today that you don‘t trust me. You don‘t trust or value my opinions, observations, or feelings, and you certainly don‘t trust
my priorities or my loyalty to you and the pack,” she explained curtly. “Well, honestly, when it comes to Damon, no, I don‘t trust y
ou,” Santino said. The words were like a knife in Alexandra‘s heart. She‘d known it. She‘d always known he would never trust her
because of who her brother was, and now she was admitted it. How had she let herself get in so deep? “Then we can‘t be toget
her,” Alexandra muttered. She wasn‘t sure if she was expecting Santino to fight and disagree. Part of her wanted him to say she
was wrong and he did trust her. That he had been wrong in his accusations and they were going to work through things. “You kn
ow there is no such thing as divorce in werewolf society,” Santino said. That was not what Alexandra wanted to hear. He spoke s
o flatly, emotionlessly, like he actually agreed that that couldn‘t be together. Tears pricked her eyes. She wasn‘t going to
let them fall in front of Santino, though, He lost the right to see her vulnerable.
“I know,” Alexandra sighed, setting her suitcase on the ground. She swallowed several
times to keep her voice from cracking. “But you‘re right. We can‘t
be together if we don‘t trust each other,” he agreed. “I have no problem trusting you, Santino. You‘re the one who can‘t trust me,”
Alexandra said blatantly. She wanted Santino to understand the harsh reality. This was all on him. She’d done nothing wrong exc
ept want to see a better future for her brother.
Sure, Damon had done some
awful things, but second chances, the chance to make amends, that never should be denied anyone
who wants to take that chance. “What... what about the baby?” Santino asked as Alexandra wheeled her suitcase to the door.
“I guess I will uphold my tradition as a single mother,” Alexandra said flatly. “You don‘t have to,” Santino said. “I‘ll still be there for t
“We‘ll see what happens. I don‘t want you to get your hopes up on anything,” she said. “What does that mean?” Santino asked, cr
“Nothing is set or finalized. It is just a possibility,” Alexandra said. “I‘m just trying to be honest so you don‘t turn around and accuse
one who has accused me again and again of

being disloyal and unfaithful, I can‘t live like that. I can‘t take it anymore!” “You‘re right,” Santino muttered, “Enough is enough.” “Th
call first or something. No surprise visits or big gestures. This is a trial separation and I expect you to treat it like that,” Alexandra s
She didn‘t like playing hardball, but
every time she‘d given in and forgiven Santino in the past, it had backfired. She needed him to know that she was serious this tim

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