Kids from One Alpha

Kids From One Alpha” By Selena Lynch Chapter 117

Chapter 117: The Contract
Serena brought Olivia’s paper up when she heard them getting out of the tub. Logan was sitting on Olivia’s bed. Both Oliver and
Olivia were tucked in together and Logan was reading to them from White Fang by Jack London.
“Olivia, you left this downstairs,” Serena said, handing her the paper.
Olivia smiled and snatched the paper. “Right, Daddy Logan, this is for you,” she said handing him the paper. Logan glanced at
Serena. She shrugged and Logan looked over the paper. Serena had already read what Olivia wrote, and she wondered if Logan
would understand the strange spellings Olivia had used. “This is a contract?” Logan asked, glancing at Serena again. “Mommy,
do you have a pen?” Olivia asked. “I’ll get one,” Serena said. She backed out of the bedroom and grabbed a pen off her own
night stand. Then she rejoined the kids and Logan.
She handed the pen to Logan.
“Any questions about what you’re signing?” Serena asked. Logan chuckled.
“It seems that I am signing a paper contract that ensures I will be giving Olivia lots of gifts, now that I am her dad,” Logan said.
“Is that right?” he turned to Olivia.
“Yes,” she said with a nod. She pointed to the line she’d drawn at the bottom of the paper for him to sign. “I need lots of presents
to prove you’re Mr. Daddy.”
Logan chuckled and signed his name. Olivia snatched the contract from him and folded it up. She dropped it into the drawer of
her nightstand. “Was there anything you needed from me, Oliver?” Logan asked. Oliver shook his head.
“No,” he said. “You’re dad now, not uncle.” “Good” Logan said, ruffling Oliver’s hair. He opened the book again and began
reading again.
Serena stood in the doorway, watching Logan read to the kids. She’d seen him do it before in the hospital, but this was different.
Olivia and Oliver began to nod off. Logan set the book aside when they were both sleeping soundly. “I should get Oliver to his
room.” Serena said. Logan was quicker, though. He picked Oliver up and headed down the hall. Serena walked behind him to
keep up Logan was a natural with the kids. They tucked Oliver in together. He was still asleep, but Logan handled him with such
care. Serena was impressed, more than she’d been before.

They left Oliver’s room and went back downstairs. Serena poured them each a glass of wine and they sat on the couch together,
“Long few days,” Serena said with a sigh. Logan nodded, clinking his glass against hers.
“Yes, it has been,” he agreed.
“You didn’t need to sign that contract,” Serena said. “You know she is going to hold you to it.”
“I know,” Logan said with a grin. “Maybe we should talk about a few things too.” Serena said. “Should we have a contract?”
Logan asked, sipping his wine and raising an eyebrow. “Is this going to become a BDSM arrangement?”
Laughing, Serena leaned forward to set her wine glass down on the coffee table. She curled her legs up underneath her and
propped her elbow up on the back of the couch so she could look at Logan.
think we need a contract. It would be nice to cover some of the basics, though.”
“Agreed,” Logan said. “Your kids are going to try and push things along faster. I can already tell that. They clearly want us to be a
family.” “Yes, I picked up on that with all the questions about us living together and having more kids,” Serena said with a laugh.
“I know it is still early, but is that something you want?” Logan asked her, taking another sip of wine. “More kids?” she asked.
“Logan, that isn’t something I can think of right now. There’s still a lot going on with the hospital and we have only just started
working on this family concept...” Serena trailed off. “No, no,” Logan said. “That’s not what I meant. I meant about us living
together.” Serena laughed nervously and then chewed on her lower lip. Her cheeks heated with a blush at the misinterpretation.
“Oh,” she said softly. “You don’t need to rush to answer,” he said. Serena shrugged. “I think in the long run it would be better,”
she said. “It would be easier. I just want to make sure that you and I are able to coexist.”
Logan chuckled. “Yeah, I suppose that would be the best approach” he agreed. “I know you’ll be great with the kids. I know they
will love you and you’ll take care of them and protect them. We both know, though, that the mate bond doesn’t mean we
can make this work,” she said. Logan nodded, finishing his wine before he set the wine glass down. “So, what ground rules
should we set?” Logan asked. “Well, I guess we should talk about the obvious,” she said. “I’m sure there will be times when you’ll
be here late or something, and it would be convenient for you to spend the night. But I don’t want to give the kids the wrong idea.
There is a playroom on the first floor that could be converted into a guest bedroom.” “That sounds good enough,” Logan said
with a nod. “And, we didn’t really talk about it, but do you think you’d ever want to twins to stay with you and your mother for a
weekend or something?” she asked. Serena looked down at her lap. She wasn’t sure she wanted to know the

answer to that, but if she and Logan were going to co-parent, they needed to set certain presidents in the event that their
relationship didn’t work out. “Only if you’re comfortable with that,” Logan said. He reached across the couch and put his hand on
Serena’s knee. She looked down at his hand, smiling and biting her bottom lip. “I don’t know, honestly,” she admitted. “But I think
I should give you the option. I mean, if we are in a relationship, then it would be nice to spend as much time with the kids
together. But I don’t want you to feel like you can’t have time with them alone, like I’m looking over your shoulder.”
“I don’t think that,” Logan assured.
“Mommy, daddy?” Olivia asked from the stairs. Logan pulled his hand away from Serena’s knee. They both looked over to the
stairs. Olivia was walking slowly down the stairs and rubbing her eyes. “What’s wrong, honey?” Serena asked, patting the couch.
“I can’t sleep,” Olivia said. She came over to the couch and sat right between Logan and Serena Serena softly ran her fingers
through Olivia’s hair. The little girl leaned back on the couch, resting her head against Logan’s shoulder. “Were you having bad
dreams?” Serena asked. “No,” Olivia said. “I just couldn’t sleep. I wanted to be down here with you two.” “We‘re just talking,”
Serena said. “Nothing exciting happening here.” “Yea, but, you’re together. I was all alone up there,” Olivia pointed out. Serena
and Logan exchanged looks.
“Do you want to snuggle up with Oliver?” she asked. “He’s very tired,” Olivia grumbled. Serena chuckled, smoothing out Olivia’s
hair again. Of course, Olivia would check on Oliver first if she couldn’t sleep. She loved her twin brother. She probably heard
Serena and Logan talking while checking on Oliver and when she couldn’t wake him up, she came downstairs to see what they
were doing. “Do you want us to bring you back to bed?” Logan asked. Olivia sighed, leaning more heavily on him. “No,” she said
softly. “I want to stay here with you.” Logan looked at Serena. She gave a nod. “Alright, you can sit down here with us,” Serena
said. “Just until you get to sleep again.”
“Okay,” Olivia said softly
She was drowsy, so Serena didn’t feel like she had to stop her conversation with Logan entirely. She spoke more softly, though.
“Just let me know if you want more one-on-one time with them,” she said. “I’m sure they’d enjoy it, and sometimes I feel bad
about not being around so much because of my job. I think it would be good for you and them to have that extra time with a
Logan nodded, wrapping his arm around Olivia. She slumped over into his lap.
“As the situations arise, we can figure out what makes sense;” Logan said. “I’ll be honest, I’m probably going to be spending a lot
more time around here.” Serena grinned. “Yes, now that the twins know you’re their father, they will always be looking for

reasons for you to be around” she said. Logan reached across the couch and took Serena’s hand in his. “I don’t mean just for
them,” he said. Serena blushed and looked away quickly “Are you two going to get married?” Olivia asked, perking up and wide
awake suddenly

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