Kids from One Alpha

Kids From One Alpha” By Selena Lynch Chapter 108

Chapter 108: The Celebration
The field hospital was taken down, and all the patients were out of critical care. Serena had looked after the ones in the worse
condition herself until they were ready to be moved to general recovery. Santino had kept her filled in on what he was working
out with Logan and their father in regards to the Moonshine territory and pack members. It seemed like they were making good
progress with arrangements.
Serena didn’t think that completely justified the war, but from what she gathered from a lot of her Moonshine patients, most of
them were happy to be free of Damon and have a way to start fresh. While she was checking inventory, Santino strolled into the
hospital whistling. “Ugh, what are you doing here?” Serena asked, rolling her eyes. She smiled to show she was teasing. Santino
grinned at her. “Oh, just coming by to let you know that the tedious Alpha meetings have finally concluded,” he said with a big
sigh of relief. He leaned on the nurse’s station, winking at his sister. “I’m glad to hear it,” she said. “I guess that means you, dad,
and Logan have figured everything out that needs to be figured out?” “We have,” Santino said. “You know, dad didn’t pick up on
it, but there were a few passages in that restoration plan that had a certain cadence I recognized.” Serena glared at her brother.
She sighed and shrugged. “Alpha Logan asked me for my opinion on a few topics,” she said dismissively. “Oh, does that mean
the two of you have been spending more time together?” Santino asked suggestively. Serena grimaced. “Please,” she scoffed.
“There are more important things going on than whatever is between me and Logan.”
“Not anymore,” Santino said. “The war is over and the packs are moving towards stability.”
“Does that mean you and dad will be heading back to Starseeker soon?” she asked. She liked having her father and brother
around. She knew they couldn’t stay forever, though Suddenly, Serena missed her kids! They’d been staying with Charlotte
during the conflict. She knew they were safe and had video called with them every day, but now that she wasn’t rushing around
constantly in a war hospital, she really felt how much she missed them! “I don’t know.” Santino said. “Logan is planning some big
celebration tonight, a unification kind of celebration or something.”
Chapter 108: The Celebration
“Celebration?” Serena asked. “At a time like this?”
“Yea. He thinks that the Moonshine wolves need to have some fun and see that we aren’t these intimidating, scary wolves that
they think. He also said it would be good to have all the packs together for some announcements about Moonshine’s future.”

Santino explained. “Well, that doesn’t sound so bad,” she admitted. “Are you going to come?” Santino asked. “I might make an
appearance,” Serena said dismissively. She went back to recording her inventory numbers.
“Come on, Serena,” Santino pleaded. “You’ve been working non-stop for days. You should change out of your scrubs, put on a
nice dress, and party.”
Serena rolled her eyes. “You know, Logan and I together at parties...those don’t always end that well,” she said. Santino
laughed. “Then you should definitely come,” Santino said. “I’ll see you then, right?” Serena narrowed her eyes at her brother, but
she sighed. “Alright, fine,” she said. “I need to finish up this inventory log.” “Okay, but you better be there, or I’m going to come
back here, throw you over my shoulder, and rebreak my leg to carry you in your scrubs to that party,” he told her.
“Yea, yea, get out of here,” Serena said, waving him off. Once Santino was gone, it didn’t take her long to finish up her work. She
checked on her patients one last time, but the night nurses and doctors had already come in for their shifts. The patients were in
good hands.
Her excuses for going to the celebration were disappearing all around her. Serena headed home to change quickly. She was
pleased to take her scrubs off and shower. It had been a long few days surrounded by dirt, mud, stream water, and bloody
injuries. Washing herself clean felt so good! She changed into a casual dressy outfit. Santino had told her to put on a dress, but
she didn’t know how formal the celebration would really be. Logan had had one of the event tents set up on the outskirts of town.
Already there was music playing and Serena could hear people talking, glasses clinking together. It was a real party! She went
in, seeing Santino dressed in a nice suit and Flo talking to someone from Moonshine. Her father was there, talking to some of
the warriors that had fought
alongside him. Serena smiled as she looked around at everyone. “You made it,” Logan said, coming up alongside her. Serena
nodded, accepting a glass of wine from him. She looked down at it and then arched an eyebrow at Logan.
Chapter 108 The Celebration
“I’m not sure about this,” she said, handing the wine back. “Why not?” he asked, his brow creasing. “You, me, parties with
alcohol...” she trailed off. Logan chuckled. “Let yourself relax a little,” he said, handing the wine back. “We‘ve achieved a great
victory here, and now we can finally revel in our achievements.” “We aren’t entirely out of the woods yet,” Serena pointed out, but
she accepted the wine.
Boisterous laughter caught Serena’s attention, and she looked up. Santino was chatting with a young woman that Serena didn’t
know. She must have been from Moonshine. The wolf he was flirting with was far healthier looking than most of the other

Moonshine wolves.
“Who is that?” Serena asked, nodding the her. “I don’t know.” Logan said. “She must be a member of Moonshine.” “She seems
awfully healthy,” Serena pointed out. “A few days on a healthy diet and with the proper nutrition and care can do a lot for the
health and wellness of anyone,” Logan said with a chuckle. “Do you have to be working right now?” Serena glared at Logan,
sipping her wine. “I’m not working,” she insisted. “I’m looking out for my brother.” Santino brushed his hand down the female’s
cheek. She blushed and smiled at him. He slipped his arm around her waist and leaned in to whisper in her hear. She giggled
and blushed deeper. “Can you at least pretend to enjoy yourself at this celebration?” Logan asked snidely. “We are here to unite
the three packs into two. This is a momentous occasion.” Serena glared at Logan again. She sighed and relaxed. He was right,
the occasion was what she was there to celebrate. She should be supporting the great move of the pack, not looking down on
Logan for his actions. When she looked over to find Santino again, she caught him sneaking out of the event tent with the female
he’d been flirting with. “At least someone is having fun,” Serena muttered. Logan chuckled. “You could be too,” he reminded her.
Serena finished her wine. She set the empty glass down and crossed her arms. She wouldn’t drink anymore. Not only did she
want to remain lucid at the party, so she wouldn’t say anything she’d regret, but also because she might still be needed at the
hospital. “I wanted to thank you, Serena, for your work in the filed hospital” Logan said. “It was doing my job.” Serena pointed out
stiffly. She looked at Logan, noticing that he
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Chapter 108: The Celebration
was looking at her with a funny half smile. “No, you always go above and beyond,” he insisted. Serena shrugged. “Logan, you
were really hard on Damon,” she said. “He didn’t need to go through that.” “He should have gone through worse,” Logan said
with a snarl. Serena shook her head.
“You claim to have control on your temper, but seems like you are willing to redirect it on others you feel deserve it,” Serena
pointed out. Logan sighed. “Not tonight,” he said, shaking his head. “Your father, brother, and I have been working hard to
eliminate a threat, unite the packs again, save lives, and restore a desolate territory. That might not seem as important to you as
your work in the hospital, but it is important to all the wolves here.”
“I respect the work you’re doing,” Serena assured. She sighed, looking to where Santino and his friend disappeared.

“Then, for at least one night, support it,” he said. “Don’t berate me, don’t tell me all the things I’ve done wrong, be a part of the
pack and support what we are doing.” Serena sighed. She didn’t like being chastised by Logan, but he was being logical, so she
could hardly disagree with him or fight back.
She looked around again. The three packs together, yes it was an important even to celebrate. She had to acknowledge that.
“Parties,” she muttered. “I hope Santino doesn’t make the same mistake we did.” She : nodded towards where he exited. Logan
scoffed. “Mistake?” he asked. Serena nodded. “The last party we were at together, remember?” she asked. Logan shook his
head. “That wasn’t a mistake!” he said firmly.

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