Kids from One Alpha

Kids From One Alpha” By Selena Lynch Chapter 102

Chapter 102: Santino Injured
After the wolf threat was taken care of, Logan cleaned himself off and shifted back into human form. He put his shorts back on
and turned to see what was happening with Santino and Damon. “You little fool,” Damon said. “Waving a knife around at me.” “It
is sharp enough to do damage,” Santino assured. “Stop playing with him!” Logan demanded. “But remember, we need him alive.”
“Alive?” Damon asked. He smirked, shifting into a wolf behind his desk, his clothes ripping off and falling into tattered shreds on
the floor. Santino ducked as Damon lunged at him. “Dammit!” Logan snarled, going for his shorts again. “Shift, Santino!” The
other male shifted while Logan also took on his wolf form again. They circled around Damon. The illegitimate Alpha growled,
staring at each one as they walked by him in a never-ending circle. Logan snarled back. Santino snapped his jaws. Taking
Damon alive could be difficult, if he put up too much of a fight. Santino lunged first, knocking Damon off his feet. The illegitimate
Alpha was quick to recover. Logan leapt to Santino’s side and they began to back Damon into a corner. Damon snarled and
growled, shaking his head as drool fell from his lips. Logan licked his lips, eyes flicking sideways to Santino. Santino lowered his
head to the floor, preparing to go in for another attack. Logan didn’t stop him. Santino went for Damon’s neck. As long as the
other Alpha wasn’t killed, Logan wouldn’t interfere. Santino got up underneath Damon’s chest, rolling the other Alpha over. He
rose up on his haunches, planning to land heavily on Damon’s stomach, crushing his lungs and damaging him enough so he
wouldn’t escape. At the last moment, Logan saw Damon lift his head. He yelped to get Santino’s attention, but the other wolf had
already started to come down. Damon snapped at Santino’s leg, catching it in his jaws and biting down hard. Santino yelped,
pulling back. He limped away, whining, his broken leg hanging uselessly as he retreated. Growling, Logan tackled Damon before
he could get up. He sank his teeth into the top of Logan’s neck, dragging him to the floor with him. Damon struggled, but Logan’s
hold was too strong. Logan kicked at Damon’s back, his hind claws ripping through fur and flesh, Damon whimpering and
writhing until he began to weaken. When he was no longer a threat, Logan released his hold on the illegitimate Alpha, leaving
him whimpering on the floor. He shifted back into his human form and ran
Chapter 102 Santino Injured
over to Santino.
The other wolf was still whimpering and licking his broken leg. “That doesn’t look too good,” he said. Logan pulled his phone out
and called Serena. “You shouldn’t be calling me,” she said. “We have a lot of injured here.” “It is Santino,” Logan said. Serena
gasped. “He’s fine. Just a broken leg. We could use you in Damon’s mansion. Damon is pretty shredded too, and he needs
some medical attention, and some restraints.” “I’ll put together a team,” Serena said before hanging up. “Hear that?” Logan
asked Santino. “Your sister is on the way. She’s going to fix you up nicely.” Santino gave another soft whimper and laid down,
trying to get comfortable and relax. Logan found his shorts and put them on. While waiting for Serena, he went through the rest

of the mansion to make sure it was clear. He ran into some of his other wolves, and they had several Moonshine members
detained. “How’s it going?” he asked them. “Just a couple more to round up. They ran towards the battle and we sent wolves in
pursuit. They won’t get out of that mess,” one of the wolves reported. Logan nodded. “Good” he said. “Start taking all detained
Moonshine members into the town square. We will need them to help rebuild this place.” His wolves nodded and began obeying
his orders without question. The goal had never been to destroy the entire Moonshine pack. Logan and Thomas didn’t want that
kind of blood on their hands. Any that were willing to live peacefully and renounce Damon as their Alpha would be assimilated
back into society. Logan went into the basement, taking a look at the wine cellar. It was more impressive than he could have
imagined. The walls were made of yellow brick, lined with racks of wines from all over the world. For a moment, he was a little
jealous, but then he remembered that the wine cellar had been built at the expense of the rest of the pack. Disgustedly, Logan
went back upstairs to wait for Serena.
“Where is he?” she asked the moment she saw Logan.
“This way,” he said, leading her and the rest of her team upstairs. The others ran ahead to secure Damon. Logan didn’t want the
illegitimate Alpha sneaking away.
“How bad is it?” she asked, her steps slowing at the top of the stairs. “Minor,” Logan assured. “Easy fix. But it is a wound from a
wolf mouth, there could be risk of affection.” “How did this happen?” she asked. “Weren’t you two together to help keep each
other safe?” Logan snorted and shook his head.
Chapter 102 Santino injured
“Don’t try to blame this on me,” he insisted, grabbing Serena’s wrist. She sighed, pulling away quickly. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I’m
just...scared. We haven’t heard from my father yet.”
“I’m sure he is fine,” Logan said. Serena nodded and started moving again. Logan showed her where Santino was injured, still in
his wolf form. Until she set the bones, he wouldn’t be able to shift back to human, then she’d have to bandage him.
While Serena worked, Logan went to see what was happening with Damon. The nurses that Serena had brought had his throat
and back patched up. He seemed reluctant to change back into his human form again. Logan crossed his arms and shook his
head as they bound his wrists and ankles, binds that would hold even when he changed back.
“You can’t put off the inevitable,” Logan said.
He went over to Serena to check on her progress with Santino. She almost had her ! twin patched up. Santino was back in
human form, breathing heavily as Serena bound his leg.

“When you’re done here, can you give Damon a sedative?” he asked. “He doesn’t want to change back into human form.”
“I’ll take care of it,” Serena said. She touched Santino’s shoulder. “Go, I’m fine,” he said. Serena sighed and grabbed her medical
bag. “You’re stupid!” she said. “Getting injured like that.” Santino smirked at her. “Yea, I know,” he said. “But I have my sister to
put me back together.” Serena snorted. She went with Logan over to where Damon was growling at anyone that tried to
approach. “Growl at me and I will shoot you full of phenobarbital instead of a sedative,” Serena warned. Logan let out a soft
whistle and stepped back. The other nurses pulled away too. Immediately, Damon settled down, relaxing. Serena knelt down
beside him. She inserted the needle at Damon’s neck, pushing the sedative into him. His eyes rolled back, and he gave a lazy
gasp before falling asleep. Serena grabbed her medical bag and stepped back. Once asleep, it was easy to slip back into human
form. Damon shifted on the floor and Serena pulled a blanket out of her medical kit. She laid it over him.
“Can you go to the nearest relay station and get a backboard and gurney?” she asked one of the nurses. “And a pair of crutches
for my brother.” The nurse nodded and headed out.
“Thank you, for coming on short notice.” Logan said. “Thank you for not letting my idiot brother get killed,” she said. She gave
Logan a weak smile. “I should get back to the hospital.” Logan nodded as she left.
Once Damon was on the back rack and gurney, Logan helped Santino get to his feet. “How are you doing?” Logan asked.
“Serena gave me a pain killer,” he said. “I have crutches.” Logan waved his statement off. He pulled Santino’s arm over his
shoulder and put his arm around Santino’s waist. Santino leaned his weight on Logan, lifting his broken leg and allowing him to
hop alongside as the headed out of the mansion. “I should have been more careful,” Santino muttered. “I didn’t think, I just
reacted.” “You did fine,” Logan said. “Need I remind you that the last fight I was in, I was nearly torn apart.” Santino chuckled.
“Yea, I guess I did better than you,” Santino agreed. “We’ll regroup with your father and the rest of Moonshine. The battle is over,
but we still have a lot of work to do,” Logan said, making conversation to distract Santino from the pain and the awkwardness of
hobbling around one-legged. “Any ideas for how to handle the territory?” Santino asked. “A few, but we should discuss them with
your father,” Logan said. They headed out into the sunny yard around the mansion. Logan sighed. He’d almost forgotten it was
still daytime out. His mind had been so focused on the battle and on war.

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