Kiada, Blood Servant System Reborn

Chapter 76: Much Worse

I walked with the girls down onto the docks, and the smell of the salt was stronger here, along with various other smells. Why did the whole area smell, I wasn't going to think about it.

The boat was starting to sound like a good idea rather than stay around all these invasive smells. I looked at the other girls, and everyone but Gloria and Lesha had their noses scrunched up.

"The Dead Right be up ahead, once onboard, head to the front of the boat so yer doesn't get in the way of the deckhands, or old Captain Nobby will give ya the left side of his tongue!" Braum said with a laugh.

"That's not a very good name for a ship," Trinity said, tilting her head at Braum.

"Oh, come now, little miss, this is a great name for her! She's a Flexil Fish hunter, so she is dead to rights if we get caught by the Flexil," Braum said in a more serious tone, losing some of his jovial accent.

"What are the Flexil Fish?" Lesha asked.

"We will talk about them more after we cast off. First, let's get everyone aboard so they can pull up the gangplank," Hershal said, waving us all forward.

The Dead Right was the biggest boat there, and I had only seen some paintings like this. It was hard to put into words how amazing it was. The ship had to have been at least thirty meters long. I didn't even bother trying to guess the height of the two sails that hung from wooden poles.

We were rushed up onto the deck and then herded up a half-meter set of small stairs at the front of the boat. There was plenty of room and some wooden boxes to sit down on, so we made ourselves comfortable.

I turned to see people rushing around, untying thick ropes and pulling up the ramp we had walked upon. Candi and Trinity came up to me and stood to either side of me, but neither of them looked very good.

We had just started to move and there was a feeling of constantly moving, but it seemed to be bothering the girls. Both were almost a head shorter than me, and the little girls looked like they were going to be sick.

"K, the waves, the boat, my stomach, ugh," Candi growled out as she grabbed my arm as the boat dipped a bit.

"Ya, Miss K, I don't feel so good, and everything stinks, do we have to do this?" Trinity complained, grabbing my other arm as the boat came back up.

I didn't know what I was supposed to do, and I turned to Gloria. She was the only one that seemed to have any idea about what we were going to do.

"Gloria, what can I do for these two? They don't look so good," I said, but then I noticed that she was helping Mei lay down, and letting her lay with her head curled into Gloria's lap.

"They just need to lay down and keep their heads still, they will get used to it, hopefully. If not, then next time we will get crackers and some Air Juice. Just let them put their heads in your laps for now," Gloria said while running hands through Mei's hair.contemporary romance

Both girls were looking like zombies from the dungeon, so I went and put my back against one of the crates and crossed my legs. I waved the girls over and one came to each side, but then Lesha came and laid down in front of me.

"Are you not feeling good either?" I asked with concern, but she looked fine.

"No, I'm fine, I just didn't want to sit alone, and you have comfy legs," Lesha said with a cute smile while looking up at me.

We all sat there and relaxed for almost an hour before Braum came to talk to us. Trinity and Candi were both sleeping and Lesha handed my arm and was running her fingers around it gently. It was a nice feeling that I had never felt before, and it let me relax to the point that I almost fell asleep.

"I hope your girls there are feeling better when they wake up. The sea can be hard on some, but I just take time for most. So, we are going to be coming up on the Reef soon, so I want to run over some important details. So, wake the girls up as well, Corbit and Tim are already getting changed, and Hershal and I have already gone over the basics with them," Braum explained to us.

Lesha sat up and I woke the girls up. The two of them sat up and stretched, both looked a lot better, so I stood up and stretched.

I turned to look over at Gloria who was trying to get Mei up. Poor girl still looked like she was going green, but she would just have to push through.

We all gathered around Braum, Hershal must be with the boys because he was nowhere in sight.

"All right, sorry for making you wait so long about the explanation, but I was helping out with the crew. See, I now head out with these here boys cause this is my boat. I just let old Nobby there captain the thing cause I got other Guild business outside of just Gem Heart hunting. So, Flexil, they look like a pile of floating snot, but not to be taken lightly," Braum said, shaking a finger at each to make sure we were paying attention.

"If they are floating boogers, then what makes them so dangerous?" Trinity asked.

"They eat through anything, the jelly melts holes through anything. So, If they touch the ship of you, it's all over for us. So, we have spotters, but the biggest thing is for the divers to get in and out without being noticed. Most people die on their way back from getting the Gem Heart."

Well, this just made things seem that much worse.

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