Kiada, Blood Servant System Reborn

Chapter 67: You Bit Me!

I was so angry that I couldn't even enjoy the flavor of the blood, and a darker dark than I should have as the now blonde girl gasped out. I finally let go and the girl fell down panting and putting a hand to her neck.

[Basophils] Service Acquired!

"You bit me!" The girl complained.

I grabbed her by the hair and hauled her to her feet, letting go and then turning her around. She didn't cry out when I did, and she had an annoyed look on her face when I got her turned around.

"You know, for someone who just lost all their girls you sure know how it waits. Don't hit me, wild women, we came to warn you about the people that took the other one,"

"You mean the vampire? Did I think you two hated each other? Didn't she attack you? What am I missing and what do you know about the people that took Lesha and the other two?" I demanded.

"Come, let's go and you can talk with Candace. Hopefully, she is snacking on the one with the ugly eye. Also, we don't hate each other, it's more of a forbidden type then, but with more teeth and claws, but let's go save the girls, and not talk about me," The wolf girl said with a smile.

"Fine, keep up," I said, as I turned to start running, but there was a weird noise that came from behind me.

"No, get on me, it will be faster. Plus, it will make Candace jealous!"

I turned to fund the wolf girl who was now the large wolf I had seen before when we were camping at Tarcord River. I was hesitant only for a second, then I hopped on the gray wolf's back and grabbed onto her fur tightly.

"Ooo, I like it rough like that! Hold on tight," She said, and she bolted forward, moving at incredible speeds. "My name is Trinity, but you can just can me T! That's Candi's nickname for me so that will also help get the dust pumping in her veins!"

I was a bit impressed with the way Trinity was able to hold a conversation and move at such blinding speeds. Soon, we burst from the trees and I could see Tim standing with a woman with black hair and dress, and pale ghostly skin, but she didn't look to be hurting him.

When we got closer, I locked eyes with Candi, and she was glaring at me. Oh, you want to glare?

I was already off T's back and stalking forward with my eyes glowing. Tim backed away slowly as I got closer, but I wasn't staring at him.

Candi looked unsure and then put her hand up.

"Wait, I don't want to get bit!" She pleaded to me, but I was already pissed, and it was all just an act anyways.

The second I got close, she erupted into mist, laughing.

"Let's talk about this after we deal with the people that took your girls. I don't want you sinking your teeth into me just yet. You and I need to have a little talk first, but we can do that late… YOU BITCH!"

[Lymphocyte] Service Acquired!

I hand-tracked the blood mist, and I used some of the new service, Basophils to try out the limit break adrenaline rush. I let her talk for a bit, but the second she blinked her eyes in a self-satisfied way, I activated it.

It was like time slowed down and I rushed forward at what felt like a normal speed, but everyone else was barely even moving. The second my teeth sank into her cold neck, time pulled back into place.

Candi then proceeded to call me every name in the book, but when I was done, I spun her around and burned Red Blood. I picked her up off the ground and pulled her close to my face.

"Who has the girl?" I asked in a menacing voice.

"The idiots that you were supposed to join! Now unhand me, you violent woman!" Candi said to me while trying to pry my hand off her dress collar.

"What idiots?" I questioned.

"The Ass Pounder Guild or whatever it's called! The one that you were supposed to join for Dyster. Now, are you done with me amazon!" Candi complained more.

Great, the guild that was supposed to be helping us turned coat pretty quick when they found out that we didn't want to join. I still find it hard to build that they would try something like this.

I put down Candi, there was no point in trying to shake more answers out of her. I turned to Tim, and he wanted to look at me with a worried expression.

"What are you going to do?" Tim asked, looking worried.

I want you three to stay here while I go deal with them. After it is silent, then you can come, but do not try to touch me, or even talk to me. I don't know what I will be like," I said turning and walking away.

No one tried to stop me, and I saw a red light shining on the ground. The light was coming from my eyes, and I didn't rush over there at first. There were some questions I needed to ask.

'Just use all the extra blood you have into Basophils, so you don't die. When it comes, you won't be yourself anymore, you will be her, Lishtani, The Blood Queen. She won't hear your friends, but it will be a lot to take in. Lishtani is very old and doesn't like to be cooped up inside of you, so she will be extremely violent.' -Drania.contemporary romance

I didn't care, these people had touched the things that I held dear to my head and the woman I loved. There wasn't anything that these men didn't deserve. That's the feeling I tried to hold onto as I burned the last of the blood, feeling the cold come for me.

'I have been waiting.' -Lishtani.

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