Kiada, Blood Servant System Reborn

Chapter 63: I Love you

I took a deep breath in as I tried to cool myself down, but my mouth was still on fire. It was a harmless joke that I had overreacted to, and now Celia was looking at me like I was a monster.

I didn't have a lot of experience with this feeling, and when I tried to step forward, Celia stepped back in fear. I had my hand up, but I let it drop, turning to walk out of the house. I could hear Lesha trying to explain, but I just needed to get outside.

I left the house, turning to the right this time where there was just some open grass for five meters, then there was a tree line that led down to the ocean. I walked down, trying to slow my racing mind and the torrents of emotion I was feeling.

I didn't mean to scare her, but I had let my emotions get away from me. I didn't ask for this power, to drink blood, to hold a monster inside me.

'Those worthy of power rarely accept it, and will always struggle with it, but that's what makes you the right choice. There is nothing wrong with questioning the power and its uses, but you were picked for this because you are the right choice. You just need to get a better hold on that anger of yours. Relax, breathe in the salty air, Lesha will be here soon.' -Drania.

The sun was coming down now, the burnt orange was rippling across the water. I watched the sun catch the tips of the wave, making small sparkles of diamond light. I breathed in deeply, and closed my eyes, sinking into my own thoughts. I pulled my knees and put my head down to block the light that was still burning my closed eyes.

I was so lost in trying to get lost in my thoughts, that I didn't hear Lesha until I felt her legs slide alongside mine. Her arms wrapped around my waist, and she pulled in close to me, kissing the back of my neck.

She rested her head on my back, but I didn't know what to say, so we just sat like that for a while. The sounds of the water rolling in on the sand and Lesha's tight hold let some of everything building up inside leak out of me, letting me relax a bit more.

"I talked to Celia and explained everything to her about you, and Corbit. They have never even seen a dungeon, only heard stories. It was just a bit much for her, but she is okay and told me to say that she was sorry. We shouldn't be toying with you like this, it's not your fault you haven't been anywhere else," Lesha said, then she leaned into me and kissed my cheek, making me tip my head into hers.

"I need to get a better hold of my anger, I knew you were just trying to have fun with me. I just get worked up because I am so out of the loop, and then I feel like I have been tricked. I should know that you love me and wouldn't try to do something mean to me; it just wasn't that long ago that I had brothers that would use my naivety against me. I would beat them in a fight, but then they would trick me to get back at me."

We sat for a bit longer until Celia came out onto the back of the house to call us in for supper. The two of us stood, and I turned, now looking eye to eye with Lesha.

The incline of the hill we stood on made it easy for me to lean in and take Lesha's soft cheeks in my hands. I pulled her gently into a slow kiss that let me take a step outside of the real world for a brief moment.

The soft press of her lips on mine made my heart yearn to make the kiss deeper, but I slowly pulled away. I still held her face in my hand, staring into her eyes, smelling the strawberry sweetness coming from her.

"I love you, and I will try to do better," I said slowly, the words feeling heavy, each one of them holding the weight of my true feelings and determination.

"I love you, forever and always. You really mean so much to me, so let's go back inside, come."

She kissed me, but then pulled my hands from her face and pulled me along with her. We walked together up the hill, after the words were spoken, my heart was in less turmoil.

I felt like this would be a memory that I would hold onto, so I really tried to let it all soak in. I squeezed Lesha's hand just before we went back inside, and we stopped to share another short kiss.

The chowder was surprisingly good, and I ended up having a second bowl. There were no more jokes at my expense, but there were a couple made at Corbit's.

None of the jokes were bad, and they were more funny than mean. Each time Norbert would make a jab at him with one of his shucking jokes, Corbit would fire his own back. contemporary romance

By the time supper was done, everyone was in good spirits, but we were all starting to get tired. Last night had been a long night and trying to sleep in a moving vehicle never really left you fully rested.

Corbit showed Mei and Gloria to a room, and then directed Lesha, and me to the room we would be sleeping in. We both said goodnight to the two girls, but Mei winked at me, and I winked back, smiling.

Gloria rolled her eyes, and when I turned back to Lesha she was just grinning. She pulled me into the room, and I closed the door behind us.

I wasn't about to stand and watch her this time, I had heard how excited the other girls got last time. I wanted that kind of excitement, and I wanted Lesha to feel it too.

[chapter 63.5 can be found in the book Kiada's XXX Chapters]

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