Kiada, Blood Servant System Reborn

Chapter 28: One Ended Up Being Four

I walked quietly down the stairs and joined Lesha who had already made some kind of bread dough that she was frying in some grease. She turned to me and smiled after flipping it to reveal a golden crispy side.

"So did she go to bed without a fuss? Or?" Lesha asked, giving the pan a quick shake.

"Yes, I put the lotion on her and then put her into another shirt. She just leaned on me the entire time, then I tucked her in. It was a long day and a lot of new faces, but tomorrow she should have a nice break with Leana."

"That's good of you K, I don't really know what happened before this, but she had been alone for a very long time. None of this is her fault, and I'm not trying to harp on you, since you're my master and leader, but you're responsible for her now." Lesha said, using metal tongs to grab whatever she was cooking out and put in on the rack we had to set bread to cool.

"I know and I'm trying, I just never planned on having a kid, and I'm pretty sure that's what this is like! Still, I know, and WE will do this together, I can't do things all on my own and don't make me!" I complained walking up to her but waiting till she had put the dough into the pan.

"I am not going anywhere," Lesha said with a smile, then leaning in to kiss me. I kissed her back, but I was tired and hungry, and tomorrow was going to be another humdinger of a day that was for sure.

The two of us ate the fried bread with some slightly bitter Chokecherry jam, and the big pieces were surprisingly filling. After the two of us we both tired and no part of me wanted to even attempt a bath. There was running water, but it was ice cold and too heat, we just went to bed. Mostly.

We did stay up and kiss for a bit but even aroused, sleep took the two of us before anything exciting could happen. The night was dreamless, but I did have a good sleep, and the next morning I woke up feeling rested, not quite as full of vigor, but still it, it was good. I felt something small in my arms and opened my eyes to find Mei in the brown shirt, tucked into my chest.

Fine, this one time and Lesha was pinning all three of us together, so there was no use in trying to complain, but it was time to get up. I pulled us all apart, and the other two started to do stretches, over me, with Mei almost punching me in the nose. I rolled the two in opposite directions and got out of bed. After running a brush through my hair that went surprisingly well, but then tossed the brush to Lesha and pointed at Mei...blonde animal on her head.contemporary romance

"Do you know where you're going well enough to take her to see Leana? And my dad?"

"Hm? Yes, It's just a straight walk from here right?" Lesha said in revision as she hovered around Mei's head with the hairbrush, trying to find a place to start, but it was all bad.

"Yes, here," I said, tossing Lesha some oil spray for hair, to help. "Can you bring them both to the Hall? There are things that I am hoping I can get done today so I want them to come and see, their work won't mind."

"Yes, we can do that, right Miss Mei?" Lesha said as started to soak Mei's hair with the oil spray.

"What are you doing to the thing on my head? And what's this slippery stuff? What's that thing in your hand, and that bottle, what's that?" Mei asked, trying to turn around, but Lesha turned her back forward.

I went over and gave Lesha a kiss, which ended up being four, and one on Mei's forehead after I got the sad puppy dog eyes. After that was done I headed downstairs and then out of the house. Hopefully, Gram would have something to snack on, there wasn't much in the house, tomorrow dad would get paid and she would get some groceries, but I would have to pitch in for the girls to, but I still had the claws and three gems.

I wasn't surprised to find that the guild was filled with people standing around with nowhere to sit. The only Table was filled with my brothers, who were eating a breakfast of eggs and ham with toast. I didn't see Healia, but my brother noticed me and waved me over, but then everyone noticed me, but then they all went back to what they were doing. Strange.

"What is with everyone, I thought for sure I was about to get mobbed?" I asked, walking over to stand at the end of the table, and it was Mike who spoke up, or he was going to, but my look made him finish the food in his mouth.

"I told them that the first person to bother you when you got here was the first person kicked out. There were some good finds, but most of them were pretty basic, but that doesn't mean they didn't do a good job. Gram has the list in the back of the teams and soloist, and he has food for you."

The second he was done he was already filling his mouth again. Looks like they must have been eating a lot of jarred food for the last six months and this was probably the first real meal they had had that they hadn't bought. I wondered why Gram was cooking for the boy though, I don't remember him ever doing anything like that before? Well, before going in the back I should at least let these people know what's going on.

"Hey, everyone! Thanks for your hard work yesterday! I will be going and taking a look at the scores. Just remember, good items are good, but I'm looking for consistency and how far you made it. Today is going to be a long day, but if you want to have a place at this guild you will wait until I call your name, we could have more than just three, so don't think just because you are not picked right away, that you don't have a spot. Please, just be patient."

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