Kiada, Blood Servant System Reborn

Chapter 25: The Blood Queen

After I dealt with Gastbo and got a decent shield for fifty gold, we collected Mei and said goodbye to my father. I was starting to feel the cold now, whatever it meant, it couldn't be good for me, and even my covered skin was starting to get cold. Lesha was getting concerned about my color, and I couldn't blame her, Mei was even behaving and staying quiet; her hand Lesha was holding hands as we walked, I could give frostbite at the current moment.

We stopped and quickly grabbed some BBQ meat sticks then headed straight for the dungeon. We lived and worked on the dungeon side of the city, and I hardly ever found myself even needing to go anywhere else. Not that I hadn't been around the city, this was just the place I spent the most time mind was a wonder, not good.

'Stop messing around, girl. You need to refill or you will go feral, and you don't want that! Pick up your feet!' -Drania.

She was right, the cold was starting to really get to me, and no part of feral sounded good for anyone. I ate my two meat sticks fast, the food was good, but not what I needed. I tossed the sticks in the bin, and then looked at the girls.

"Let's move a bit faster, I need to get into the dungeon before something bad happens. Come girls," I said, starting to pick up my pace, and the girls agreed and started to move at a jog.

The dungeon wasn't that far from the city, but the five-minute jog felt like an eternity. I wanted to run ahead, but then I would just have to wait anyways for them to catch up, if we didn't go in at the exact same time, then we wouldn't be together. That was not what I wanted, I should be able to hold on; I thought the system was supposed to help me, this seemed like quite the disadvantage.

'This is a safe protocol placed in the system for if you are to be captured. You will switch to a mode called The Blood Queen, and then you will turn midnight black, and then kill everyone within your range for thirty seconds. Nothing short of a god could stop you, but the only ones safe from your wrath will be the girls, everyone else will die. Later you will learn to control this, but for now, it is too dangerous and should never be used; if it happens, it should be because it is your last resort. Don't think that being in a dungeon will be alright either, the system prefers human blood over a monster, and a dungeon will not hold you inside.' -Drania.

'So, a bit of a disadvantage.'

'Only to start out with, and you need to be more mindful of your supplies. The last thing you want is to go feral in the middle of the city, or in your Guild Hall. This is your system, you will learn how to use it.' -Drania.

We were at the shimmering wall that was the entrance to the dungeon, and the girls and I didn't hesitate to enter. Once inside, I made sure they were both through the portal and with me, and then I ran as hard as I could ahead. I could see the first room's entrance up ahead, so I redoubled my effort, and charged into the room that had four massive Dire Wolves waiting for me.

As one, they all lept, but the girls were close enough, and I pulled, then everything happened in slow motion. The second the blood hit my tongue, I started to warm up, and instantly all four were pinned together from every angle by trunks of trees a third of the size that hit Healia. Next was Lesha, and ever in slow motion, it was hard to follow her with her blinding speed, as she lopped off the four heads.

The blood didn't spray, instead, this time, each body leaked one red and a thin clear stream of fluid. I pulled them directly into my body, not being able to wait for the balls to form. My body finally filled with warmth again, and the trees dispersed in blue smoke, dropping the husks of the dead wolves.

"K, are you feeling better now?" Lesha was, with still a tint of red in her eyes.

"Much better, now we can go at a normal pace, but you guys did really well! I didn't do much."

Lesha just laughed at me and gave me a shove.

"Oh yeah, nothing? You just didn't make it so we could do that? You're the tank, you rushed them and distracted them, we are the damage dealers. I think you did your job well," Lesha said smiling at me.

"Do I always have to go crazy to make the trees? I mean, it's fun, but can't I grow a tree, just cause I want to? Or does it work only if I'm crazy?" Mei asked, coming up to my side, look at the ground.

"I don't know, but I will find out from Healia since I have no idea how to even use my own magic. Don't worry, we will figure it out," I said while ruffling her hair.

'It is time to create Gobby. Place your hand forward and call out Blood Gobbler.' -Drania.

'That's a cute name, but what is it?'

*silence*contemporary romance

I deserved that, I was the queen of giving people shit for asking stupid questions, and low and behold here I am stepping on my own toes with Drania. Fine, I will summon whatever this thing was.

"Girls stand back for a minute, I am going to try something with some of the blood I just got."

I stuck out my hand in front of myself and called out the weird name, no wonder It had a cute nickname, the first was horrible!

"Summon Blood Gobbler!"

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