Kiada, Blood Servant System Reborn

Chapter 17: No, Come Back Tomorrow

I pushed Lesha out of the bakery while she was holding the bottle of wine and smiling like a fool. Corbit followed me, and Leana called goodbye, and to enjoy our night. Lesha was far too happy, and the mood was starting to become infectious.

I was starting to feel better about the Guild, and being the leader, maybe I was making it seem harder than it would actually be. We already had a new member, or would if he joined. Corbit was humming as we walked back but then turned to both of us.

"So what's the deal with you two? Are you a couple? I don't mean to pry, but I have never seen women your age act so friendly with each other," Corbit asked with a quizzical look, while still walking and managing to avoid everything in his path.

The question distracted me enough, that I stepped on Lesha's foot, which almost made her fall, but I caught her in my arms. She was facing me, and giving me a mischievous smile, then she took my face into her hands. Lesha pulled our faces together, then she kissed me as I had never been kissed like this before.

Oh, jeez! Well, umm, I guess that answers my I just go find the Guild by myself? I can see your...umm involved, so I'll just...find my way."

Lesha finally let me go, but I found myself not wanting to, but then I remembered where I was. Kissing a girl, in the middle of the street, like I was in a play. No, I won't let this bother me, I am a calm ocean.

"K! You need to save that kind of thing for when you get home!" Mort called from behind me, far behind me.

Well, I tried, but now, someone was going to die. I helped Lesha up and was about to round on my brothers when Lesha grabbed my chin.

"Don't, or I will do it again, I don't know why I feel so free with you, but I can't help myself when I look into your eyes. It's like I can see all the things in some far-off world that we had, and I have never looked at a woman the same way as when I look at you," Lesha said, letting go of my chin with a cute smile.

Dammit, just like that, I was disarmed, all my fire was put out. I sighed, and then slowly turned to see my brothers ever so slowly walking closer. I forced a smile onto my face and gave my best Guild Master's voice, or something grand.

"So boys, how was the dungeon today?"

"Gross, K. Don't talk like that, or we will start calling you Fearless Leader, but all and all, it was okay, nothing special. Are you heading back to the guild?" Mike asked.

"Yes, we have a new prospective member, brothers, meet Corbit," I said gesturing back to the scrawny kid with a robe.

Rick came over and leaned in towards me.

"Aren't you supposed to be a bit pickier than that?" Rick asked seriously in a quite strained voice.

"Rick, he put one finger on a fighter chest plate, said one word and blew him across the street, and knocked him out. He will do fine, plus you will need a fifth."

*Low long whistle*

"Alright, Alright, I give, that does sound pretty impressive, but how's he do it?"

I glared at Rick, and even Lesha laughed when Rick spoke again.

"How am I supposed to know, Rick? Go ask him!" Rick said in a low imitation of me as he walked over to Corbit.

"Let's go back so I can get this over with and then go home and relax."

"Oh, yeah, I bet you will be doing…"

"Mort, there is only so much shit I can take in one day. So, unless you want to be sitting out for a week, after I take you to the dungeon and kill you, and you grow some horrible disfigurement, CAN IT!"

Mort actually looked scared of me; they always brushed my menace off, but he was getting pale. I hadn't used my strength in front of them, so there was no reason for them to be scared of me. Unless…

"What did Healia say to you?"

"Nothing!" All four men said almost jumping out of their skins, even Rick who was talking to Corbit shouted out with the rest.

"She told them about our fight, and how we made her almost lose her cool," Lesha said from beside me.

The three in front of me all relaxed, but only a little bit, but Pike spoke up.

"Did you really fight her with your bare hands? She said you even tackled and knocked her off her feet! K, are you even human anymore?"

"Ugh, that witch! I am still me, I will try not to actually kill you, but I am getting sick of all your childish jokes. Can we just act like normal people for once?"

I didn't wait for them to respond, instead, I turned back towards the guild and started heading that way, grabbing Lesha's hand who followed obediently. I was glad to get that out of my system, even if it didn't change anything; it made me feel better. Lesha had caught up with me and had her other hand on top of mine that her other hand was hoping for.

The trip to the Guild wasn't that long, and the trip would be short back home, hopefully. I walked to the door and pushed it open, Lesha was still holding my hand and smiling, but my smile cracked when I saw the inside of my new Guild Hall.

It was packed with adventures, and every one of them looked at me. What in Healia's name was going on here?contemporary romance

One of the men in the front walked up to me and gave me a bow.

"Would you happen to be Miss Kiada, the Guild Leader of The Crimson Legion Guild?" The man asked.

"Uhh, yes..." I said, letting my voice trail off as I looked around the room.

"We are all here to join your Guild!"


"What?!" The man asked in disbelief.

"Come back tomorrow, and you better had a damn good reason why you want to join me!"

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