Kiada, Blood Servant System Reborn

Chapter 142: Did Someone Hit You On The Head Again?!

To my surprise, the two of us got back to the Guild and went inside, but the place was empty on the lower level. It was around lunch, but not quite, so I expected everyone to be waiting, but the place was a ghost town.

"Everyone is out training, but Lesha is upstairs with your father right now." 

I looked around and then saw Gram jump up on the bar countertop.

"Good, K is going to take the rest of the day off to spend with Lesha, so I would like for Leina to make a picnic lunch for them if she doesn't mind," Healia said before I could open my mouth.

Before I could complain, my stepmother was poking ahead out of the kitchen.

"Oh? You and Lesha are finally going to go and have some alone time? I will make sure to pack the wine that you like!" Leina said and then disappeared back into the kitchen.

"Don't even try to comp[lain! We just talked about this, and now you are going to find your wife and take her on a cute date!" Healia scolded me as she turned back to me, and I sighed.

It wasn't like I didn't want to do it; I just felt resistant to it for some reason. I was still worried in the back of my head about having to talk to her about everything.

I shook my head, walked to the stairs, and headed to the second level, where my father and the twins' workshop was. I was curious to see what Lesha was doing up here, and I also wanted to know how things were going with my father, Gastbo, and Crass.

Goby jumped off my boot in his weird fashion from nothing more than a red smear that looked like dirty mud. He was dirty and would need a bath tonight, but his smell wasn't horrible yet.

"K-K-K-K, what are we going to do today? Go get some bad guys!? Maybe search out the best spirit watching spot for a picnic?!" Gobby rambled off as the dirty walking blood clot walked over to the door to the workshop.

From out here, there was no sound, but I knew as I walked forward to prepare myself. The magic of this Guild sealed off each area like its own separate space, so no sound escaped when you had the door closed.

"Something like that. I am going to get Lesha, and we are going to spend some time alone and go for a walk. You should go have a bath, and try not to get stuck in the drain, or I will have to summon you again, and who knows when I will get around to doing that," I teased Gobby with a smile, but that made his one eye almost cover his body.

"Are you okay?! Did someone hit you on the head again?!" Gobby asked from where I wasn't sure because his eye covered his entire face.

"What? Yes, I am fine; why?" I asked, confused about what he meant.

"You don't laugh and smile like that! Or you haven't since you built this place! What had gotten into you??" Gobby asked as he leaned towards me. 

"I am just trying to take a more cup half full approach, but I do see what you mean. Maybe it's too much? I'm not sure…." I said, with my voice trailing off.

"No, No, No! This is good! Keep this up, and I will go get clean and meet you back down here when it's time to go!" Gobby told me with excitement and then turned, running up the stairs as fast as his little legs would carry him. 

I was going to stop him to tell him I wanted to go alone, but it wasn't that much to have him around, and Lesha loved him.  I took a deep breath and then closed off my ear the best I could and pulled the door open as I let the breath out.

The sounds of many people yelling and hammer smacking down filled the air as I walked into the large workshop. There were many more people in here than I had expected there to be; I counted six of the sailors/marines.contemporary romance

"K! Over here!" I heard my father call, and I took another deep breath as I went over to him and Lesha and hugged him. 

James was surprised at first, but soon he embraced me back in a tight hug. I had been distant since I got my memories back, and that wasn't fair to him.

This man had raised me my whole life in this world before I knew any of this, and I still loved him like a father. I had a far better relationship with Leina and him than I ever had with my real parents, who didn't ever really accept me for who I was.

"Nice to have my little girl back, I hope," My father said as we pulled apart, and I smiled at him.

"I just had and still have a lot of things going on in my head," I said and then turned to the beautiful smiling blue woman in a leather smock that I loved. "What are you doing up here getting all dirty? I should have told Gobby to wait, and then two of you could have gotten cleaned."

Lesha just came and kissed me, and my arms closed around her. The world closed off, and all the hammers faded into the background as I became instantly lost in her kiss.

It had only been since this morning that we had kissed, but this time it was different, and it was like she could read me like an open book. I guess Healia was right, and I really needed to lighten up and start to feel more.

I ran my hands through her soft blonde hair, caressing the back of Lesha's head as we slowly kissed. I could have stayed in this moment for the rest of my life, but Lesha was the one to slowly pull away, even as I tried to chase her lips.

"You were asking me a question, silly, and if you keep this up, I will never get to answer you," Lesha said to me in such an adorably cute voice that I couldn't do more than grin in reply.

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