Kiada, Blood Servant System Reborn

Chapter 139: Carrying The World

"So, what is the plan after this? I get a spirit, and you? Go back to ordering people around and looking angry all the time? I mean, I think that is how the guild leader in stories tends to act, but…." Healia said, letting her voice trail off, and I rolled my eyes.contemporary romance

"Oh, and do like what? Do you think that I should be some drunk that sits around and assaults her guild members? Or maybe just sit around and let everyone else do the work?" I asked as we walked down the path to the waterfall springs where the elder spirits were residing.

"I think that you should take a look at yourself in the mirror. Maybe I wasn't the best guild leader, and maybe Gram wasn't much either, but we still all laughed and had fun. Now you are you again, the real Kiada that has a stick shoved up her ass, the same one that lost the love of her life," Healia said to me and then stopped walking, forcing me to stop and turn to her.

What was I supposed to do? This was who I was, and I have always been a hard-ass about things. Why did I need to change all of a sudden?

"Yes, but now I have her back, and she can walk again, but now it's not just her! I have to keep all of you safe and prepare this world for a Clash with the Game Master that is going to tear most of this world apart," I said, throwing my hands into the air, but Healia shook her head at me.

"No, you don't have to, and Lesha deserves more from you! You are the one that just said it! You have everything that you two have ever wanted, but you are the only one that is acting like the world is going to end! Don't you see what I am getting at?" Healia said, throwing her hands out to the side.

"Maybe you all should start acting like this! Why do I have to be the only person that is working to end this all? WHO DO YOU THINK I AM DOING THIS FOR?! ME?!" I screamed, all cool leaving me.

Healia took a step back, and I turned away, reigning the anger back inside of me to make my eyes stop glowing. I came into this game intending to save the woman that I loved more than anything else in the world.

I agreed to help everyone else to get what I wanted and nothing more, but now, I was still fighting. The exact number of times that I could have stood in this very spot was unknown, which bothered me because I had no way to deal with it or stop it from happening again.

"Did you ever think that you are trying to force the game to do what you want? We can't make it do this that Dave didn't design into it, and everything takes a certain amount of time and exploration. Since even before your memories came back, you have been rushing through everything. Now, you don't have any time for the girls or Lesha. How long will you keep this up? Or is this the you that we are stuck with?" Healia asked, and I sucked my emotions before turning on her.

"I don't know what you want from me! I am trying to help everyone!" I said as I pulled to keep my anger from slipping out.

"Stop, they don't need help; they just need your direction! We have lots of people that can do the jobs that you do. Your job is not to run around and try to do all the tasks; it is to direct others to be able to deal with them, so you can deal with the larger one, and still have time for everyone one else," Healia explained, and I put my hand to my face.

I didn't want to talk or argue about this right now, but Healia wasn't going to let this go. Maybe she wasn't entirely wrong about the way I started acting, but this was me.

The day that I found out that Lesha would never walk again, I had stayed by her side until the doctors told me I had to go. Then I had gone home to my parent's house and cried all night, but then I woke up and made a promise to myself.

I would not leave her side, no matter what happened, and I promised her parents that not even death would keep me from her. They had called me crazy, but over time even her father started to like me.

I wasn't the man he had dreamed Lesha would settle down with, but I kept my word even today. Now, Lesha didn't need me to pamper or push her around, and  I was still carrying the world on my shoulders.

"Then what am I supposed to do? I just stop being guild leader and start spending all my time with the girls?" I asked, trying to keep the bitterness and frustration out of my voice but not doing a very good job.

"Take it one step at a time, K, we are here with you, and right now, there are three previous guild leaders, three blacksmiths, and plenty of other qualified people that are all more than excited to help out. Though, spending some time with your beautiful wife might not be that bad of an idea, just saying," Healia said, giving me a light push that seemed to take some of the stress with it.

"Fine. Then you are going to deal with the training of the spirit with the gods, and I will spend some time with Lesha and try to talk to Candi. I don't know how well the last one will go, but I will try," I said, and Healia locked elbows with me and pulled me forward.

"That is all that we ask; I know that you have had a far rougher go than most, but we are in Reborn now. Let the Earth pains fade away, and embrace the new you in Reborn, and stop holding on to the pain," Healia said as we started moving again.

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