Kiada, Blood Servant System Reborn

Chapter 136: Setting Out, Again

The next few days went by in a blur for me and everyone at the Guild. The girls and I got things back in order among us, and now we were all headed to the underwater dungeon temple.

It was only going to take a couple days, but in that time, Drania and I had carved spirit slots for everyone, and not everyone had a spirit with them. No one had progressed far enough yet to use the spirits for helpful anything yet.

In time, they would be able to use the spirit to work in pairs with their own Class, but for now, they were just a bunch of useless glowing turds that were running around. It wasn't like they were harmful, but they don't always stay with the person they were bonded to.

This meant that on most days, there would be countless of them roaming around the Guild. This didn't get into too much trouble, but they also weren't that helpful at this stage.

I had woken the island Dragon Turtle, and now it was headed straight towards our target, but when I had woken it up, the island had changed. The jungle that had been a single path was now spread out into many different sections, and I was curious to explore them.

I had been on one of these islands before, but this one was different from others I had been on. For one thing, some sections had monsters in them, and that wasn't normal. 

There shouldn't be any kind of monster that could appear outside the dungeon, but it could be part of whatever Jhin was trying to do with the gates. I had a rough idea of what he was trying to do, and it would not be good for anyone.

Game Masters were A.I. that had been created by Dave, the creator of this Game World. None of the Game Masters could use systems. What they could do is summon monsters into the world, and that must be what he was doing now.

If he is able to complete what he needs to before I have this world ready to resist, not even the other gods will be able to stop him. When that happens, everyone would be lost, and I would be forced to complete the game, but I would leave this world to be destroyed.

Yes, this was only a game world, but Dave had told me about the far-reaching effect of losing one of these games.contemporary romance

"If you lose the world, but still win the game, the people of the next world will hold resentment against you, and none of them will even know why, but they will have lack of trust in you," Dave had explained to me in one of his routine spouts of information that he likes to spring on me anytime that I looked ideal.

So, monsters in this world were helpful for my cause as we traveled to the first dungeon. It also marked the beginning of the end for this world.

Everyone would need to fight when the gates started to open up. They would start to appear around this world, and the monsters would begin to start pouring in.

Crass, Gastbo, and my father James were all set up in the Forge on the second level, but they were all kept bust almost non-stop. I had convinced Crass to hold off on the competition until after the first dungeon was cleared.

There was too much for them to be doing to start up the competition at the moment. I promised the men that the girls and I would judge for them when the time came. 

For now, there was more than enough for them to do. The way that the Marines were burning through weapons and armor, all three needed to be working to keep up.

After I had gotten the island woken up, I used magic to stretch the haul-out, giving the inside a much longer appearance. The Guild Hall was almost twice as long as the previous one, and the Mesh hall was sorted into sections. 

I was sitting at one of the larger tables, and I had the girls sitting around me, but there were also other men sitting around the table with us. Jester, Tim, Braum, and Hershal, and my four brothers all sat together across from me.

I was pretty surprised when I first saw them, and they all gave me hugs. Each of them looked to have grown and matured even more over the month since I saw them last.

"So, according to what you predict, it will take about three more days to reach the island, right?" Jester asked me, and I nodded to him.

We were trying to decide what to do with our time on the way over at the moment. Almost all the people had been training, but there were other things on this island, and the monsters here were all weak, so killing them wouldn't do much good for the girls and me.

"During that time, everyone will be responsible for gaining experience and getting stronger. Regardless if we have the Resurrection Tree, everyone is going to have to get strong enough to fight on their own when the time comes," I explained to everyone gathered.

"What are your plans in the meantime, then? You had said that it was pointless for you and the girls to train with the monsters here, so what are your plans? Anything that we can help with?" Braum asked while leaning forward.

"The girls and I still have some catching up to do, and your right; fighting the monsters here would not be helpful for us, but they will help the men that are training right now. There is also the problem of thinning out the monsters too much if we start to kill them. No, I think that the girls and I will do some exploring and look around the island," I explained as the food was brought over to the table by Alana.

Her brother Victor and boyfriend Corbit had gone out with the other men training right now and wouldn't be back till later. She was also training with Drainia, but she enjoyed being able to help out with the meals.

I think it might have been that she just enjoyed the way that Leina fussed over her so much. Leina had been hoping to get a girl to be a mother too, but now Candi, Kari, and Alana were constantly in the kitchen at meals helping out. 

Kari was Trinity's new name, and I agreed that it was only proper to give her a name of her own. Though I wished she would have picked something that didn't end with the same sounds as Candi's name.

The two girls were getting along well, but Candi was still irritable to me, so I just stayed away from her. She would need to cool down, or there would be some serious ass swatting to be had.

Gloria and Mei both spent training together, and they had only now just come back to eat, and then they would go right back out. Since I took Mei's magic, Gloria had been training her to get used to using a knife again for her new Earth Rogue Class.

The Class utilized the abilities to move through the earth and also strike with it. Mei was basically a Geomancer ninja now, and she was trying hard to get up to fighting strength.

I wanted to force Kari and Candi to train, but I decided to leave them. After a couple of run-ins, I ended up being more work than I had the patience for at the moment.

It was to the point that I had almost slapped her off her feet, so I left the two be for now. She was obviously in good fighting shape, and Kari was a werewolf, so she should be fine.

Still, I was going to need to get control of her soon, but that could wait. Everyone was eating, and there was no need to wreck a good meal just to bring up a problem like this.

I felt a soft, warm hand slip into mine and then soft lips on my cheek. The feeling of her hand and lips was enough to melt away any stress that I was building up, and I turned to smile down at her.

"You haven't touched your food yet, and you are making everyone uncomfortable with your dark and brooding gaze. Calm down, baby, we will get everything in order," Lesha said to me with her beautiful and magical smile.

She was right, but that didn't change the things that we had to deal with or what was coming. Still, I was not doing any good by looking angry all the time, something I was doing more often now.

"Sorry, there is just a lot that still needs to be done before Jhin tried to end this world on us, and all I can do is think how unprepared this world is going to be for all of this," I said to her with a sigh, but Lesha just smiled warmly back up at me.

"You will figure it out, and you have all of us to help you out. Remember that you don't have to take the whole world on by yourself. Even though Candi is complex and the world is moving faster than you would like, we are all here together, and we will figure it out together, Lesha told me, and I leaned down and kissed her beautiful face.

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