Kiada, Blood Servant System Reborn

Chapter 128: Blood Bath

"How do you feel?" Healia asked me as I rubbed my head.

"Mad, and now I'm going to go hurt some people. I could have done without remembering all of it," I said, but then I turned back to back Healia. "Real Eyes."

Healia froze and was instantly frozen, and a bunch of messages popped up about blocks and viruses, but I ignored them and waited to the count of five, and the light disappeared.

Healia was left to blink her eyes, but I didn't have time for this.

"The portal is active; get everyone up here. Wait here for James, Leina, and Gastbo, and then leave, and no one will have access to it," I told Healia, and she nodded as she got up.

"I will get everyone over, but don't get carried away; they are both out there. Dyster was able to get into the Iron Bar Guild and used the Waystone to get here like you did. You might be able to come close to defeating one of them, but not two; don't be reckless like always," Healia warned me; she knew what I was like now, and so did I.

"Telling the water not to be wet won't change what you already know. Just do as I said, and do not talk to the other about the past until I get back; that is an order," I told Healia, and she nodded.

Healia followed me down the stairs, and the four boys were in the mess hall with Gram, Keedo, and Shatter Strike. It had been a while since I had seen any of them, but I just pointed up the stairs, but Mort looked at me.

"What about dad and the rest of the people?"

"Go, now, I will get them," I ordered, and everyone, including Gram, jogged up the stairs, and soon I was left alone in front of the barricaded door.

I could hear the yelling, screaming, and cries as my skin became blacker than the darkest night, and I walked forward. I could have misted all the way to Gastbo's Forge, but that wasn't my current mood; I was hungry and pissed off.

I kicked at the debris in front of the front door and shattered the front entrance, leaving a gaping hole where it had been. Outside there were angry-looking faces that were all frozen. My entrance or exit, depending on which side of the shit storm you were on, had gotten everyone's attention.

"Who in Gi," A man close to me tried to say, but time slowed, and I walked over to him as he slowly tried to track me with his eyes.

I ripped his head from his shoulders before he could react, and I let time catch back up, and I absorbed all the blood from the made falling body. People around me scream as the dried husk hits the ground.

This would have only known Gods, but I was a Demon out for blood, a lot of it. 

I reached out and created Gobby, but with my head up.

"Hey, K… Your back… can I kill things now?!" Goddy asked with a crazy look, and I petted him as men and women from opposing Guild rushed me from all angles.

"I need to borrow you first, and then you can go eat all the bad people you want, but you must follow me after," I said as I slapped Gobby down on the ground.

Hundreds of Blood Steel blades shot out in a halo burst around me, cutting every person to death within ten meters. Every blade missed the people that weren't involved and only killed the rogue Guild Members in the area.

As Gobby reformed, I straight back out and called to the dying and forced them back into service, and my Manbies rose back up. They were still alive, so it felt wrong to call them zombies.

"Hunt the others," I ordered the corpses. And they all shambled off, and I started to hear the screams.

"So, rough day at work, hey? Wanna talk about it?" Gobby asked me as we walked forward to the rod to the Forge.

"I just worked up, and now I know everything that I was missing. I also know why I am here; that does not help my mood," I said as I sent hundreds of blood needles into the crowd that had gathered up ahead near the Forge.

All of them tried to die, but I called them back. The Manbies would be the escort for this group, and Gobby would go with them.

I ripped the door open, and I heard James call out to get back as I ripped the door off and walked inside. James dropped the sword he was holding and ran over to me, wrapping me in a big hug, and I gave him a small one back, but then I pulled away.

"You need to get back to the Guild, Healia is waiting for you, and she will take you to our new home. There is no time for the million questions that you have but just know this. I have changed, and I am not the same girl that you raised," I told him, but he just gave me a confident look and nodded and then turned.

"You heard the woman, let's go, you two," James said to Leina and Gastbo, who was staring at me.

"K… why are you so black?" Liena asked as she stared at me, but James went and grabbed the two of them and ran out the door, telling me he loved me on the way out.contemporary romance

I listened to them leave, and as I did, heavy Blood Steel plate armor covered my body in a full suit of black and blood-red armor. A massive Bulwark shield formed in my left-hand thatI was able to lift easily, and then I walked out of the Forge.

I stretched my hand out to the side and summoned a glaring while hammer. The last thing was to summon Firburg, my ride, and I released him with a massive amount of Mana.

As the massive orange and yellow dragon formed in the air, I jumped into the air and lighted on its back as he took full shape. It was time to find the pair that did this and send them running; I was going God hunting.

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