Kiada, Blood Servant System Reborn

Chapter 126: Never Be Ready

I smiled at him and then disappeared into a blood mist. I could hear him curse as I moved at lightning speeds, but the big dumb olf caught up to me.

Hyde ran down the cliff face with not a care in the world, like a giant child, but it was good to see him again. It had actually worked this time, and I had made it back into the world. 

I was lucky to find them all, but poor Mei, I would need to talk to her and apologize. That Spike Jack was planted by Jhin, the Game Master, right after he booted me back to the start of the game world.

I was stuck in a game called Reborn, and we were all trying to finish the game. We had friends and family here, and Hyde's brother…





Suddenly, I was in total black, but I was no longer in my blood mist form. I was losing back to Pisces, but then the nothingness stopped.

"AH, HA! What snag! All the luck in this god-forsaken game, praise be to Aegis all might you dickhead!" Said the familiar voice of the Blank, Dave's pet A.I. 

I was in a white room, and there was the god of many names standing with a big smile and open arms. I walked over and gave him a hug.

"I am not a pet, but I have missed you, girl! Time to get all of it back. I am sorry to have you relive this memory, but it is crucial that you get everything back, but this isn't from the game," Blank explained to me as I pulled away from him.

"You mean, the time before I entered the game?" I asked, not like the look in his eyes.

"You are about to experience the worst moment in every person involved in this game. It was also one of the most painful things you have ever experienced," Blank said with a heavy sigh.

I was starting to shake like my body knew what I was about to see, and it was terrified. I sucked in a deep breath and looked Blank directly in the eyes with as much courage as I could muster.

"I am ready," I said, still trembling.

"No, you're not, but you will never be ready to relieve this memory, child. Now I will look into your Real Eyes…"

But that was all I heard, and I was gone again.


[Real world, 2 years until the launch of Reborn]

I was going for my morning jog, and the sun was just coming up behind me. The frost was being cooked off the ground, but I could tell that the day wouldn't stay nice like this forever.

The first rays finally peeked over as I ran up a path from the river. There were a few tarps and tents in the bushes, but that was normal.

I saw those same tents of homeless people, and it made me feel bad for them, but I was just one person, and I was already taking care of my one person. I ran up to the street level and headed north up the bridge.

I loved to run near the water in downtown Calgary, and I only had to cross one bridge to get here. It was still early, but I ran back; Lesha would be waiting.

Today was her big day to get her legs back after five years. When we were just kids, an accident robbed her of them.

I was the first to get my license, but we were hit by a drunk driver the first night we went out together. I was fine, but Lesha's side had been hit, and her spinal cord had been severely damaged.

Almost 6 years later, Second Life, A full dive gaming company, started to offer spots in the games launch trial. This would be huge for her, and if it worked, we would be able to do this together again one day.

I was almost at the house, and I made sure to wipe my eyes and clear my face before going into the house. Lesha hated seeing me sad, but these were tears of joy for achieving what we were told would never be possible again.

I walked into the house, closing the door, taking off my shoes, and heading to our bedroom. 

She was sitting up on the bed, brushed her long golden blonde hair, and looked as beautiful as the day I met her. She turned to me and gave me that warm smile that made me weak at the knees and fall in love all over again every time.

"Baby! How did you run? Is it nice out?" She asked me, putting down her brush.

"It is as beautiful as you are, my love, and the run was great. So, I hope you can join me," I said as I came over to stand in front of her.

I bent down and scooped her up into my arms like the princess she was. My princess and the woman I loved with all my soul, and I would do anything for her.


I had been right, and the weather turned sour, and a snowstorm had just rolled in. I got us a taxi van, and we did have much trouble getting downtown, but we did have far to go.

Once we got dropped off, we were escorted inside, then we were taken to a room filled with weird bed-like machines that I helped Lesha onto. I was shaking, but I wasn't sure why, and I looked down into her sparkling crystal blue eyes.contemporary romance

"Don't worry, baby! Soon, we will run again," Lesha said as I leaned in for one last deep and passionate kiss. 

That was the last thing that I ever heard that mouth speak to me again.

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