Kiada, Blood Servant System Reborn

Chapter 122: Our Daughter

[What do you think the surprise is?]

"What?" I asked out loud as I descended the carved rough and aged stone steps.

This place was old, or it was made to look that way; it was hard to tell. The way that everything looked damaged and worn ideally to still look good gave me dungeon vibes.

I had to trust I wasn't being led into a trap, and that was all there was to it. I had come into the belly of the beast.

'That is a good way to put it, but not quite its stomach, more like its upper shell section,' Drania added as I reached the bottom of the stairs.

It was another tunnel, but there were two tombs with stone figures lying on them. There were torches on the walls, but they gave off no smoke or heat when I came close to one.

"What is this place? And who is inside of those?" I asked as I slowly approached the white stone rectangular tombs.

[They are us, and now, with your permission, we would like to join you in this world as you patron gods]

"You're kidding me, right? This is what you brought me here for? What the hell are you waiting for? Get out!" I shouted out loud, and then two parts of me tore free and shot into the tombs.

The lid of the right tomb was blown off the right and into a wall as a black-haired woman with burning red eyes and a scarlet red dress sat up looking pissed. She stood up, flung the top of the other tomb into the red way, and bent down into it.

This entire time I was frozen and too stunned to form words. I didn't think it would be that easy; hell, I didn't have time to think of anything!

Suddenly, I could smell a sugar maple smell mixed with a sweet cherry pie, and it was coming from the two women. I wanted to rush over and take them both simultaneously, but I held back and waited.

My mind could hardly comprehend what was going on as I tried to put all the pieces together. I knew all the things were scattered thoughts, and I wasn't sure how they all fit together.

"Is this enough of a surprise for you?" Lishtani asked as she set the red-haired Drania down.

"What?" Was all I could get out.

"Look, we broke her, see I told you we should have told her! I sound like an old woman in her mind, and now she can see I was just some cute little redhead that smells like maple syrup!" Drania said with a cute voice to match her body and cute smile.

I was too stunned to speak at this point as I watched what looked like an older version of myself and a younger version of Lesha kissed. What? So…

"Okay, hold on, wait just a frigging minute here. You are the gods, right? That means the guild will work now? What about dungeons and training?" I asked, finally able to formulate words into sentences.

"Yes, but first come and get this over with. I am sure the smell is driving you," Lishtani told me, but then cut off as I sank my teeth into her.

Red hot cherry rushed into my mouth like molten nectar that charged my entire body with fire. This was different than the others, and I felt my body charge.

I let go and moved in a blink, making Drania squeak like a little mouse as I sunk my teeth into her soft and sweet maple skin. The blood rushed like a pressed tap, spraying into my mouth and making my legs weak from the pleasurable taste.

Once it was over and I stepped back, both women rubbed their necks, but then they both dropped their hands in unison.

"Now, time for the real surprise. You wanted to know about dungeons? Welcome to Godhra Island, You new training grounds and pet," Lishtani said as she waved her hands around the empty room, save for a few broken and empty coffins.

"A Pet?" I asked in confusion.

"Stop being so mysterious, you twit! Godra is a Dragon Turtle Island that can transport us to one of three dungeons. Volcano Island dungeon, Sky Prison, and the Lost Empire Dungeons. With the Turtle, we can travel to them, but it will still take time between them, and we also can't start without our daughter," Drania said without batting an eye.

"Oh ho ho! And you call me bad for dropping bombs! Should we just tell her who the last one is? I bet we came to make her jaw fall right off with this one!" Lishtani said with an evil girl, but I just sat down in the middle of the room and closed my eyes.

Daughter? Dragon turtle? Three dungeons? Did I pass out at some point and miss an entire chapter in my life?

I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I lifted my head and opened my eyes to both women coming in to give me a hug. We were all getting dirty, but it didn't matter; I just blocked it all out and enjoyed holding these two girls that I had held in my mind for so long.

We finally pulled apart, and I took a deep breath, then looked between the two of them.

"This is good, and If you know where the last one is, your daughter, can we go get her?" I asked, not bothering to ask who she was; I would be told soon enough; these two looked bursting at the seams to tell me.

"Yes, when we get back to the guild, we will activate the Waystone and go get her," Listani said with a smile that actually looked excited.

"Who is your daughter, and how do you women have a child?" I asked finally.contemporary romance

I figured if I didn't, we would be playing cat and mouse all day, and Drania smiled at my question. That look she gave me told me that I already knew the person, and this build-up was getting to be a little silly now.

Just as I was about to raise hell, Drania spoke up. When she did, my jaw almost did drop off at the name she said.

"Our adoptive daughter is Healia," Drania said with a cute smile that I could have smacked off her face.

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