
Chapter 8: Kristopher

Kristopher straightened in his seat on the couch as the smell of lavender began to fill the room. Witches, he thought. He could sense that there were two of them, and both of the witches’ magics were strong. He ran a hand through his hair and clenched his jaw. It was not uncommon for other supernatural beings to frequent his club, it was one of the most popular clubs in Vancouver, but it did not ease him. Kristopher took a drink from his glass and nodded tersely to Grayson. “Do you feel it?”

“Relax, Kris, it’s probably nothing,” Grayson shrugged. Liam had been otherwise occupied tonight, but Grayson remained on his claimed couch to observe the humans below.

Kristopher sighed and set his glass on the table. He stood up and walked over to the railing for the second floor. While it was not uncommon, it was still his club that the magic was resonating in. I need to at least go check it out, he thought. He straightened his suit and looked over at Liam. “I’m going to investigate, just to be safe.”

“Grab me another drink while you’re down there?” Grayson asked.

“Be back in a bit,” Kristopher nodded. He descended the stairs of the club.

Kristopher had given Ryleigh the weekend off to rest. Something had spiked her magic recently, and he knew that it was taking a physical toll on her, even though she did not show it. He did not appreciate the replacement DJ near as much as Ryleigh, but he refused to allow her to work seven days a week. He cursed himself silently. There was nothing wrong with the replacement DJ, he was just biased. He raked a hand through his hair roughly. I need to stop this with her, he thought. But he felt drawn to her, a desire to protect her and befriend her.

The lavender smell intensified as he weaved his way through the crowd. He restrained an instinctual snort to expel the scent from his nostrils. His eyes landed on a brunette in a red cocktail dress suddenly. She was dancing alone, but the power of her lavender scent confirmed that she was one of the witches in his club. She jerked her head up suddenly and bore her eyes into his. He simply nodded in acknowledgement and turned to make his way to the other side of the crowd. His goal was not to harm the witches in the club, just to keep an eye on them. Kristopher turned around to face the second lavender scent and instantly stopped in his tracks.

Ryleigh was wearing a sexy blue dress that exposed her creamy skin. It hugged her curves in all the right places, and her breasts threatened to spill out as she was dipped by the human man that was dancing with her. Her crimson hair fell beneath her shoulders, and her stunning neck was revealed to him. His eyes traced the skin of her neck, the vein pulsing beneath it in excitement and nervousness. He felt his fangs tickle his gums as the sound of her heartbeat greeted his ears. He clenched his jaw as he began walking towards her.

The man pulled Ryleigh into his arms and pressed her close to his chest as he continued to dance with her. Kristopher’s eyes flashed auburn at the skin that her back permitted to be bare, the trail of her dress ending at the flush of her perfectly sculpted ass. He had found her attractive, sure, but she had never worn anything so perfectly tailored to her form before. She was stunning and sexier than he had ever imagined. She is still a witch he reminded himself, but the reminder fell on deaf ears. His pursuit to her did not change course. He rolled his shoulders as he fought against his fangs from descension. His fangs threatened to appear out of arousal, and the realization enraged him. I cannot be attracted to a witch, he thought.

The man that was dancing with Ryleigh slowed his dancing as his eyes connected with Kristopher’s. Kristopher was standing directly behind Ryleigh, and he touched her shoulder lightly with one of his hands. She gently pulled herself out of the man’s arms to turn around. “Kristopher,” she said with a smile. “What are you doing amongst the customers?”

“Investigating something intriguing,” he answered as his eyes caressed her face. Her cheeks were flushed with a rose tint due to alcohol. Stray strands of hair framed her face as if to accent the rose in her cheeks. “Care for a dance?”

“She’s dancing with me,” the man said sternly. Kristopher smirked and focused his hearing on the man’s heartbeat. The man was pissed. Ryleigh turned around to face the man again and placed squeezed his hand softly. “Don’t be rude, Adam. He’s a friend of mine. I’ll come find you later, yeah?” she said. The man nodded slowly and began his way through the crowd slowly. Ryleigh turned back to Kristopher and tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear. “Sorry about that,” she said as her green eyes looked up at him.

“I should apologize, I was not aware that it would make your boyfriend uncomfortable.”

“We talked about this, Kristopher. I don’t have one,” Ryleigh shrugged. “Did you find what was so intriguing?”

Kristopher smirked lightly and slid his arms around her waist. He heard her inhale sharply as he pressed her chest against his. He began dancing with her, his eyes fixated on hers. “I believe that I did. There is another witch here.”

“She’s a friend of mine,” Ryleigh said quickly, her eyes wide. “You didn’t do anything, did you?”

“Calm down, pet. Harming customers is bad for business.”

“What about dancing with your employees?” she teased.

“Pet, you did not come dressed as my employee, did you?” he purred darkly. “And I’m not on the clock.”

Ryleigh bit her lip and Kristopher felt her magic flare slightly. The music suddenly switched to a slow dance song. Kristopher slowly spun Ryleigh around in his grasp and pressed her back flush against his chest. He growled softly as her magic’s radiation made her skin hot to the touch. He felt her magic seep through his clothing and warm his cold heart. Ryleigh gathered her hair and quickly draped it over the front of her chest. Kristopher’s hands gripped her waist and began rocking with her to the beat of the music. He dropped his head down, his lips beside her ear.

“What are you so afraid of, pet?” Kristopher whispered huskily. He grinned as he heard her heartrate quicken, the sharp intake of breath at the sensation of feeling his breath against her ear. Kristopher’s fangs descended and he groaned in response. His gums had ached for their release. He purred as he felt the shiver that ran down Ryleigh’s back. “Your magic must be hurting you.”

“It is,” she breathed softly. “You wouldn’t understand.”

“I’m three hundred years old, pet. I’ve heard it all.”

“Not tonight. Please.”

“As you wish,” Kristopher murmured against her neck.

Kristopher’s fangs brushed her skin lightly and her magic struck his face. He chuckled and squeezed his grips on her hips tighter. “I will not harm you, pet. I gave you my word. It’s just nice to release the real me in the company of one who does not judge.”

“You’re right,” Ryleigh whispered softly.

Kristopher gasped as Ryleigh’s magic enveloped them and pressed her body firmly against his. He grasped her hips tightly and he felt her wince. “Sorry,” he whispered as he loosened his grasp a little bit. “What was that?”

“Protection, from others. Humans not being affected by magic while I stretch it,” Ryleigh said. She leaned her head back against Kristopher chest and closed her eyes. Sweat began to slowly drip down Kristopher’s chest beneath his shirt as her magic intensified her body temperature. His auburn eyes flashed as he trailed his fangs along her neck softly. His lips traced her jawline and settled on to her earlobe. He gently gripped the earlobe with his fangs and pulled softly. She sighed and he growled lowly. She was appealing to look at, but the thought of the sounds that she would make while he was eating her stirred the beast within.

Kristopher trailed one of his hands up her ribs and rested it on her chest. “Kristopher, you’ll burn,” Ryleigh whispered as her magic pulsated in response. He growled as a new scent mingled with her lavender one; arousal. He groaned into her ear as he inhaled darkly, which only defined the arousal in the lavender scent further. “If you keep reacting to me like that, you’ll be burning, too,” he whispered. He was dangerously close to allowing the beast to take control and devour that hypnotic scent that she was producing. He craved to taste her blood on his tongue, in his mouth, and craved to feel her in more ways than one. This is bad, he thought.

“I thought that vampires and witches should not mingle.”

“They shouldn’t,” Kristopher replied lowly, still grasping her body. “It could be—”

“Dangerous,” she answered.

“I’m already sweating because of it.”

“We haven’t even reached the fun part of exploring danger,” she whispered slowly. She rocked her ass against the front his pants lightly.

Kristopher snarled in her ear. His self-control was faltering. The ball of arousal that had been restrained in himself flourished into a painful erection that was digging into her ass. His canines ached with the need to taste her blood, his auburn eyes bright as he looked down at the witch in front of him. He trailed his lips down her throat to her shoulder and placed a soft kiss, his fangs dragging against the skin. She shuddered and arched against him again. “Exploring danger can result in casualties,” he whispered deeply.

“At least you can say it had been explored,” she whispered back.

Kristopher suckled on her shoulder softly, his fangs teasing her skin with the possibility of penetration. Her magic lashed across his mouth suddenly in response, but the heat that burned his lips from here only craved to taste her further. Her sweet blood cooling down the areas of him that she ignited with fire. He longed to make her burn from the inside out, starting with allowing that delectable scent of arousal to explode around his cock. His fangs acted of their own volition and pressed harder into her skin as he rocked his hips against her.

Kristopher snarled as magic whipped his back from behind. He snapped his head away from Ryleigh and released her as he whirled around to locate the attacker. The brunette in the red cocktail dress wore rage and concern on her face. Her hands were outstretched, ready to attack again if necessary. Ryleigh stepped in front of Kristopher and nodded to the brunette. He felt Ryleigh’s magic flare up again, and the magic of the two witches connected. After a second, the brunette nodded in response and slowly walked away. Ryleigh turned around to face Kristopher. “Are you okay?”

“What was that about?” Kristopher growled.

“My friend and I are connected through our magic. She must have thought that my magic’s reaction was due to a threat, not due to…anyway,” Ryleigh cleared her throat. “I should probably get back to her. Thank you for the dance, Kristopher.”

“You’re most welcome,” Kristopher smiled softly. He quickly exited the dance floor and fought against the beast within as it clawed to be released. His erection was painful within his suit, his gums ached for sustenance. A part of him was thankful that her friend had stopped him; he was ready to feed on her right there on the dance floor. He cursed himself and ran a hand through his hair. I need to feed and fuck to clear my head, he thought. I can’t think straight hungry and horny. He knew that he could relieve himself the moment that he approached another woman, but he also became aware that he wanted that release with a witch; out of all of the human women in the club, he kept coming back to the witch.

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