
Chapter 14: Merge

Kristopher groaned as the heat from Ryleigh’s skin rolled down his own skin like a wave. She was not searing his skin, but she was hot enough to inflict her heat on to him. His hands slid from her face into her hair, and he gripped it tightly in both hands. He knew that this was dangerous territory, pursuing his affection toward a witch, but he could not keep his distance from her. And he realized that he did not want to keep his distance from her any longer. He wanted to touch her, to taste her, to have her.

Ryleigh gently pulled back from the kiss but smiled as Kristopher’s grip tightened in her hair. “Kristopher,” she breathed. He growled lowly and stole her lips from her again. She moaned softly as his tongue pressed through her lips and caressed her tongue. Her magic sparked underneath her skin in response to him. She allowed her tongue to dance with his, allowed herself to get lost in him. He growled again, to which Ryleigh countered with a moan. She could not remember the last time that she allowed herself to surrender completely to another man; she was typically the one who demanded a man to surrender to her, to allow her to use him and move on. She had hardened her heart from the possibility of developing true feelings toward someone due to her limited lifespan. My life is still on a clock, more so now, she thought. But I can’t keep these feelings at bay anymore.

Kristopher slowly crawled on top of Ryleigh on the couch, their lips never parting. His hands shifted to grip the arm of the couch to steady himself above her. He felt her robe start to slip of her shoulder and he ground his pelvis into her slowly. His hard erection strained further against his jeans at the lack of clothing that his affection wore. He smirked as he swallowed a gasp of surprise from Ryleigh. He had craved her for so long that he wanted nothing more than to ravage her and release himself right there, but she was not a normal human fuck toy for him. He wanted to treasure her, to enjoy her; they had no reason to rush.

Ryleigh’s hands cupped Kristopher’s face and she gently pulled his lips away. “You may be immortal,” she whispered breathlessly. “But I am not. I still need to breathe.”

“We can always change that,” Kristopher teased as his head dropped down to her neck. He placed light kisses along her neck. Ryleigh moaned lightly as his fangs teased the skin of her neck with each kiss. She arched her back and pressed her chest into him. “Oh, god,” she whispered as she closed her eyes. Kristopher’s kisses trailed down her throat, his fangs grazing her skin as he did so. The thought of becoming immortal and no longer worrying about being eliminated so easily was almost enough to allow her to vocalize agreement. It would be so easy to become immortal, for Kristopher to turn her. She wondered how her magic would react to the vampirism in her bloodstream, and the thought of her power growing fueled her desire for the turn. Still, she kept her thoughts silent; even if she did turn, it did not guarantee that she would not be hunted. All vampirism guaranteed was that it would be harder to kill her.

“Kristopher,” he growled against her throat. “Don’t you dare give that bastard credit for how I am making you feel.”

“Kristopher,” she whispered. She arched her body against him again. He snarled and wrapped one arm around her waist. He rocked his hips into her, his erection painfully restrained in his jeans. His arms swelled with the physical restraint of shredding her robe and pummeling into her. He inhaled sharply as Ryleigh’s fingers scratched along his arms, and he reflexively tensed his muscles under her touch. Her touch chipped away more of the ice around his heart, warmth flooding him so quickly he almost gasped in response. He felt her magic stretch its own fingers beneath his skin and tug his body down to hers. His blood warmed immensely, but it was a welcomed warmth; like the warmth of a fireplace on a chilled winter day, with the person that warmed him as intensely from the inside out.

“I’ve never been with a non-human before,” Ryleigh whispered slowly.

“As long as I’m your last one,” Kristopher murmured against her skin.

“I shouldn’t…what the truth could do to you...”

“Baby, stop, please,” Kristopher said. He pulled his face away from her throat, and his auburn eyes burned into her emerald ones. “What my truth could to do you could ruin this as well. For now, for tonight, we can let go of our demons. We deserve to surrender to each other after all of this time of allowing our demons to rule us.”

“You make me happy, and it scares me,” she whispered.

“I know the feeling, pet,” he whispered back.

“Show me,” Ryleigh whispered. She tangled her hands in his hair and pulled his face to hers. She kissed him deeply, desperately. She was terrified of how happy he made her, of what he would do with the truth of who she really was, but he was right; for tonight, the demons will rest, while the happiness awakens.

Kristopher grunted and scooped Ryleigh into his arms. He sped them into her bedroom and tossed her softly on the bed. She giggled as she bounced, and Kristopher’s heart warmed from that sound alone and not the magic that was flowing through him. He was not sure how to react to her magic in his body; if he did not know better, it would seem like her magic was accepting him and allowing him to engage with her. She bit her lip as he pulled his shirt over his head, and his auburn eyes brightened at her. He flexed his muscles as her eyes traced his chest. He had been admired by many women over the centuries, yet none of them created the butterflies fluttering around inside of him like she was creating now. The way that she looked at him and responded to him, created this feeling of true happiness and peace that no other woman had succeeded in awakening within him in centuries.

Ryleigh licked her tongue along her bottom lip as Kristopher slid out of his jeans. His large, imposing frame created a sense of sanctuary and security for her. The large erection straining against his boxers creates a different sense for me, she thought as she grinned at him. Her reaction to him sent him over the edge and he promptly tore off his boxers. She laughed as his speed thrust his body on top of her. She reached down to open her robe and his hand stopped hers. “Allow me,” he whispered.

“Such a gentleman,” she teased.

“I’d better be one after three hundred years,” he said after he kissed her briefly.

Kristopher’s fangs descended as he gripped her robe. He promptly ripped the robe off her body, and Ryleigh’s squealed laughter made him grin. “I didn’t say I was a nice gentleman, pet.”

“My mistake, sir,” Ryleigh laughed. Kristopher growled and lowered his head. He trailed kisses across her collarbone as his hands explored her soft skin. His hands ran down her hips and teased her inner thighs. His fingers grazed her core and he snarled darkly. She was wet for him, ready for him. She trusted him with her body, despite his vampirism. A witch had accepted him, a witch that he felt so strongly for. She continues to increase my desire for her, he thought.

Ryleigh moaned as Kristopher’s erection slowly entered her core. His erection felt so full, so swollen, so large that it radiated a small amount of pain upon entrance. Kristopher must have sensed her pain because he immediately kissed her. His kiss was so sensual, his mouth making love to hers to ease her pain. She raked her nails across his back, and he bucked into her suddenly. She moaned and arched her body up to his. Her magic ignited brighter within her, swirling around in her blood and fueling her arousal even further. She felt her magic engulf her body, her cloak reinforcing itself. She had worried about losing so much control that her cloak would fall, that who she was would be revealed with Kristopher, but it seemed like her magic had other plans. Her magic was thriving, pulsating, responding to him in such a way that she had never experienced before. She sighed into the kiss as some of her magic flowed through her core and into his erection. Her magic rooted inside of Kristopher and latched suddenly, depriving the couple of separating.

Kristopher grunted and thrust into Ryleigh as her magic encouraged him to do so. He had slept with witches before, but he had never felt this. Connection. Her magic was accepting him, for whatever reason, and it was eager to permit him entrance to accept her as well. He began thrusting rhythmically, slowly, savoring the feeling of her walls clenched around him. She moaned into his mouth and clawed into his back again. He groaned and bit at her lip gently. He always inflicted the pleasurable pain on humans; his arousal pounded within his cock as she inflicted the pleasurable pain on him. “Fuck, baby,” he purred into her mouth as he pulled away. He pulled himself up on his knees and began pounding into her. Her moans became cries of ecstasy, and he growled darkly. Her walls clenched around him as her arousal threatened to tear her apart. He felt her tense up suddenly and he snarled as he looked down at her. “Let go with me, baby,” he grunted. “Don’t you dare hold back with me.”

Ryleigh’s eyes fixated on Kristopher’s beautiful face, his auburn eyes, and his stunning fangs. She tossed her head back and cried out as her orgasm exploded within her body. Her magic lashed out and bucked her body into him. Kristopher roared as he released within her, his grip tightening on her hips to secure her in place. He continued thrusting into her as his release poured inside of her, and Ryleigh could not tear her eyes from his face. His beautiful face was so serene, so at peace. His eyes were closed, his mouth open as his fangs bit into his lower lip. This beautiful, terrifying, magnificent creature released himself to her. The stories that she had heard about vampires as a child threatened to dissolve, and surely would have if not for the imminent threat upon her own life. How could someone so beautiful and kind be a ruthless killer?

Kristopher slowly opened his eyes and looked down at Ryleigh. His thrusting had slowed but he refused to cease thrusting completely. Her magic kept his erection entangled with her core, but it was more than that; he knew that once they separated, he would need to distance himself from her. He cared about her too much to show her the true darkness of who he was, of what he was. He still had orders to abide, he still had enemies to kill. However, at least while they were connected in the most intimate way, physically and emotionally, those enemies ceased to exist. The only thing that existed was the beautiful human witch beneath him, staring at him as if he was the only thing on the planet. It was dangerous for an immortal to develop such strong feelings for a mortal, but he could not shut these feelings off. They possessed him, hypnotized him, controlled him to do whatever it took to be with her; to see her smile, hear her laugh, feel her give herself over to him completely. He lowered his head down to hers and kissed her softly.

“You’re amazing,” Ryleigh whispered as she ended the kiss. Her emerald eyes were bright as she was captivated by his auburn ones. She cupped his face softly and kissed him again. She felt Kristopher kiss her back deeply, passionately. His thrusting began to increase as his hands gripped her hips even harder. She was positive that she would have bruises on her hips in the morning, but she lacked the care to stop him. He was undoing himself in her, like she was undoing herself in him. For one night, they stepped away from the demons that restricted them and allowed themselves to explore each other freely. Her magic had remained intact during their lovemaking, and it further intensified her feelings for him. Lovemaking, she realized. Her pulse quickened and her magic scorched her skin in response. She pulled her mouth away from him and looked into his stunning auburn eyes. “Kristopher,” she whispered. She felt his body tense at her shift in mood.

“Are you okay? Is it your magic? Should I stop?”

“No, everything is fine. I just…Kristopher, I think…I’m in love with you,” Ryleigh whispered slowly. “Probably not what you want to hear right after sex with a witch, but—”

Kristopher kissed her deeply, hungrily, silencing her words. His thrusting intensified as he desired to feel her spasm around him again, to free herself for him again. He could not remember the last time that a woman had told him that she loved him. Women were a source of sexual release and replenishment, not meant to be used for trivial things like love. Vampires would go mad if they succumbed to things like love with a mortal, or even with each other. Yet, here she is, he thought as he rocked his hips with hers. Admitting her love for me, and she has no idea what it has done to me. He was the vampire that killed witches, that was responsible for killing the most powerful ancestors that witches possessed. If his witch knew the truth about him, would she really feel the same way? He pulled away slowly and brushed his lips against hers. “I’m in love with you, too.”

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