Ito Ai: A New Dawn

Chapter 98: Stranded Part Three

While Eiji and Ai were stuck in the old bunker. Mai was not doing so well. "Why did it have to rain again!"contemporary romance

"I wish I could tell you but the radiation in this storm seems stronger but I am sure those two are okay." Yoshi said, trying to ease Mai's worries.

"That is not what I am worried about. Yoshi you do not seem to understand. Ai is like a broken vessel. She has a lot of issues. If she finds something fun and interesting she will just do it. If by any chance Eiji, whom she trusts, makes a move on her, and she likes it, I feel like those two will do something that should not be done at her age! Plus that girl really has no care when it comes to boys and girls." Mai just hopped nothing weird would happen. 

"Well… I am not sure what to say. I do know Eiji is someone you can trust as he is a devoted person. You have no idea that when that kid first saw Ai he was willing to draw those damn machines towards us to allow her to accomplish what she wanted. I guess you could say that kid fell in love at first sight." Yoshi said.

"I know Eiji is a good man but those two are a lot closer than you think. And a lot of it has to do with Ai's whims and how Ai finds it fun to tease Eiji." Mai just hopped by the time those two made it back there would be no little Ai's on board. Ever since the day Ai had Eiji help her wash up, Mai had become increasingly worried. She knew Ai did not care if someone saw her in the buff but if Ai ended up liking Eiji and one thing would lead to another, then… Mai let out a long sigh. "Yoshi I might have to shoot Eiji's dick off..."

Yoshi let out a laugh. "For someone who never says crude words it is always amusing when you do. At any rate, what you are worried about will most likely not happen. I mean the bunker is underground right? Should stay at a decent temperature year round."

"Umm… Actually, that bunker is weird. It gets very hot. Especially when it is fully closed up. Ai and I ended up having to basically strip down and still felt hot." Mai admitted, blushing slightly.

"Oh? Maybe there is a natural hot spring running underground. Well, the kid has already seen her in her underwear so I doubt anything weird will happen. As far as I know, the kid has never had any girlfriends so he is just as innocent as Ai is. What I worry about is whether or not they got enough food supply..." Yoshi was worried about how much food and water they had there. If this rain storm lasted as long or longer than the last there might be an issue.

"Don't worry, Ai and I had stocked that bunker with enough water to last a good while if used sparingly. Ai may use it to clean a few things and wash up when she gets there but I doubt any more than that. After which it would just be drinking water. As for food, there is more than enough to feed the two well for a year or more." Mai washed away Yoshi's concerns. Ai had emphasized the need for food and water the most when gathering things for the bunker.

"That's good to hear. By the way, where is Shogo?" Yoshi asked.

Mai's cheeks puffed out at the mention of Shogo's name. "That mutt was not good and has been punished with cleaning my lab."

"And what did the mutt do to be punished?" Yoshi asked as he let out a laugh.

"Something that could be considered worth a death sentence, so me making him clean my lab is light punishment." Mai knew it was partially her fault for what happened since she did not lock the door, but still! He walked in on her changing! He was lucky to get away with being knocked in the head by a flying object and forced to clean her lab. 

Yoshi shook his head and smiled, while he muttered: "Kids nowadays." He then stood up and said: "Since I gave my report I will go see what the girls are up to. "

"You treat them as if they were your own daughters." Mai said with a smile.

"Well… before all this shit happened I did have a daughter. She died during the earthquake, along with my wife. When I see those two kids they remind me of my own. In a way, they are filling a void that formed in my heart when I lost those two. To see kids smiling and having fun in this fucked up world is a good thing no?" Yoshi felt at peace while taking care of the girls. He felt that he had gone back to the days when his family was alive. They were helping him keep his head straight.

"Then I don't have to worry about their well being with you there to take care of them. I will head back and get some work done myself. Let us hope this storm passes..."


Back in the bunker Ai and Eiji were cuddled up sound asleep, the sound of rain could be heard as it hit the hatch to the bunker. Not far from them, rows of red lights could be seen off in the distance. The sounds of metal clinking across the ground could be heard as tens of thousands of machina began their march. The second wave was upon them.


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