Ito Ai: A New Dawn

Chapter 95: Bad Religion

"I am not sure what you mean by changed but as of now we have to hurry." Eiji said as she shoved his ration into his mouth. 

"I already packed our things so we can head out right away." Ai said picking up the bag off the floor. She slung her howa up over her shoulder and turned to look at Eiji. "Ready?"contemporary romance

"Ready as I ever can be." Eiji said as he stood up and stretched. 

The two stepped out of the building where Eiji took the bag from Ai and Ai grabbed the trailer. They were only six hours from their destination. With the threat of a radiation storm brewing, Ai and Eiji were in much more of a hurry than before. But after three hours of travel, they came upon a strange sight.

"The hour of his awakening is close at hand! Only those who worship his holiness will be saved!" A man with a brown robe and a brown hood covering his head yelled out. Behind him were four more people. "He has blessed us with an infinite amount of food and water. He gives us protection from the demon spawn. It is still not too late! If you join us you can still be saved!"

"Ai this is…?" Eiji looked at the group of people in brown robes, some male, some female. He felt a certain unease when looking at these people.

"That is not something you want to get involved in. If they try to stop us just shoot them. They are what I like to call bad religion. These people believe in some false god. Well more like a human who is giving them food and water. But that food and water come from who knows where. I heard stories of such religions popping up all over. People with evil thoughts would create these religions and use people's faith as a means to do as they please. The food could be contaminated with radiation or it could even be the meat of the actual members that went against the so called faith. They are truly sick individuals." Ai roughly explained. She did not want to go into too much detail as it was very disturbing.

Eiji's face contorted into that of disgust. It was true that the thought of such things was very disturbing. But life in this new world was by no means easy. You either had your wits about you or you did not. Those who truly survived in this world stayed clear of anything suspicious or you end up like the many others and find yourself dead without even knowing why or how. 

"Let's go." Eiji said not even wanting to continue the conversation. Ai nodded and pulled the trailer behind her. Unfortunately, their path would bring them right past these guys, and from the looks of it they would not stand off to the side. Ai already felt that they would need to shed some blood already.

"Oh! Young ones! Look how skinny you are, do you wish to be saved? Our Lord, our savior. He will save you. You can eat and drink as much as you want. And be..." The brown robes man's words were cut off when Eiji shoved the tip of his howa into the man's face.

"Get back!" Eiji yelled but the man seemed unperturbed as he only smiled back at Eiji.

"Fellow believers we have a lost lamb that needs our guidance! Let us pray for him so he can be saved!" The man yelled. The other people of his group all began to surround Ai and Eiji. One of the female worshipers took off her hood and walked over to Eiji. She was very beautiful which quickly caught Ai's eye. The beautiful girl reached out and went to grab Eiji's hand only to have her wrist grabbed by Ai. 


"AHHHH!" The beautiful girl screamed.

"These fucking people never learn! Always the same bullshit! Eiji you kill those two, I got these three! I had been meaning to see if I can make a head explode." Ai yelled out in rage. Ai had no idea why she was so mad all of a sudden. All she knew was she did not want the damn girl to touch Eiji. She held onto the beautiful girl's wrist and with her free hand pulled her fist back and launched it forward, slamming it into the beautiful girl's face.


"Damn it! It worked but not worth it!" Ai had blood and bits of flash and other matter stuck on her clothes, hair, and face now. "Peh! So nasty!" Ai let go of the beautiful girl's wrist letting her headless body slump to the ground causing the other worshippers to all scream out in fright. Eiji felt his stomach turn a little after watching such a scene, especially after some of it got onto him but he turned his gaze away and aimed his howa killing the other worshipers, while Ai finished off the rest. 

When it was over Ai stood there and looked at Eiji as if asking what she should do. "Let's find a concealed spot and get you into a fresh set of clothes… We can use what water we have leftover to try to rinse the rest off your body."

"Mmm… But I only brought the one set..." Ai said feeling a little depressed.

"I did bring a set however just in case something happened. You can just wear my clothes." Eiji even went as far as to take off his shirt and began wiping Ai's face off. His actions made Ai smile faintly. She kind of liked being spoiled like this. The two found a pretty enclosed area at a destroyed house and Eiji helped Ai get cleaned up. Once all was said and done. Ai was now wearing a shirt and a pair of pants way too big for her. "All set?"

"Mmm!" Ai said as she brought the hem of her shirt to her nose. "Smells like Eiji."


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