Ito Ai: A New Dawn

Chapter 67: The Calm Before The Storm Part Two

"Well make sure you give it one black spot on its face so it will live up to its name." Mai teased. 

Ai stuck her tongue out at Mai before smiling and going back to work. Things were peaceful within Ai's base, while other areas were not. Ai had no idea a countrywide storm had formed. Every land under the rising sun was blanketed with green clouds. Radioactive rain fell from the sky and the mutants that were once only sticking to the radioactive areas began to migrate.

But this was not the only movement of danger for the two girls. The place Eiji had come from was under siege. Many machina had begun attacking the base the day before. Between the radioactive rain and the attack by the horde of machina, things were not looking good for those who were still there. They could not leave and if they stayed it was basically asking to be killed. One of those damned if you do and damned if you don't situations. 

Many hideouts that had been under the control of humans were being systematically attacked at this time. And they all attacked during this massive radiation storm, almost as if it was all planned.

Three days passed and the rain still continued to fall. Ai had been keeping an eye on things and felt that the situation outside was not too good. But on this day, she had finally finished the collars for the men. "Mai let's go put these collars on our new pets." Ai said as she held up three collars.

Mai let out a laugh and nodded her head. "Alright, I will guard you while you stick the first collar on after that make the first guy put it on the others."

The two girls went down to where Eiji and his friends were locked up. Ai knocked on the cell door before opening it. "Eiji put this on." 

Eiji who was in the middle drying off after bathing looked at the girl who walked in and looked him up and down without a single sign of finding the scene in front of her embarrassing. She just kept shaking the collar in front of him. "Hurry up and put this on or I can shoot your little pecker off, pick."

Eiji's face went black as he looked down at himself as he thought 'Is it that small?' He quickly wrapped his towel around his waist and grabbed the collar from Ai and put it on. Only after it was secured around his neck did he ask: "What's this for?"

"It's to keep you from doing anything that will put me, my sister, and my little disciples in danger. Think of it as a bit of security. With these on you can roam around the areas I allow you to. The halls where we sleep are highly guarded with automated turrets and my new dog Spot. Also, a few other areas are off limits as well." Ai said, causing Mai who heard her introduce the machina as her dog named Spot, to roll her eyes.

"What kind of insurance?" Eiji suddenly felt like he had just put on a dangerous weaapon. 

"Ummm… If you try to harm us you will die. Meaning your head will go splat all over. So please do not try anything or else we will have to clean up your bits of your flesh, skull, and brains. And to be honest, I do not wish to have to clean you after your stupid ass. Now go put these two on your two friends." Ai replied while poking Eiji with the muzzle of her gun on his stomach. She then stopped and said: "I guess we can wait until you get changed." 

Ai then turned around and left the room but still yelled out: "Hurry up and come out. We do not got all day. Well… I guess we do with the way the weather is." 

Mai watched as Ai amused herself and shook her head. "You seem to be having fun." 

"Not every day we get new pets. As their master, we need to make sure we train them well. " Ai said a small smile forming on her lips. Ai was only half joking. She never planned to enslave anyone, she was only using the collars to protect herself and the others. But she would force them to fight if need be.

Eiji walked out of the room fully clothed with a brand new collar around his neck. Ai nodded in approval before handing the other two collars to him. "Have your friends wear these. Then I will take you to the areas you can roam around in. Just remember the first sign of any girls getting hurt because of you guys I will not hesitate to decapitate the lot of ya." 

"Rest assured, that will not happen. This much I can promise." Eiji replied as he took the collars. contemporary romance

Yoshi was the first to receive his. After a brief explanation from Eiji, he put it on without a word. He looked at Ai and walked over to her and bowed his head. "I thank you for putting some of your trust in us." 

"Let's hope you do not let this whim of mine end with you three sleeping for an eternity." Ai replied, waving Yoshi off. Yoshi was not offended, he actually felt the girl was doing things in a proper manner. Even he would not trust others so easily. 

"Hey! What is this? Eiji! Wait! What is this!" Shogo could be heard yelling from his cell. Eiji did not explain anything and just shoved the collar on Shogo before dragging him out of the room by his ear. Shogo held his ear and looked at Eiji wanting to complain before he realized two girls were standing there with guns pointed at him causing him to gulp down a mouth full of saliva. 

"Seems you do not like my gift?" Ai asked tilting her to the side and raised an eyebrow. The cold look in her eyes sent shivers down Shogo's spine.

Shogo forced a smile and let out a fake laugh as he said: "How could a lowly man like me not like a gift from the Miss! It's absolutely amazing!" 

"Good! I am glad you like it! Now, remember, if you look at me or any of the other girls funny, you learn a new magic trick called, The Disappearing Head!"


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