Ito Ai: A New Dawn

Chapter 57: Meeting Face To Face Part Three

"Wait! Miss! My name is Moriyama Eiji. My companions are Agano Shogo, the one you almost shot in the head, and Kagiyama Yoshi. We were here the day you took this base over. It was us who lured most of the robots away." Eiji replied quickly. He knew this girl was true to her words. If she wanted to kill them she would. So any false movements at this time would not be good. Plus he did not come here to fight. He came to try to get into her good books. 

"Oh? So I guess I owe you a favor then. You can leave, I won't use you as test subjects, run along before I change my mind." Ai said not caring for what they were truly here for.

"Wait, we did not come here to be repaid in any way. I do not ask that you owe us any favor. I came here to ask if we could join your group." Eiji was not willing to leave right away. He did not come all the way here to be turned away. This girl in front of him interested him greatly and he did not want to give up this chance since he knew if he did it would probably be the last time he saw her.

"You really think I am stupid? There are at least five more hiding nearby in the tree line." Ai had caught a flash of light from the tree line not too far away.

"What?" Eiji was confused before he suddenly realized something. He quickly turned around and scanned the tree line. Sure enough, he saw a few glimmers of light reflecting off metal within the trees. " That fucker just wants me dead! I guarantee he did something to my father!" 

Ai sneered as she waved for Mai to back up into the base. "Your problems are not my problems. If you came here seeking refuge, sorry I can't take you in. I need to protect my own." Ai then looked at the tree line. Aimed and fired three shots. A person fell to the ground, starling Eiji and the rest. "Take that as my good will. It is now three versus four."contemporary romance

Not willing to pay any more attention to them she slowly backed away towards the base. Eiji gritted his teeth before yelling out: "If they kill me now they will still come back! There are about one hundred men. No matter what defenses you have, they will eventually figure it out since most of them are ex-soldiers. They were all trained by my father. I can help fend them off if I am alive. If I do not gain your trust by the time this situation is dealt with I will willingly take my own life. Another 3 helpers are better than nothing, right?" 

Ai stopped in her tracks. She was very pissed off. She wondered where the fuck did they gather one hundred men from so quickly in the apocalypse. Without even turning around she made a few hand signs to Mai who ran back into the base. "You make any funny moves, I will chop off your dick and stick a bullet in your brain." 

Ai hoped she was not making a big mistake by doing this. She rarely trusted anyone, but she knew what Eiji had just said was true. If she were to let him die now they would still send people to try to take the base over. So she had no choice in the matter than to rely on him and his two friends. Of course, this did not mean she trusted them. She would watch them like a hawk and if they did anything that was suspicious she would kill them right then and there. It was a situation where she was damned if she didn't and damned if she did. She had no idea if his words were true but as she watched him she did not see any thing that would indicate he was lying. Luckily they had jail cells. 

Eiji on the other hand looked at the pissed off expression on Ai's face and found it very cute. He thought his future woman was as fierce as a lion! He actually wanted to thank that bastard for giving him a reason to be by her side. Now he just had to gain her trust before working his way into her heart. 

"Hurry the fuck up!" Ai yelled as she watched her surroundings closely. She already had hatred in her heart because of these fools. She decided the first chance she gets she will use them as a shield to block an attack from a machina. 

Ai waited for the three to make their way towards her before motioning with her gun for them to walk ahead of her. Mai had her back covered from the base so she was not worried about being shot at. 

Shogo was nervous since he knew there were traps all over the place. "Miss if we went first won't we end up dead if we step on a trap?"

"You want to be of help to me but you're too much of a pussy to walk through a minefield? What good are you if you can't even get through a place with obvious traps laid out for machina? Since you can't even tell where to step I might as well kill you now!" Ai was already pissed off but now hearing this man who looked to be almost five years older than her complaining like a three year old, she really just wanted to shoot him dead! 

"Shogo shut up! She is right. If we are useless then there is no need for her to keep us. This is the rule of the world now." Eiji was not stupid. He could figure out that the girl with one eye was testing them. Luckily he was well trained by his father or else he would have died a long time ago. "Just step where I step."


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