Invincible! This person has lived for a billion years

Chapter 524 Each Harboring Their Own Schemes

In the heavenly paradise, surrounded by a holy aura, angels sing, and God sits high upon His majestic throne, encircled by countless saints and angels.

A divine voice echoes, "I have observed that the Hydra sealed in the lands of the Far East has a mysterious connection with our faith and will become a guardian of our belief in the future. Who wishes to guide it towards the light?"

In the grand hall, all the saints and angels maintained a devout silence, as if they had reached the ultimate purification of their souls.

At this moment, a fair-faced monk in white slightly furrowed his brow.

Guide the Hydra?

That is an ancient monster with formidable power, comparable to a Creator God. In Genesis's absence, aside from Him and God, who could fulfill this mission?

"My dear son Jesus, I see you frowning. Would you be willing to undertake this task?" God said, slowly extending His palm, in which a glowing amber magically appeared.

As the amber appeared, divine light illuminated heaven and earth.

Jesus stepped forward, took the amber from God's palm, then stepped back three steps, brought his hands together, and bowed, firmly saying, "No! Can't beat it!"

The saints and angels shared a covert smile. Jesus, as the Son of God, possesses immeasurable strength, yet he is known for not sweating the small stuff.

You're unwilling to go, yet you accepted the amber. What does this mean?

As for saying he can't beat it, that's even more ludicrous.

Jesus, the Son of God, wields great divine power. His strength not only comes from his steadfast faith and love for humanity but also from a miraculous transformation after redeeming mankind. He assimilated a forgotten divine artifact—the Twelve Lights Sanctified Shield, significantly boosting his strength.

Indeed, Hydra is formidable, but compared to Jesus, there's quite a gap.

A silence fell upon the holy temple, and God found Himself at a loss for words.

Jesus finally sighed and said, "Fine, I'll go, okay? But if Hydra ultimately does not wish to join our faith, I can only let her be free."

"You only need to subdue her. The amber I gave you can help her recover her strength and also help her join our faith."

God said, "After you have subdued her, you are free to act, from east to west, eliminating the threat of the Shapeshifters. After a hundred years, you can return here."

"That sounds pretty good!" Jesus laughed heartily and left the temple on a cloud of divine light.

His departure relieved everyone in the temple.

Not for any other reason but because, although Jesus's power is now immense and he has a thorough understanding of the cosmic laws, he prefers to persuade people.contemporary romance

It's bearable when he's silent, but once he starts talking, he goes on incessantly, making it unbearable for others.

Just as everyone sighed in relief, they heard Jesus's voice from outside the temple, "Father, where exactly is that eastern region you mentioned? You didn't tell me clearly, how am I supposed to find it?"

"Blizzard City! Go!"

God felt both helpless and approving of His son.

Jesus's power is unfathomable, and perhaps one day, he might peer into deeper cosmic mysteries.

Yet, over the years, he seems to have been idling, unclear about what he wants to do.

Leaving the temple for a hundred years seems like a century-long holiday for Jesus.

Now, God and the other high-ranking god kings already had a plan, and everything would start with Jesus heading to Blizzard City!


William had no idea about the plans of the high-ranking god kings, unaware of what they intended to do. He led Orionix to the vicinity of Holy Cross Church.

By then, Drakaina and the strong individuals from various forces had already heavily surrounded Holy Cross Church.

Among them, some had detected the faint aura of the frost dragon emanating from beneath Holy Cross Church.

Though the aura was weak, it was still perceptible.

Holy Cross Church already had a bishop in place. If it were in the past, these Shapeshifter lords wouldn't dare to act recklessly in such a place.

But now, with a large number of them gathered, and Drakaina leading the way,

Defeating a bishop and digging up the ground beneath Holy Cross Church would indeed be immensely satisfying!

The Shapeshifter race doesn't really have an aversion to the gods of Olympus, but they have both fear and hatred towards the Catholic Church.

Since the era of the gods, countless Shapeshifter lords have been taken by the strong figures of the Catholic Church to heaven for purification by the holy light. Those who didn't comply were forcibly sent to hell.

Well, saying they were sent for judgment works too.

The most outrageous part is that these Catholic strongmen frequently demand their sacrifices and redemption like lambs.

"Have you all come to Holy Cross Church to receive the baptism of the Holy Light?"

A bishop surrounded by holy light slowly walked out of Holy Cross Church.

"Receive the baptism of the Holy Light?" One of the Shapeshifter lords under Drakaina glared at him and said, "Idiot, be smart and get out of the way, or we'll tear down your church."

"God, please forgive what this person just said."

Drakaina gestured for her subordinate to be silent, stepped forward, and asked, "Are you the bishop here, St. Benedict?"

"Indeed, I am. What business do you have with me?"

St. Benedict is a significant figure in the Catholic Church and one who came to the Divine Realm from Earth, possessing extraordinary divine power, absolutely overwhelming Drakaina, who is of Nature Deity level.

However, Drakaina was not afraid because it was St. Benedict who directed her to come to Blizzard City.

According to the agreement, Drakaina only needed to find Hydra and let it escape from Blizzard City. St. Benedict would secretly assist, ensuring Hydra's safety, but the Hydra race would need to form an alliance with the Catholic Church.

Drakaina knew the Catholic Church was powerful, but her ancestor Hydra was not weaker than St. Benedict.

She also sought strong reinforcements, confident she could rescue her ancestor Hydra, regardless of whatever tricks the Catholic Church might play.

Of course, she could never have anticipated that God, to ensure nothing went wrong, would also send Jesus.

Each force had its calculations and safeguards.

The brink of conflict was imminent.

But who could have expected that suddenly a disciple of the high-ranking god king Poseidon would appear?

Drakaina said to St. Benedict, "We are here to find the ancient dragon's remains. The disciple of Poseidon said the remains are right here."

St. Benedict was also taken aback at the mention, "A disciple of Poseidon? Which one?"

He was well aware that rescuing Hydra was meant to exacerbate the conflict between the Shapeshifter race and the Divine Alliance, providing an excuse to eliminate the Shapeshifters later and expand the Catholic Church's territory.

But why did the disciple of Poseidon lead everyone here to his location?

"A Mortal Deity named William, do you recognize him?" Drakaina just wanted to rescue Hydra and was unwilling to offend a high-ranking god king, as well as trying not to offend the Catholic Church as much as possible.

William's appearance was mysterious, and if it could lead to a conflict between the gods of the Catholic Church and those of Olympus, that wouldn't be too bad.

"How come I was not aware that Poseidon had taken a disciple named William?" St. Benedict smiled amiably, "Could you have been deceived?"

By then, Drakaina had already spotted William, pointing towards him from a distance and saying, "It's him! Do you not recognize him?"

The gods of the Catholic Church and those of Olympus both belong to the Divine Alliance camp. Such a significant event as a high-ranking god king taking a disciple, she didn't know, but could it be that St. Benedict also didn't?

"A Mortal Deity level?" St. Benedict looked deeply at William and laughed, "I have dealings with the disciples of Poseidon, yet I wasn't aware Poseidon had recently taken another disciple."

"Impersonating a disciple of Poseidon could lead to judgment by all the gods!"

St. Benedict's gaze was profound as he stared at William. Although there was no intent to kill emanating from him, his meaning was clear.

A mere Mortal Deity level of power wasn't worth his personal intervention.

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