Invincible Heir

Chapter 99 Demolishing

In just a few minutes, all the men in charge of the Browns' business were present in the Perry Courtyard. This scene stunned everyone in the Perry family.

Baron didn't expect that all the general managers of the Brown family would be there. But thinking of everything that happened at the Brown Monor last night, it was easy enough for them to guess that Baron was the one behind all of these.

"Henry Perry, how dare you to use me to against Mr. Owen. You are simply looking for death!" Juan Costa walked towards Henry step by step with anger in his words.

Juan Costa received a call from Henry, and he was indeed planning to send someone over. However, he was then notified that Baron was also at the Perry Courtyard. He had to rush over.

It was the same for other managers. What happened to the Browns last night made them all feel at stake. They discussed, and all decided to lay their loyalty to Baron Owen. As it was too late last night, they did not dare to disturb Baron, so they stayed awake all night, waiting for dawn to come and see him.

Now that they learned that the Perry family wanted to do something against Baron, how could they miss this opportunity to impress him?

After Costa, the other general managers also stepped forward and soon surrounded the old Henry.

"Old jerk, the cooperation between your Perry family and I have completely ended from today!"

"And the business I am responsible for also terminated the contract with the Perry family!"

"Our Millennials Group will also end the contract with the Perry family!"

All the general managers of the Brown family expressed their allegiance to terminate their connection with the Perry family.

Since the Perry family agreed to contribute 45% of their family's profits to the Brown family every year, all the businesses of the Brown family had once cooperated with the Perry family.

The bond with the Brown family would let Perrys become a second-tier family (or even a first-tier family) in Cona by the end of the year at the latest. Their status in Cona would also be second only to the four clans of Cona. Unfortunately, the Browns completely collapsed at this particular moment.

It was just that the old Henry didn't know what was going on. He was shocked and confused when he saw their attitude towards Baron.

"Mr. Costa, are you going to terminate our cooperation just because I have offended this worthless man?" Henry asked unwillingly.

"You Perrys are a joke! Mr. Owen can destroy the Brown family overnight. What are you? How dare you to call Mr. Owen like that?" Juan Costa then had a hard kick on Henry's stomach despite the fact that he was already an old man in his seventies.

Henry was kicked so hard by Mr. Costa that he fell to the ground with his numbed face.

"The Brown family, destroyed overnight?" Henry muttered to himself in complete shock.

"Mr. Owen, I, Juan Costa, pledge my loyalty to follow your lead." Juan Costa walked to Baron and bowed slightly. His words blasted in the ears of every Perrys.

"Mr. Owen, I, Zarta Stone, pledge my loyalty to follow your lead!"

"I, Sawiyana Gibbs, on your service!"

More than ten people pledged their loyalty to Baron. They were responsible for important businesses under the Brown family, so naturally none of them would be stupid. Everything that happened last night showed that Baron was extraordinary. Since he could destroy the Brown family overnight, he could also destroy the other three families. Only following the lead of such a character could lead them to success in the future, so they did not hesitate to pledge their loyalty to Baron.

This also meant that the majority of the Brown family's business would be transferred to Baron. The Perrys couldn't be more shocked by these facts.

Was Baron really the useless son-in-law who was expelled from the family?

Henry's face was pale. Until this moment, he eventually recalled those scenes and figured out some truths.

The Brone Group signed the contract in the morning, but they then sue the Perry family for breach of contract in the afternoon. It was because Henry did not keep his promises and made things difficult for Tracy. He transferred the contract that initially belonged to Tracy to Philip.

Also, right after he expelled Tracy from the family, the Brone Group's legal supervisor personally dealt with the Perry family's breach of contract and warned him.

Then there was a dinner at the Starry Garden Hotel. Theoretically, the Perry family was not eligible to be invited. Still, they were invited only to be given the worst seat.

In addition to many other things, it was apparent that the Perry family would be punished immediately if he did anything to harm Tracy. Initially, he thought these things were accidental. It was only today that he realized they were all due to Baron.

"It's all because of you!" the old Henry struggled to get up from the ground. His frail body made him seemed to have aged in an instant.

After calming down, Henry thought about what he had done to Tracy. He couldn't help thinking if he could treat Tracy better, how successful the Perry family would be now?

"Baron, I admit that I underestimated you. But even if that is the case, there is no way that I will bow my head to you. It is not going to happen!" Henry stood upright with his eyes full of firmness.

Even if he already knew that Baron was extraordinary, he still refused to surrender. The stereotype that Baron was a waste had already deeply rooted in his mind. Tracy and her family were expelled from the Perry family by him. He would never admit that he was wrong.

Baron suddenly felt pity for him. For the sake of his own dignity, the old Henry would rather watch his only heir crippled than surrender to Baron. He would watch the family collapse only due to his stubborness. Even if he was wrong, he would stick to it. This was Henry Perry, an incredible stubborn old man.

"Asshole, I am happy to help if you are really tired of living!"

Juan Costa immediately stepped forward and slapped on Henry.


Though right at this moment, Baron stood out from behind and grasped his wrist.

"Since when you are in charge of my business?" There was a coldness in Baron's eyes.

"M... Mr. Owen, I, I....

Juan Costa trembled in fear. He couldn't even finish his sentence. Fortunately, Baron did not give him a hard time.

"Baron, you are a waste in my opinion, no matter when. And no matter how successful you are, it won't change the way I look at you." Henry said in a calm tone. He looked at Baron without the slightest fear on his face.

"Don't ever expect that you can change my opinion of who you are by preventing them from doing anything to me."

"Do you really think I'm going to care?" Baron smiled, shook his head, "I have no care about how you look at me, nor how you treat me, but your attitude to Tracy. You simply have no idea that if it was not for the plea from her, the Perry family would have long been destroyed."

"Your Perry family has done things that hurt her over and over again. The Perry family owns her everything!"

Henry trembled all over and his face was stunned. He had no doubt in Baron's words. Baron had no reason to wait until today with his power if he genuinely wanted to destroy the Perry family.

Therefore, the reason why the Perry family remained was all because of Tracy. At this moment, what Tracy had done for the Perry family appeared in his mind. The feeling of regret came into his heart for the very first time.

"Boom!" Suddenly, a roar rang out. The ground seemed to tremble. People found out that a dozen excavators were approaching the Perry Courtyard.

"Remove this house from the earth!" Baron suddenly made the order.

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