Invincible Heir

Chapter 67 No One Dares to Hurt You

In the meantime, Baron had drove Tracy and Lara back to the Perry Manor.

On entering the door, they smelt the delicious food.

"Tracy, why do you come back so late? The meal has been ready for a while. Go wash your hands and let me heat the food." Sherry was kind holding the dishes. Sherry was anxious for the whole day after learning the lesson this morning, fearing that she could get no penny from her two daughters.

She prepared a table of dishes before they got back from work.

"We have had meals outside." Tracy replied coldly and went upstairs.

"Tracy, I've prepared a lot, so how about eating some?" Sherry said in a hurry.

Yet Tracy completely dismissed her and took Lara into the bedroom.

Soon Yuri came back and before today she would always greet her, "Mom, I am home".

But she didn't do so today and directly walked to the room when hearing mom's call for dinner.

Sherry showed anger but suppressed it, thinking that they sent her money every month.

Walking out of the bathroom after washing his hands, Baron who saw the dishes said in a smile, "Mom, it's so delicious, even the smell is wonderful enough!" Baron went to the kitchen and he found Sherry had poured the whole dishes into the trash bin after he filled a bowl of rice.

Seeing this, the corner of his mouth twitched.

He wasn't really hungry, but wanted to soothe the relationship with his mother-in-law, while he couldn't believe his kind heart was treated badly.

"Mom, why do you pour them away?" Baron asked in a smile.

Sherry glared at him, "I would prefer to feed the dog rather than you."

And she grabbed Baron's bowl and poured it out as well, and then she turned around and left.

A flush of rage soared and Baron thought he was humiliated.

But he had to calm down when thinking of Lara.

"Perhaps no matter how much I do, she will never cease to scorn me."

Baron laughed at himself and then went upstairs.

"Mom hurts you again?” Tracy asked.

Baron shook his head, "No!"

"No? Your expression betrays you." Tracy rolled her eyes.

He smiled only and said nothing.

Suddenly, Tracy's phone rang.

She received the phone and heard a familiar voice, "Tracy, come to the Neon Nights to save me! Or I will be killed."

"Dad, what's the matter with you?" Tracy instantly became unnerved and asked hurriedly.

"You are the daughter of Terry? Your dad owes the club five million dollars and extra one million to one of our clients. Your dad will be dead if we cannot see the money within half an hour!" Then another strange voice rang.

Then the person who made the call hang up the phone.

"What's going on?" Baron asked in a hurry seeing Tracy's stunning look.

Tracy's eyes turned red and said, "My dad had a six million debt in the Neon Nights, and the person said dad will be killed if we don't go there with the money within 30 minutes!"

Baron squinted and he probably knew the place that may be an entertainment venue, although he didn't know what the club is.

"There must be a frame, for how could dad owe so much money? But how can I collect five million dollars to save him!" Tracy nearly cried and was extremely worried.

Baron asked, "Is dad feeling good these days?"

"He either stayed outside or came back drunk."

Tracy went on, "But dad didn't do so before. He reads newspaper at home every day after retirement, so how can he owe a large sum of money?"

Baron felt something strange after hearing what Tracy said, despite little knowledge of Terry.

"Baron, do you think dad is kidnapped?" Tracy was scared recalling the voice in the phone. "Impossible! If so, he wouldn't ask you to go to the club to save dad."

Baron shook his head and comforted, "Okay. Stay at home with Lara and I will go there." "Baron, I..."

Baron cut in when Tracy was about to speak, "No worries, I will take dad back home without danger."

"Thanks!" Tracy bit her lips, "Be careful!"

Baron smiled and left.

Seeing Baron's back view, Tracy cried with tears trickling down.

At this moment, she found that every time she was in trouble, Baron was the first person she could think of.

"Mom, don't cry!" Lara stretched out her far hand to help wipe them off when she saw Tracy's tears.

Tracy hugged Lara and said, "I won't cry!"

20 minutes later, a black Phaeton parked at the gate of the club.


"Terry Perry!"

"Follow me!"

A middle-aged man in suit looked at Baron and took him upstairs.

A gust of hubbub surged when he reached the penthouse and the lift door opened.

Baron who saw the scene inside came to realize that Terry had suddenly caused a debt of six million dollars.

The broad hall was home to 10 table-boards crowded with players.

There was a man lying near the end table and it was Terry.

Footprints were visible on him who was badly battered.

Seeing this, Baron felt entangled and chilled.

Wayne and Zoey were among the group, and he frowned when he saw Baron was alone, and Wayne looked at Zoey unhappily. Zoey said in grievance, "Wayne, I really don't believe the club will intervene."

Wayne gave a cold reply and said nothing.

"Mister, he says he comes here to save Terry." The man who took Wayne here came over the bald strong man and whispered.

The man smoked a cigarette, held several cards, gave a look at Wayne lightly, and refocused on his card game.

"Ha ha, I will win this time!" The man laughed loudly, putting all chips away in front of him.

"Dad!" Baron came over and lifted him up.

Seeing Baron, Terry hurried to say, "Baron, give the money back to them, or they will break my leg."

Terry was obviously terrified and hid behind Baron.

"Do not worry, dad. I am here, so no one can hurt you." Baron said mildly.

"Hey man, give me the money now that you come here to save him, and you can take this fucking asshole away." The bald man said suddenly.

Baron gave a light look at him, "Money is fine, but my dad is beaten, so let's talk about it first."☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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