Inktober 2022

Chapter Oct. 20: Bluff

A wide automatic glass door opened before a man dressed in a gray suit, letting him into a pristine and modern hall. He walked over to the reception, his leather shoes tapping softly on the tiles as he made his way over. A young woman at the desk welcomed him with a professional smile.

« Hello sir, how may I help you? »

The man reached into his pocket and reached for a business card. « I have an appointment with Mr. Harrington at 3 o’clock. You should’ve been notified of my arrival. »

The receptionist took a look at his card, then at a schedule on a computer screen and smiled again. « Welcome Mr. Harund. Mr. Harrington is expecting you, please follow me. »

The woman came out from the side of the desk and led to an elevator off the side of the main hall. She pressed the button for the top floor and the lift began its climb up the building.

Once the doors opened, a tall and well built man came into view first. The man was probably a bodyguard or security team member, wearing a black suit that seemed tidy but was also deceptively well suited for action and movement. The woman politely bowed and left wordlessly, leaving the two men to stare at each other.

« Welcome, welcome. » A deep voice rang out in the room. He peered over the bodyguard’s shoulder and saw another man in a sophisticated dark suit sitting a chair at a large mahogany desk. His legs were crossed casually, his elbow propped onto the handles of the large chair with his hands intertwined together. The atmosphere around the man was sophisticated and serious, but also slightly dangerous, fit for someone who dabbled in risky dealings.

« Mr. Harrington, » Harund greeted him with a calm smile that hid his nervousness. « So we finally meet. »

Harrington stood up and casually told him to take a seat at one of the plush couches. The whole top floor was an office with luxurious couches, organized shelves and other room doors, making it even bigger than a normal person’s entire house.

Once the two men were both seated, the bodyguard now standing behind Harund, they exchanged a few more words before moving immediately onto business, which was mainly Harund secretly trying to get information out of the man before him while presenting a project. Harrington deviated his questions easily, telling him answers that perfectly left out what he truly wanted to know. After about half an hour of probing around, Harund was running out of time. His leg ticked nervously once before he caught himself and played it off as crossing his legs. Harrington however, narrowed his eyes and leaned back into his couch, bringing a finger to his face.

« I must be boring you, » Harund quickly said, trying to diffuse the tension that had built up.

« Not at all. This was very, » Harrington paused for a brief moment, « entertaining. » « However, I guess you have to leave by now don’t you? »

Harund gave him a quick affirmation and they both stood up. Harrington reached to shake his hand and Harund quickly returned the gesture. When he tried to pull his hand back though, Harrington didn’t let him.

« Was it too hot in here? Your palms are sweaty Harund. »

The named man immediately tried to pull away again and change the topic. « I guess so— »

« Did you really think you could bluff your way out of this? » Harrington’s voice was cold and mocking. « I’ve humoured you long enough. Harund, » he spat venomously, « you disappoint me. »

‘Harund’ felt ice cold dread crawl up his back as his identity was discovered as fake. The very next moment, felt a harsh pang of pain at the back of his neck and he slumped forwards, blacking out, the bodyguard’s work no doubt.

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