In Your Time

Chapter 10

It didn't take long to find out who didn't like me at school. Within the first few classes, I was tripped, I had crumbled papers thrown at me, and I was whispered about. Apparently, Elizabeth was right: private school kids were jerks. The icing on the cake was when I was constantly being bumped into as I waited for Braden at the entrance of the cafeteria. He smirked slightly when he saw me. "You look a mess," he said bluntly. I sighed as I followed him through the line.

"I have no idea what I've done to offend everyone. The day has already been longer and more difficult than necessary," I replied. We sat at the table and ate our food. I was too tired to try and join the conversations, so I ate quietly as I minded my own business. It wasn't even a full ten minutes into eating when I felt something wet fall on my head. I gasped and stood quickly as fruit punch ran over my hair and clothes. I looked to around and saw two girls smirking back at me.

"Oops. My bad. I wasn't watching where I was going," one of the girls said insincerely. Braden stood quickly to stand in front of me.

"It was obvious you did it on purpose. Apologize, now," he said heatedly. The whole cafeteria went quiet as they watched the exchange. "What's the big deal? She's a scholarship kid, is she not? Why are you defending her?" The other girl asked as she rolled her eyes.

"Because shes not a scholarship kid; she's my fiancé!" Braden yelled in anger. My eyes widened as I stared at him in shock. Those words came out of his own mouth. He didn't give himself time to think about i as he turned to me.

"Are you okay?" He asked. He didn't even give me time to answer before he dragged me out of the cafeteria. I followed obediently, still shocked at his outburst. He didn't stop until we were near the front office. He pulled out his phone and quickly made a call.

"Mom, can you come pick us up?" He asked while holding the phone to his ear with his other hand on his hip. There was a pause before he sighed.

"It's too complicated to explain over the phone. Just come to the school and bring towels," he said before he hung up. He turned back to me after taking a deep breath.

"Are you okay?" He asked again. I nodded hesitantly. He paced for a moment. The more he thought, the angrier he got.

"Is this why your day has been tiring? Have kids been picking on you all day?" He asked. I hesitated and looked to my feet as I nodded. He sighed as he crossed his arms.

"Braden... I'm okay, really," I tried to convince him. He didn't look like he was buying it.

"But why did you defend me?" I asked curiously. He sighed as his anger started to melt away.

"Because even though you were apparently just taking shots in the dark and you've never heard me sing, you're the only person who's told me I can do it. And that... it means a lot to me," he explained honestly. He glanced at me before taking off his cardigan and putting it over my shoulders.

"Thanks," I said softly. I didn't know how else to respond. He was being so sweet. It was unlike how he was when we first met, yet it was so like his future self.

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