In Fledgling Whispers (Book 3 of The Transition of Pinn)

Guidance (Chapter 22)


Praying. That’s what you are supposed to do when you are uncertain. Praying that the god and goddess help you, guide you, that they do something to make everything turn out okay.

So praying is what I do. I pray to the goddess for her guidance in doing her work. I pray in the way of our ancestors, with my knees on the cold stone floors prostrated before a small altar in one of the small rooms off of the antechamber that no one ever visits.

The alter is small, a naked goddess figure, the light stone darkened with age but smooth from years of polishing. She is one of the few figures without a facial covering and instead a raised arm covers her eyes. The faint lines of red graffiti that had scrubbed almost off the only blemish on her smooth skin. The statue is from before the decimation of the female population of Pinns, from that time in between when the population was dwindling but not yet gone, and the goddess’ face was only partially obstructed from her followers.

I press my forehead to the cold stone floor. It’s not going well and for the first time in a while, I am unsure of what the goddess wants me to do. Soon the committee investigation will come to an end if I cannot find any additional priestesses to testify, and there is no way only Maya’s testimony will lead to the committee recommending the senate strip the High Priest of his position.

And now…. Now I have to deal with Rachel’s friend. I have no idea how to help her, but I promised Rachel I would try and, goddess help me, I will.

“Sorry Master Priest, I didn’t mean to disturb you!” I raise my head hearing Rachel’s voice. She did mean to disturb, but it’s okay the small room makes an excellent place to discuss secret things.

I stand, rising myself from the floor and dusting off the sandy remains of the floor from the front of my robes. The cold floor has made my knees feel old and creak as I stand.

She stands just inside the doorway as though she is uncertain whether she should come in.

I look at her, the soft robes flowing down her figure, the light from the torches playing off her soft features. Her lips are full and magnificent- it’s as if having had her once, I want her more.

“Um, is it okay if I come in?”

I realize that I have been staring. I clear my throat, “Of course, Rachel”

She almost timidly closes the door behind her before taking another step into the small room. Her eyes survey the space before she looks up into my eyes. I think she might be blushing, but it’s hard to tell in the faint lighting. I’ve been watching her for a while now and I’ve never seen her nervous before. It makes me wonder if something happened-

“Here” she shoves a folded paper into my chest; I raise my right hand to cover her hers.

I have to ask, “Is everything okay?”

“Of course!” her eyes open wide in shock. She looks at where I hold her hand to my chest and then up at my eyes again before looks at my lips. Could she be-? Could she also want a repeat of earlier?

I take a step towards her and her eyes quickly dart away to some dark corner of the room. I take another small step so I am almost pressed against her. I lean down over her and watch her swallow before I brush my lips softly against hers.

She jerks back and I let her, allowing her hand on my chest to slip from under mine, “I spoke with Sarah” she says far too quickly.

“And?” I prod as I place her letter into my pocket. Her shyness is mystifying. Maybe I misread her? Her eyes land on my lips again and I fight a smile, no I don’t think I did…

“She is willing to testify and she knows others who might be willing to testify as well”

It’s like a switch flips in my mind and I am no longer focused on Rachel’s plump lips or the curves under her robes. “When can I meet her?”

“I don’t know” she frowns cutely “I’ll set something up”

I nod in agreement. I will need to send something to Hertliz as well to let him know we might have another testimony. I’m sure he will be happy, well as happy as he gets.

“You’ll make sure Ava gets my letter?”

“Of course” I agree. I can’t help but lean towards her. My body wants to be near her, my arms want to ache to hold her, my nose wants to breathe in her soft feminine scent. It’s her jumpiness that stops me from acting on it.

Maybe once the danger is over I can make her my personal priestess and take her away from here. She would only need to come to the temple every once in a while and otherwise, she would be mine and most importantly she would be safe. I smile at the thought of coming home to her at the end of the day. It’s the sort of life I could grow to enjoy.

But for now, I need to focus on my mission from the goddess and I will myself to stand straight. “Thank you, Rachel, let me know about Sarah”

She nods to herself a few times, “okay, um… bye then”

“Goddess bless” I automatically reply.

She pauses as if she wants to say something and I wait. Instead, she blinks a few times before spinning and nearly running from the room.

After the door slams, I turn reverently towards the goddess statue and silently give her my thanks for her guidance.


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