Immortality Starts With Generosity

Chapter 21: This Young Master Will Make A Break

“Is this how the Chen family treats its guests? I demand answers Chen Haoran!”

Lan Junjie looked like a male version of Lan Fen. White hair, golden eyes. On the other hand, his composure was lacking compared to her. His pale skin was flushed red with rage and he spat fire with every word. Chen Haoran felt his rising qi, rippling with his rage. Qi Realm Fifth-Layer.

“Well?” Lan Junjie’s golden eyes flashed at him. The whole Lan family really was blessed in that regard.

Chen Haoran could understand Lan Junjie’s fury. He would be pissed too if he was left waiting for two hours like an idiot. Thus he would respond to Lan Junjie with empathy and compassion.

“The fuck do you want?” Chen Haoran picked at his ear. Song Yuelin had really knocked his skull around when he slapped him.

“The fuck do I want?” Lan Junjie said, incredulous. He purpled. “The fuck do I want!” He roared.

It was bold of Chen Haoran to curse him out but he didn’t have a better option. He didn’t have Lan Fen here to fill in for what he didn’t know and he couldn’t let the Lan family know anything. He could only be unreasonable and uncooperative.

Lan Junjie stepped close to Chen Haoran. Qi flaring dangerously. He was quiet as he spoke but no less angry. “Is that any way to speak to the people whose money you took?” He punctuated his sentence by reaching out a hand and pushing Chen Haoran.

Chen Haoran frowned. He didn’t like being pushed. “Don’t do that again.”

Lan Junjie scoffed at him. “After how long you’ve kept us waiting? Be thankful it’s me and not Lan Yao.”

“Why are you here?”

“Why else would I be here? You haven’t communicated with us at all!”

Some sort of follow-up on Lan Fen? Or was the deal between Lan Yao and the Young Master the start of a longer-term partnership? Manager Lin probably facilitated communication between them.

Chen Haoran shrugged off the accusation. “I’ve had my own issues recently. Don’t blame me for prioritizing them.”

“Such as those cultivation supplements you purchased?” Lan Junjie’s suspicion was clear on his face.

“Get to your point.”

Lan Junjie scanned the training field. “Are we alone?”

No. Song Yuelin was absolutely creeping around.

“Yes,” he replied.

“Have you broken Lan Fen yet?”

Chen Haoran carefully didn’t react to the question. Lan Junjie’s question struck him as wrong. As if there was a purpose to the cruelty. If the Young Master had broken Lan Fen what did they intend to do with the pieces?

“You know who Lan Fen is. Do you really think it’s that easy?”

“She’s crippled,” Lan Junjie mocked. “Can you not handle a mortal girl?”

It was Chen Haoran’s turn to scoff. He had seen that ‘mortal girl’ kill a Seventh-Layer cultivator with her fingers. Nothing about Lan Fen in the short time he had known her was normal even if she genuinely couldn’t cultivate. Even without him taking over the Young Master’s body this plan would have failed regardless with how severely they underestimated Lan Fen.

“Hurry it up,” Lan Junjie continued. “Lan Yao is getting impatient. Get ready for the handover.”

“Handover?” Chen Haoran internally winced. He misspoke.

“What are you saying? Chen Haoran.” If before Lan Junjie was angry he was now dangerously quiet. His hand fell hard on Chen Haoran’s shoulder.

It was a careless mistake on Chen Haoran’s part but being told to hand Lan Fen over surprised him. It didn’t sound like it was due to his recent actions either. This was probably originally planned between the Young Master and Lan Yao. What was the point though? To torture Lan Fen? Lan Yao could just come here for that. Lan Yao was the one who spurred Lan Fen’s marriage to him to begin with. Why send her away from the Lan family and then bring her back?

“Explain yourself Chen Haoran. You better not be thinking of crossing my sister now.” His grip on Chen Haoran’s shoulder tightened with every word.

No. Not back to the Lan family. Back to Lan Yao. Whatever it was she wanted Lan Fen for she didn’t want the Lan family to know.

Chen Haoran sneered. “Why would I hand Lan Fen over when I’m not finished with her.”

Lan Junjie exploded with the full force of his cultivation trying to crush Chen Haoran’s shoulder. Chen Haoran allowed him the futile attempt. A Qi Realm Fifth-Layer couldn’t break his stride let alone his bones.

“This was not part of our deal Chen Haoran,” Lan Junjie said through gritted teeth.

Could such a perfect moment truly exist?

“I have altered the deal.” Chen Haoran cycled his qi and brushed Lan Junjie’s hand off his shoulder. “Pray I do not alter it further.” He smiled. It was a tense situation but he had always wanted to say that.

Frustrated, Lan Junjie pushed Chen Haoran again.

He told him not to do that.

“Listen here you-” Lan Junjie didn’t have time to finish. Chen Haoran’s backhand caught him in the jaw and sent him sprawling. Chen Haoran loomed over his fallen form as Lan Junjie cradled his mouth. He looked up at Chen Haoran with a disbelief that soon turned into rage. “You bastard!”

Chen Haoran kicked him full in the chest and cut short his attempt to rise. Lan Junjie went skidding across the ground in a cloud of dust.

“Fuck!” The dust was blown away. Lan Junjie stood worse for wear. His fine robes were dirtied and a large bruise was forming on his face. While his qi was brought out in full force Chen Haoran still saw how he winced. He hadn’t held back with his kick. “Do you remember who I am Chen Haoran!” Lan Junjie roared.

“I told you not to push me,” Chen Haoran replied. He didn’t like getting pushed.

Lan Junjie growled in lieu of a response and his hands glowed green. Chen Haoran unsheathed his sword. He was curious to see the Profound technique of the Lan family.

“I’ve brought cookies!” Song Yuelin landed from the air in between them. He held a silver platter stacked high with pastries. The scene froze. Song Yuelin looked happily around. “Would you care for a cookie, Young Master Lan?” Lan Junjie rapidly shook his head, the green light around his hands vanishing. “Pity. And you, Young Master Chen?”

Chen Haoran snorted in annoyance. He shooed Lan Junjie away. “Go tell Lan Yao that I’ll do as I please.”

Lan Junjie looked warily at Song Yuelin. “This isn’t over Chen Haoran,” he warned before leaving.

“It’s a shame he didn’t want any cookies.” Song Yuelin pinched one from the platter and noisily chewed it. “They’re really quite good,” he said between mouthfuls.

“Are you going to explain yourself?” Chen Haoran demanded.

“No.” Song Yuelin ate another cookie.

Of course he wouldn’t. Chen Haoran grabbed a cookie for himself. They were flower shaped with some kind of jam in the center. He ate it and tasted butter. They really were quite good.

“Why did you only just come out now?” he asked.

“I came to bring snacks of course.” Another cookie.

“Of course,” he blandly echoed. “Your help would have been appreciated earlier.”contemporary romance

“I did ask before, you said you didn’t need the Chen family’s assistance to deal with the Lan family.”

Chen Haoran’s pent-up annoyance evaporated. He sighed in defeat. He did indeed say that, he should have expected Song Yuelin would use it against him.

“I must say though Younger Master Chen,” Song Yuelin said, licking his fingers. “The more I learn about this sordid affair between you and the Lan family the more interested I am in meeting your Lady Wife.”

“She’s amazing.” Chen Haoran honestly told him. “I hope she leaves you completely stupefied and shocked.” He would enjoy that.

Song Yuelin laughed. “I look forward to it then.” He offered Chen Haoran another cookie. “What will you do now?”

Things would no doubt intensify with the Lan Yao after this. Fortunately, she should assume he’s just going rogue rather than actively working against her. Lan Fen would still have the element of surprise on her side when she left isolation training. Chen Haoran took the cookie and savored it. He should prepare some more gifts for Lan Fen when she restored her cultivation. It was worthy of celebration after all. Chen Haoran looked at Song Yuelin.

“Young Master?”

If Song Yuelin was going to stick around and be annoying the least Chen Haoran could do was put him to work.

“We’re going to the mountains,” Chen Haoran declared.

Song Yuelin stared at him in a daze. He looked hesitant. Chen Haoran started getting nervous. Had he misspoken again?

“But the cookies,” Song Yuelin said glumly.

Chen Haoran saw red.

“You can bring the cookies with you!”

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